current electricity Flashcards
the rate of flow of charge is called
electric current
thermal speed of a electron
root3kT/m (m= mass of electron, T= temp in kelvin)
chrge of electron
1.6 X 10^ -19 C
acc of electron
-eE/m (E=V/L, E= potential diff, V= emf of battery, L= length of conductor )
drift velocity
-eEτ/m (-eE/m = acc of electron)
relaxtion time of electron (τ)
total time taken/ no of collisions
relation between current and drift velocity
I= neA vd (n= no of free electrons, A= area of cross section, vd= drift velocity)
current denisty
I= int J. dA
relation between current density conductivity and electric field
J= ne^2 τ E/m
slope of the V vs T graph gives
temp affect on resistance
Rt= Ro(1+ alpha delta t) (Rt=resistance at t temp,R0= resistance at 0 c, delta t= increase in temp, alpha=temp coeff )
ρ= RA/l
whats is called the balance point of wheatstone bridge
when Vc= Vd (current in R5= 0)
whats the terminal voltage if the cell is discharging
V= E-Ir (E= emf of the cell, r= internal resistance of the cell, I= current)
current formula in form of emf and resistance
I= E/r+R
Greater the current drawn from the cell _____ is the terminal V
whats the terminal voltage if the cell is discharging
V= E-Ir
whats the terminal voltage if the cell is open circuit
whats the terminal voltage if the cell is short circuited
series combination of cells (current)
I= Enet/ rnet+ R (rnet= equivalent internal resistance, E net= equivalent emf )
parallel combination of cells (if m identical cells are connected in parallel)
the samll resistance connected in parallel to galvanometer coil in order to control current flowing through galvanometer is called
shunt resistance
Conversion of galvanometer to ammeter (formula)
Rs= Rg X ig/ (i-ig) [Rg= resistance of the coil of galvanometer, ig= current req to achieve full scale deflection of the galvanometer, i= current in ammmeter]
conversion of galvanometer to voltmeter
R= V/ig -Rg
joules law of heating
I^2 Rt= V^2 t / R= V I t
POWER formula
I^2 R= V^2/R= V I
POWER formula in terms of emf and internal resistance
P= E^2R/ (r+R)^2
when is P= P max
dP/dt= 0 or r= R
Pmax formu;la
E^2/ 4R OR E^2/ 4 r
power consumed if bulbs were in series
P total = P1 P2/ P1+P2
power consumed if bulbs were in parallel
P total = P1+ P2
if two heaters boils water in T1 and T2 what if both are connected in series then what would the total time taken to boil m kg of water
Ts = T1+ T2
if two heaters boils water in T1 and T2 what if both are connected in parallel then what would the total time taken to boil m kg of water
Tp = T1 T2/ T1+T2
fuse wire formulae
I^2 (ρl/ pi r^2) = H X 2pi rl
charging of capacitor
q= eC (1-e^ - t/RC)
discharging of capactor
q= q0 . e^ (-t/RC )
current at any time t (charging C)
i= Ɛ/R X e ^ (-t/RC)
voltage across C at time t (charging C)
V= Ɛ(1- e^(-t/RC))
voltage across resistor(charging C)
Vr= 0.37 Ɛ
heat generated(charging C)
1/2 X c Ɛ^2
current in C during discharging
q0 X e ^ (-t/RC) / RC