Cundliffe 3 splicing genes Flashcards
Prokaryotic genes are..
not processed
Eukaryotic are
Capping -> splicing -> tailing.
Post translation possibilities
- Attract ribosomes
- methylated base (ring of N)
- catatonic charge ring +/ve
- age of DNA = length => degraded
= coding seqence for gene
- exons left mature mMRNA
- RNA pol II cant’s tell difference between DNA hence spliceosomes
RiboNucleoProtein (RNP) rince ribosomes complex of tRNA
[snRNAs + protein] => snRNPs
=> non-coding RNA => splicing U1-U6
B-Globin gene process of splicing
1 gene + RNA pol II
2 Primary transcript + splicing (w/ splicosomes
3 spliced mRNA
Tissue specific variation of proteins in mammalian cells
Exon order maintained => more than 1 mature strand
Gene => 7 different RNA => 7 proteins => need less genes
Mistakes in splicing cause disease
Breast cancer (BRCA1), Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), Neurofibromatosis (NF-1), Thalassaemias (see Stryer table 29.4)
Genetic Code:
relationship between DNA/ mRNA base sequence and amino acid sequence of encoded protein.
- there are 4 bases in DNA /RNA & 20 amino acids in proteins , 3 per Codon
How big is a Codon?
64 possible base triplets for 20 AA’s => specificity unused triplets (61 sense, 3 non-sense) Synonym AA’s have multiple codons ie. Leu =6
Point mutation:
Changes a single amino acid in encoded protein, hence code is non-overlapping => would create more than 1 protein from one codon other wise.
sickle cell anaemia is caused by…
Haemoglobin S (HbS) => sickle cell from mutated form => implications in molecular medicine & define genetic disease.
Deciphering the code
Degeneracy/ Redundancy in 3’ codon position
Artificial mRNA translated in vitro via E.coli
“mRNA” Poly U UUU Poly A AAA
Product => poly PHE encodes PHE => poly LYS encodes LYS
STOP codon: