Cultural Tourism Flashcards
_____ _______ is the act of travellers visiting particular destinations in order to experience and learn about a particular culture.
Cultural Tourism
5 Types of Cultural Tourist
Purposeful cultural tourist
Sightseeing cultural tourist
Serendipitous cultural tourist
Casual cultural tourist
Incidental cultural tourist
_______ _______ _______ for whom cultural tourism is their primary motive for travel.
purposeful cultural tourist
_______ _______ _______ for whom cultural tourism is a primary reason for visiting a destination, but the experience is more shallow in nature.
sightseeing cultural tourist
_______ _______ _______ does not travel for cultural reasons, but who, after participating, ends up having a deep cultural tourism experience
serendipitous cultural tourist
_______ _______ _______ is one who does not travel for cultural tourism reasons but nonetheless participates in some activities and has shallow experiences.
Incidental cultural tourist
_______ _______ _______ is weakly motivated by culture and subsequently has a shallow experience.
Casual cultural tourist
5 Segments tourists based upon their preferred cultural activities
Purposeful cultural tourist
Tour-amateur cultural tourist
Occasional cultural tourist
Incidental cultural tourist
Accidental cultural tourist
_______ _______ _______ described as according to Mckercher and Du Cros (2002), enjoys learning experiences that challenge them intellectually and visits history museums, art galleries, temples and heritage sites that are less known.
purposeful cultural tourist
_______ _______ _______ is same with the sightseeing cultural tourist above and they often travel long distances, visit remote areas, enjoy tours and wandering through the streets.
tour-amateur cultural tourist
_______ _______ _______ plays a moderate role in the decision of travelling and enjoys an insignificant cultural experience, their preferred activities being to visit attractions and temples that are easy to reach and to explore, although not to the extent that the tour-amateur cultural tourist does.
occasional cultural tourist
_______ _______ _______ plays a small or no role in the decision to travel and enjoys an insignificant cultural experience, while visiting attractions that area within easy reach and heritage theme parks.
incidental cultural tourist
_______ _______ _______ who plays a small or no role in the decision to travel but enjoys a deep cultural experience.
accidental cultural tourist
Cultural tourism can also have positive ______ _______.
economic impacts
The most important benefits of cultural tourism is the _________ _______.
educational aspect