Culture Questions Final 2 Flashcards
2.) when was Julius Caesar assassinated?
March 15 44 BC
1.) what is the traditional date for the founding of Rome?
April 21 753 BC
3.) who was “father of gods and men”?
Zeus (Jupiter) 3rd generation god important because he was the sky god (rain)
6.) who were the “five good emperors”?
Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, Marcus Aurelius
9.) who was the most popular hero of the Greco-Roman world?
Heracles (Hercules)
11.) when did the Roman Empire in the west finally fall?
AD 476
12.) which goddess should have paid better attention to McGruff the Crime Dog?
Persephone (Proserpina)
16.) what does the word thesaurus really mean?
It is Greek for treasury
24.) Which goddess was the “patron saint” of Athens?
Athena (Minerva)
31.) what does eureka mean?
It is Greek for “I have found it”
33.) who was the teacher of Alexander the Great (365-322 BC)?
Aristotle (384-322 BC)
36.) What is Athena’s connection to the spider?
She created the first one from the spinner Arachne
42.) who the the girlfriend of Marc Antony?
46.) who was the empower when Jesus was born?
Augustus, the first emperor
48.) what does AD stand for?
Annō Dominī (in the yard of The Lord)
49.) what does “ē plūribus ūmum” mean?
One from money
52.) which bird was sacred to Hera (Juno)?
the peacock (pāvō - peacock in Latin)
69.) according to Julius Caesar which was the bravest of all the Gallic tribes?
the Belgians
76.) what number did the Greeks and Romans not have?
72.) who was the highest religious official in the Roman state?
the Pontifex Maximus
81.) what blessing was also a curse for King Midas?
the golden touch
97.) whose eyewitness account of the Vesuvius eruption do we possess?
Pliny the Younger’s
98.) who was the greatest heroine of classical antiquity?
100.) what are the halcyon days?
a period of calm during the winter days (period of calm during chaos)
107.) who were the members of the Second Triumvirate?
Octavian, Marc Antony, Lepidus
114.) who was Medea’s first husband?
123.) what was the brooch or pin that held the palla at the shoulder?
142.) what plot device does Helen fulfill at the start of the Iliad?
she stands on the city walls of Troy and identifies the Greek fighters - in the tenth year of the war
144.) how was Tyndareus responsible for the Trojan War?
the loyalty oath to Helen’s husband
150.) which Greeks were the models of friendship and loyalty in the ancient world?
Damon and Pythias