Cultural Literacy For Test Two Flashcards
Knee-jerk reaction
Immediate reaction without thought
Judas Iscariot
According to the Christians disciple who betrayed Jesus to the Romans reference of the true betrayal
Vladimir Lenin
Key leader who helped with the Soviet union dictators and executions
Joseph Mcartney
The senator of Wisconsin who wrote and accuse people in politics and celebrities being communists and his info was based on lies therefore he gave people bad reputations
Nom de plume
The name of the pen a fake name used to be a writer
The past old and out of fashion
Quid pro quo
One in exchange for another
Paying for the damages mainly used in war
Vice versa
The other way around in the reverse order
New it something starting to learn usually referenced freshman
A wildcat strike
Strike/protest with the with the authority of a union parentheses illegal in most states parentheses
Xena phobia
The fear of different cultures because they’re strange/foreign
Yom Kippur
Judaism holiday where you asked for forgiveness to their God and the fast and pray
E pluribus unum Unum
Latin. Out of many one having many states coming together for one nation. Referring to the United States when the colonies became one country :-)