Curley Flashcards
Why does Curley develop a superiority complex?
He’s a small man
What is Curley know for being?
Aggressive and constantly looking to assert his masculinity.
Who does he take advantage of?
People whom he thinks are weak
What is Curley used to highlight in the novel?
The chauvinistic and aggressive behaviour of life on ranches at the time.
What does Steinbeck use Curley as a character to do?
Criticise society in 1930s America
What is the purpose over him wearing “high heeled boots”?
To show his status over the other workers
Why does Curley wield power?
Because of his economic position, and that he can ‘can’ ranch hands
What quote is used by the men in order to mock Curley?
“Well, that glove’s fulla Vaseline.”
What insecurities make Curley aggressive?
His authority, his wife, and his masculinity
Why does Curley pick fights?
To prove something to the men, and to prove his masculinity and power.
What quote shows he doesn’t deserve his power in the other men’s eyes?
“You’re yella as a frog belly”.
What is the portrayal of Curley in the novel, and why?
A criticism of the American Dream, because he has inherited his wealth and status and doesn’t need to work particularly hard.
How does Curley try and assert his authority?
Through demonstrating his physical power
How is he described by the other men?
‘Handy’ because he was in the finals of the ‘Golden Gloves’ boxing
Why does Curley prioritise asserting his masculinity?
To conform to 1930s gender expectations of men measured in terms of physical power and strength.
What does his name describe about his appearance and personality?
“Tightly curled” hair, and his tightly coiled, volatile character who is always ready to spring into violent action.
What does his actions towards Lennie make Curley?
Instantly dislikeable
Why does Curley pick a fight with Lennie?
Because he think he’s an easy target due to his simple-mindedness
How does Curley treat his marriage?
As another way for his to demonstrate his masculinity.
What does the “Glove fulla Vaseline” tell us about what his wife means to him?
She’s a trophy wife viewed as nothing more than a sexual conquest
Why doesn’t Curley feel fulfilled by his marriage?
Because she refuses to behave as he believes a married 1930s woman should.
What does the quote “he spends half his time lookin’ for her” suggest about his wife?
He can’t control his wife, as she refuses to stay in the house and is openly flirtatious towards the other men.
What does the fact that Curley can’t control his wife suggest about his authority on the ranch?
It makes him a figure of ridicule with only antagonises him further.
What does Curley’s Wife’s confession to Lennie suggest about her relationship with Culey?
she’s desperate for attention, and therefore he doesn’t understand her needs in their clearly unhappy marriage.
Which quote suggests his wife’s loneliness in the marriage?
“Think i don’t like to talk to somebody ever’ once in a while?”
What does Curley’s reaction to his wife’s death tell us about his character?
He doesn’t really care about her, and he’s just angry that Lennie had taken something belonging to him away.
What is Curley presented as in the ranch?
The villain of the ranch
What is similar between Curley and the other characters in the novel?
Their all just as isolated and lonely
What does George imply about men like Curley?
“after a long time” alone men “get mean”.