cumulative exam study guide Flashcards
Describe the beginnings of the Age of Exploration. Why did Portugal lead the charge? How did this change as a result of other countries joining in the endeavor?
Age of exploration → europe is exploring for separate reasons such as persecution and wealth (spices → vasco de gama)
Portugal → more successful because of support (henry the navigator was proponent of exploration and put a lot of money into it and research)
Spain and portugal go back and foth with power (traty of tordesillas)
Gb and northern european countries get in on the claims and spain begins to disintegrate in power (latin american revolutions later on)
Explain how the world economy changed as a result of the colonization of the New World (i.e. the “New World economy.”)
Gap between the rich and poor INCREASES because the monarchs and owners of joint stock companies get really rich
Slavery introduced (free labor)
Silver becomes the mot important metal
Silver and gold comes from americas by europe in order to trade with asia
Why did the Renaissance happen in Europe?
The phenomenon fo the end of the black death
Sack of constantinople sends a lot fo the bysantine scholars to italy (peninsula with money with port cities)
Blending of circumstances
It is not a social revolution, there is not gender equality, racial equality
Turning away from dark ages where europeans now look at texts other than the bible
Describe the effects of the Columbian Exchange.
Environmental effects → deforestation fo the americas y europeans (mining, lumber)
Diseases →80 wiped out because of diseases such as small pox
Exportation of sturdy crops (potatoes, corn)–>causes population boom in china, ireland etc
Who were the gunpowder empires? Why are they called that?
Safavids, ottomans, moguls → utilized chinese invention of gunpowder to make up territorial advances
Describe the structure and function of the Latin American caste system.
Triangle → penninsulares, creoles (still do not have political power), mestisoes, mulatoes, african slaves and indegeounuse peoples
To maintain social order and exploit the peoples of the americas and slave population
Outline India’s colonization, beginning in the seventeenth century.
Colonization starts with brit east india company (not techniquelyy backed by the mother country) exploiting india
Sepoy rebellion when british commanders are asking indian soldiers were being asked to utilize guns that were slathered with pork fat and cow fat (gruesome)
British government steps in which is when the British raag comes in
Nationalist movements break out → indian national congress, gandhi, this is when they start traction and with ww2 england doesnt care as much about their colonies
Finally the separation of india → pakistan, bangladesh, india
Lots of people
Terrorist organizations happening on both sides of the conflict
Describe Japan and China’s policies toward the West during the Age of Exploration.
China tries to institute regulated trade with the west and cant completely shut down their borders
Japan is completely closed off (nagasakee port is the only port open)
Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in Great Britain? What does this have to do with the Agricultural Revolution?
Agricultural → gb was a mecca for wool production bc of their climate, enclosure movement ( all of hte communal farming territories become privatized) so less farmers are needed for production so they all go to cities looking for jobs
Combines with the fact that britain was not heavily effected by the napoleanic wars and wars of aggression
Gb had emphasis on free market capitalism → fuels innovation (people who want to make money can go there bc gov doesnt get in way)
Entrepreneurship (been involved in international trade for a while brith east india comp
Ports and rivers are important for trade and transportation
How did the Scientific Revolution impact European society?
Scientific is in 16-17 centuries → the earth not being epicenter and not killing doctors bc we think theyre witches
Not things that effect the average man/peasant
Importance of education but not concrete advancements
Transportation not yet improving
Describe the effects of the Enlightenment upon various political entities (Latin America, France, the American colonies, etc.)
Most important → it heavily impacts the age of revolution
American revolution → bill of rights, dec of independence
French revolution → declaration fo the rights of man
In latin america, the first place where this happens is haiti where france was colony and overthrows their colonial rulers
What were the causes of the French Revolution?
Extreme spending of the royals
Weakness of king louis as a ruler
Rising bread prices
DEBT from all the wars
Jeac necker hired by king louis and recommends taxing the first and second estates and is fired
All of those apply to reforming the estates general, tennis court oath, storming of the bastille, march on versailles
Describe the English political environment leading up to the Glorious Revolution.
King Charles → dissolved parliament and the parliamentarians are angered and execute him (interregnum period)
Glorious revolution → english bill of rights
Constitutional monarchy
Why - throughout this course - have we described the Balkans as a “powder keg”?
They ave a multitude of religions, ethnicities, and nationalities within that tiny area
All of these mega empires tried to control the balkans
Outline the progression of the French Revolution.
Ball gets rolling when france starts to hit financially desperate time period so they need to call the estates general (jean necker) but third estate is outvoted
Go to tennis court to make an oath that a new constitution will be written
Stroming of the bastille (official start of revolution) —> scared king louis would suppress the revolution
Women’s march on versailles
King louis and marie antoinette try to sneak out but are brought back and executed (because of treason)
Start of reign of terror and end it by killing robespierre
Directory replaces comittee on public safety
Consolate by nepolean
Becomes leader after dissolving the consulate
Loses in battle of nations and waterloo (dies in exile)