Cultural and Material deprivation Flashcards
Describe Cultural deprivation
Most of us learn values and attitudes through socialisation
Basic CD of language, self discipline and reasoning
WC don’t socialise their kids adequately
What is restricted code?
Limited vocab and based on short sentences
Descriptive not analytic and is context bound
Describe material deprivation
Poverty and lack of necessities
Poor housing, health and diet
Hidden costs of education
Fear of debt
Stats of material deprivation
Only 33% of children with free meals get 5GCSE’s
90% of schools that fail are in poor areas
Truancy more likely
What is the myth of cultural deprivation?
Keddie - Victim blaming explanation
A child cannot be deprived of their own culture , WC are different and fail as they are put at a disadvantage by dominated MC
Rather than seeing WC as deficient, schools should recognise and build on strengths
Troyna and Williams - language isn’t the problem schools attitude towards it is, teachers speech hierarchy
Blackstone and Mortimore -WC parents attend fewer parents evenings as they work longer or are put off by MC, less effective system of parent contact, lack knowledge
Describe poor diet and health
Howard - lower intakes of energy, vitamins and minerals - weakens immune system
Wilkinson - 10yrolds higher anxiety and hyperactivity and conduct disorders
Blanden and Machin - WC engage in externalising behaviour