cultural studies Flashcards
Culture and Society; Long Revolution
Raymond Williams
structure of feeling’s meaning
Sustain and create complex organic communities
3 points on cultural studies by raymond williams
delineates “three general categories” in the defi nition of culture: 1) the
“ideal, in which culture is a state or process of human perfection, in
terms of certain absolute or universal values”; 2) “the ‘documentary,’ in
which culture is the body of intellectual and imaginative work, in which,
in a detailed way, human thought and experience are variously recorded”;
and 3) “the ‘social’ defi nition of culture, in which culture is a description
of a particular way of life, which expresses certain meanings and values
not only in art and learning but also in institutions and ordinary behaviour”
(Long Revolution 41).
Richard Hoggart’s books
The Uses of Literacy: Changing Patterns in English Mass Culture
Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies at the University of Birmingham, est when?
1964 with the foundation of
the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies at the University of Birmingham,
Raymond William’s books
Communications 1967
Stuart Hall, took over as
director of the Centre in 1968,
Policing the Crisis: Mugging, the State
and Law and Order (1978), written by whom and about what
way the British media linked crime to race.
Subculture; the meaning of style
cultural studies, two paradigims
Stuart Hall
Catherine Belsey
cultural theorist + Post Structuralism
Critical Practice (1980),
Catherine Belsey
According to Belsey, Common sense forms the basis of ______________
expressive realism
Graeme Turner and Patrick Brantlinger
difference between english and american cultural studies
certain aspects of Balinese culture (e.g., the cock-fi ght) could
be read and interpreted like a text