Cups: Minor Arcana Flashcards
Ace of cups
Overall satisfaction with life, success through use of intuition and creativity, new relationships, pregnancy or childbirth, yes answer.
Two of cups
Love, positive relationships, life full of close friendships, mutual love and respect, yes answer.
Three of cups
Abundance of love and joy, happy gatherings and celebrations, success, yes answer
Four of cups
Boredom, disappointment, need to re-evaluate aspect of your life, settling and missing opportunities, maybe.
Five of cups
Sadness & loss, may not be appreciating what you have in life, avoiding something to come due to fear of disappointment, no answer.
Six of cups
Reconciliation & leaving the past behind, apology, returning to your past to unlock skeletons, sense of relief and moving forward, yes answer.
Seven of cups
Confusing decisions, wishful thinking, and temptation due to lack of morality, delusional ambitions, poor choices, no answer.
Eight of cups
Change to lifestyle, avoidance, need to give or turn away from something, no answer.
Nine of cups
Joy, satisfaction, contentment, bright future, a period where all your wishes will be granted in the future, yes answer.
Ten of cups
Harmony, abundance, happiness, personal or family dreams coming true, life security & satisfaction, positive achievements and emotional stability, yes answer.
Page of cups
Good news and new happy beginnings, yes answer.
Knight of cups
New opportunities, self acceptance, finding the proper path for your life, yes answer
Queen of cups
Transformation from within, good listener and loving counselor, maybe.
King of cups
Being able to make decisions based off of channeling experiences, being able to give helpful advice, maybe answer.