Cues Flashcards
- What elements of the goals you set yourself did you achieve? Explain the effort and time you put into reaching those goals.
- Initial idea of tangibility
- Realization it could be non-tangible about what I was most passionate about, spreading mathematical nomenclature and articulation
- Very riveting, changed my goals from something tangible to something non-tangible in nature, bigger audience dominate concepts they were unable to reach before.
- Jayden inspired me to make my math lessons. I put a lot of time into cramming several lessons into an inspiring and gamified website
- I was able to reach my goals by implementing all of these lessons, whether it was guitar or math, into my website.
- What resources did you use to achieve your goals? Describe organizations contacted and put into action, friends who became involved, money raised, etc.
- I had several resources when it came to achieving my goals.
- My inspiration was Khan Academy
- It inspired me to take similar courses that make the knowledge more absorbable and clear-cut
- A challenge I experienced was that my first several ideas wouldn’t seem to work out due to certain circumstances
- Jayden came in and allowed me to work with him to create a website to improve musical and mathematical literacy.
- To accomplish my goals even further, I interviewed someone who had experience in this leadership and teaching, Daniel Hodge
- What did you achieve to make a change from the status quo?
- To change the status quo in this world of increasingly declining mathematical literacy, I have created several practice applications to repeat practice problems and learn mathematics.
- Many people in our high school cannot even do critical algebra, I strive to stop this at all costs and supply new learning opportunities for those who might not have access to the right resources.
- Whether it’s simple algebra or calculus.
- What you learned about the structures surrounding the existing conditions of your topic–laws, funding, societal expectations, etc.
- The existing conditions of this current issue was very shocking to research.
- From my searching online for mathematical learning and resources to learn math, I started to realize the true lack of practical applications.
- Most of these websites were just plain text plastered on a webpage.
- AP courses have consistently gotten easier and easier due to the lack of ability to do simple math and analyzing skills; we shouldn’t have to lower these societal expectations to do such simple tasks.
- The United States ranks 38th out of 71 countries, a statistic that is rather unflattering and embarrassing considering our economy compared to the rest of the world.
- The average mathematics literacy of a 15-year-old in the US has only declined since 2003 which is something that should not happen at all.
- My project strives to fix this issue and although we may have accomplished much now; this is something that will go into even my college life to improve current global affairs and fix the ever-decreasing societal expectations when it comes to mathematics.