current issue Flashcards
what is media?
media is any message conveyed through visuals, language, and sound.
what are exmaples of media?
movies, songs, tv, radio, social media,
what are the 5 key concepts of media
- all media messages are constructed
- all media messages are constructed using creative language
- different people may experience the same messages differently
- The media have embedded values and point of views
- most media messages are to gain profit
what is Timeliness?
The word news means exactly that - things which are new. Topics that are current are good news. Consumers are used to receiving the latest updates, and there is so much news that old news is quickly discarded.
Human Interest
Human interest stories appeal to emotion. They aim to evoke responses such as amusement or sadness. Television news programs often place a humorous or quirky story at the end of the show to finish on a feel-good note. Newspapers often have a dedicated area for offbeat or interesting items.
Famous people get more coverage just because they are famous. If you break your arm it won’t make the news, but if the Queen of England breaks her arm it’s big news.
Stories that happen near to us have more significance. The closer the story to home, the more newsworthy it is. For someone living in France, a major plane crash in the USA has a similar news value to a small plane crash near Paris.
parts of editorals
The number of people affected by the story is important. A plane crash in which hundreds of people died is more significant than a crash killing a dozen.
Cartoonists may compare a simple image or concept to a more complex situation, in order to help the viewer understand the situation in a different way.
A cartoonist may express an opinion on a topic by highlighting the difference between the way things are and the way things should be, or are expected to be.
Cartoonists visually overstate or magnify a problem, physical feature, or habit. For instance, they might draw a person with a big nose, bushy eyebrows, large ears, baldness, etc.
what is a bias
bias is prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usally in a way considered to be unfair.
the 7 type of bias
names and titles
source control