For every ____________ increase in temperature beyond the recommended temperature, a produce item can lose half it’s shelf life.
Five steps in preparing quality foods.
- Plan food production for just in time service.
- Review the recipe.
- Organize the equipment and ingredients.
- Use the correct culinary technique.
- Deliver a quality product.
How to prepare fruit to maintain its nutrients.
- Use fruits at the peak of ripeness.
- Wash fruit in cool water before they are peeled or stemmed.
- Cut in bite size acceptable for age groups.
- Follow recipe for fruit bowls.
Fruit bowls should be ___________.
Appealing and correct texture to the fruits.
Steamed vegetables should be _______.
Tender and have bright color.
Stir- fry vegetables should be _________.
Added to heat in order of what takes the longest to cook to least time to cook
Oven baked fries should always be __________.
Cooked from a frozen state to a golden brown.
Lettuce should always be ___________ and make sure it is _________________.
Cut into bite-size for the age groups you have.
Washed and drained good before putting in serving bowls.
Cooking meats changes.
- Texture.
- Flavor.
- The way it looks.
- Kills bacteria.
Two techniques used to cook all meats are?
- Dry heating.
2. Moist heating.
The flavor of meat is _____________.
Affected by the animals diet.
Whole grains consist of the entire cereal grain seed or Kernal.
What are the three parts of the Kernal?
- Bran.
- Germ.
- Endosperm.
What is the bran?
Rich in fiber, B vitamins, and majority of the grains minerals and other health promoting substances called phytochemicals.
What is the germ?
Contains B vitamins, vitamin E, trace minerals, healthy fats, antioxidants, and phytochemicals
What is endosperm?
Contains complex carbohydrates, protein, and smaller amounts of B vitamins.
Processed whole grains processed
Loses 25 to 95% of the nutrients in the grain.
Natural cheese is
A very concentrated food.
1 pound of natural cheese may contain the protein and fat of 1 gallon of milk.
Processed cheese is
A blend of fresh and aged natural cheeses that have been melted, Pasteurized, and then mixed together. It’s flavors depend on the variety of cheeses used.
Egg products are classified as
- Refrigerated liquid.
- Frozen number.
- Dried.
- Specialty products.
Cheeses are classified into two categories.
- Natural.
2. Processed.