Culture Jam Flashcards
Media is our Soma, what does soma mean?
the parts of an organism other than the reproductive cells
What does Culture Jam believe?
We have lost our free and authentic life
What is our fall from nature (Autumn)?
Detachment from the natural world, increased psychological disorders, nothing satisfies
What are mental pollutants?
- Noise: Quiet feels foreign
- Jolts: in media, jolts replace the narrative
- Shocks: increase in violent media leads to fear and insecurity
- Hype: we are flooded by brand hype (jingles in your head)
- Unreality: Media displaces reality and science
- Erosion of empathy
- Info overload: too much information to absorb
- Loss of info diversity: death to indigenous cultures
What is the Manchurian consumer?
Media conditions our responses product placement
What is post human?
Life doesn’t seem authentic without media; loose our authentic self and authentic emotions
How did we get here (Winter)?
Recruited into roles and behaviors we did not choose, citizens have become consumers who do not think
What happens to the end of the American Dream (Winter)?
Rise of fear and isolation, we don’t recognize chaining condition
What happened during the Santa Clara vs Southern Pacific Railroad?
Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad Company, 118 U.S. 394, is a corporate law case of the United States Supreme Court concerning taxation of railroad properties; The decision famously implied that equal protection laws provided by the Fourteenth Amendment applied to corporations, but the opinion did not explicitly state this.
What is Situationists?
First to attack consumer culture through the spirit of anarchy & Guerilla Theater.
What is Guy Debord’s derive?
derive (drift) or locomotion without goal. Create playful creation
What is Debord’s Detournment?
reverse the meaning of spectacles, images, etc to reclaim them
What is culture jamming?
is a metaphor for stopping the spectacle long enough to adjust ourselves, get that peak experience and change our patterns
What do culture jammers believe we should do?
- Turn off TV
- Recycle, carpool, conserve, price for ecological truth
- Apply “excellence” to whole country. Repair our culture
What are Culture Jammers not?
- Cool: cool has been cooped by consumers culture
- Slackers: Don’t give in to irony
- Academic: get out of the ivory tower and “just do it”
- Feminists: They are not just another ism. Beyond gender, race
- Lefties: Lefty politicians co-opt worthwhile causes, but don’t do anything
What is trust cost economics?
price must reveal ecological truth
What is demarketing?
use marketing tools for consumption against itself (uncommercial)
What is media carta?
everyone has a right to communicate
What are tactics for jamming?
- Leverage points: find those fissures that you can stick a crow bar in
- Detournmement: Take existing ads and subvert them through potent ads, etc
What is cyber jamming?
use the web for cyberpetitions, virtual protest, virtual sitins (jam them up), gripe sites
What is tv jamming?
create un-commercials
What is the industrial pincer?
Attack from above (media/politics) and below (grass roots)