Cultural and Physical Anthropology Flashcards
What is the difference between ethnology and ethnography?
Ethnology is the study of the origins and cultures of different people and races. Ethnography is the written account of a culture
In anthropology, what are the main ideas of the postmodernism school of thought?
- It is impossible to have any “true” knowledge about the world’s cultures
- The inability to be objective when researching
- The world is socially constructed
- be subjective and reflexive
What is a famous, well-known Australopithecus afarensis? What are two characteristics of it?
Lucy! It had a 12-inch femur (leg bone) and wear on some of the teeth.
We have the ability to walk on two feet. What is this known as?
What is the second stage in a rite of passage? What occurs during this stage?
The TRANSITION stage. During transition, the person is learning to their “new” self and learning their role.
What is a cultural complex? Provide an example for yourself. How does it relate to cultural traits and cultural patterns?
A series or cluster of traits that come or work together at the same time to create a cultural situation. An example could be our HSP class. Computers, phones, lessons and students, along with many other traits all make up our classroom…our complex. Our classroom within the school make up our education system. This is the cultural pattern.
True or false: Our culture is always static.
FALSE. Our culture does NOT stay the same. It is dynamic and is constantly changing.
Why is language, and the study of language so important for Anthropologists when discovering a culture?
Because it explains and shows how important communication is within a society and culture. Linguistic Anthropologists study languages and how it expresses culture.
An “upright man”.
Homo erectus
What is this? To be said to be “let go” instead of being “fired”.
A euphemism.
What is a serial monogamist?
A person who is married to one partner at a time, but will continually get married if divorce occurs.
One wife and many husbands.
How has the internet and social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram changed culture? Think to yourself why this may be.
Some say they have isolated us as a culture. Others say it has made us increasingly social, but in a different way.
How do Anthropologists look at “sex”? Why is gender said to be a social construct?
Anthropologist looks at “sex” as a biological function. Gender is said to be a social construct because WE as a culture and society assign roles to males and females.
Who worked in the Olduvai Gorge in Kenya? What did they study?
The Leakeys. Studied fossilized tools.
We briefly discussed the importance of the Orangutan in primate evolution in relation to our ancestors. What key fact did I mention?
That orangutans were the first to evolve apart from them.
Would the study of sociolinguistics be more objective or subjective research? Explain.
Subjective. This is the case because sociolinguistics look at how people use language to express a belief or context within their society. It is looking with a perspective of how one understands and applies a language within a culture.
When thinking about cultural traits, what kind of trait would a textbook be considered as? Why?
A material trait. Because it is a physical thing that exists.
In sports, competition would be an example of what kind of trait?
A non-material trait.
People who claim to be only Mac users and will only buy, work with and use Apple products could included in what?
A subculture.