Cultural Studies Flashcards
Mathew Arnold wrote culture and _________ in ____________
anarchy, 1969
F.R. Leavis and Q.D. Leavis(1930s- 1950s) gave importance to
High Culture
culture and society was written by whom and when
Raymond Williams in the year 1958
Centre for contemporary cultural studies
Uses of Literacy written by ____ in ___________
Richard Hoggart and published in 1957,
History of Cultural Studies
It emerged in England, in the nineteen-fifties and sixties, when scholars from working-class backgrounds, such as Richard Hoggart and Raymond Williams, began thinking about the distance between canonical cultural touchstones—the music or books that were supposed to teach you how to be civil and well-mannered—and their own upbringings.
When did Stuart Hall become the director
Making of the English Working Class wo wrote
E.P. Thompson
Making of the English Working Class (1963) who wrote
E.P. Thompson
Raymond William against the ___________________
high culture
Who said “culture is ordinary”
Raymond Williams
Who wrote Long Revolution 1961
Raymond William
3 kinds of culture in the long revolution
the dominant culture, residual culture, emergent (oppositional) culture
marxism and literature was written by _ in _
Raymond william in 1977
cultural materialsim was used by
Stuart’s model of Communication
Production, Circulation, Use, Reproduction (PCUR)
Third Space
First place- geographical
Second- photo
Third- dreams lived realities
Edward Soja
cyborg word coined by
Manfred E Clynes
Black Atlantic
Paul Gilroy