Cues Flashcards
Getting into the pose:
- Stand with your feet hip-width apart and the pinky edges of your feet parallel.
- Anchor the four corners of your feet (big and pinky toe mounds, and inner and outer edges of heel) into the earth.
- Draw your shoulder blades slightly together on the back and rotate your palms to face forward.
Points of alignment to transform your practice:
- Inwardly rotate your legs so that your inner thighs spiral back.
- Balance inward rotation with outward rotation by allowing your sacrum to drop down and hugging your navel up.
- Energize the lower half of your body into the ground, and allow that energy to rebound up off the floor to lift your upper body.
- Float rib cage up off of your pelvis, lengthening the front, back, and sides of your body equally.
- Activate the arms and point your fingertips to the earth gently and purposefully.uuuuuu
- Release your shoulder blades down your back and float the back of the head up so that your ears draw back to stack over your shoulders8
Standing Forward Bend
Getting into the pose:
- From Mountain Pose with feet hip-width apart and parallel, take a breath to reach the arms overhead.
- On an exhale, separate your arms and swan dive into a forward bend.
- Touch the floor, let your arms hang, or take a bind such as grabbing for opposite elbows.
Points of alignment to transform your practice:
- Tip your pelvis forward to lift the Sitz bones and deepen the fold.
- Spread your toes and root all four corners of your feet into the earth. Center your weight over the arches of your feet
- Allow the weight of your arms and head to gently traction the low back and draw the torso out of the hips.
- Keep your shoulder blades on your back as you lengthen your spine from tailbone to crown.
- Draw your navel in and soften your solar plexus toward your spine to create space for your kidneys and adrenal glands.
- Draw the kneecaps up to activate the legs.
Getting into the pose:
- From Mountain Pose, step your feet together so that your big toes touch while leaving an inch of space between your heels. Feel the seal of your inner thighs.
- Inhale to lengthen your spine and add space between your bottom ribs and the top of your pelvis.
- Exhale and bend your knees as if sitting into a chair.
- Fingertips may touch the floor outside of your feet, reach overhead, or hands may stay in prayer mudra at heart level.
Points of alignment to transform your practice:
- Draw your Sitz bones back to take your weight further back toward your heels. Look down and check that you can see your toes.
- Lift your toes, spread them wide, then connect toes down into the mat again.
- Allow your sacrum to slide down and your tailbone to drop. At the same time, hug your navel into your spine to reduce curvature in the low back and draw your ribcage slightly back to keep alignment with the pelvis.
- With each inhale, draw energy up from the earth to the center of the body. With each exhale, drop deeper into the pose.
- Keep your chin parallel to the earth, and relax your shoulders down your back.
- Find the balance of effort and ease as you witness heat and sensations arise within the body.
Table Top
Allowing your breath to guide your movement:
inhale: arch your spine, lift hips, lift chest, into cow.
Exhale: round your spine, tucking pelvis, tucking chin
flow back and forth between these two poses, at your own pace, your breath guiding your movement, and do this for six more breaths.
Thread the Needle
As you finish that last round of cat and cow, move back into your tabletop position this time with knees further apart, from here, moving into thread the needle pose, step you right hand closer to the right edge of the mat, inhale lift your left arm toward the ceiling, and exhale thread in under your right arm. head and left shoulder come to rest on or near the ground or chair seat.
reconnect with your breath here. 5 breaths.
On your next inhale, lift your torso and sweep the left arm back toward the ceiling. exhale bring that hand back down to the floor or chair.
Reverse Warrior
turn your right palm to face the ceiling, place your left hand on the back of your left leg, moving into reverse warrior.
your gaze can be wherever it is most comfortable for your neck.
turn both feet to point at the long edge of your mat.
step those feet far apart, in a wide stance.
start by placing your hands on your knees, legs still straight.
bend at the knees and hips, as if you are going to sit down.
find length in your spine.
find engagement in the abdomen, drawing bellybutton and lower ribs slightly toward the spine.
you can choose to keep your hands on your legs, place them on the back of a chair, or bring them into cactus arms.
Revolved Bound Angle
move to seated. the soles of your feet together, knees out wide. support your legs and hip comfort by placing a folded blanket under each knee/thigh if you are feeling hip discomfort.
feet can be close to the pelvis or far away from it, checking with your knees to find what is most comfortable.
sitting on the edge of a folded blanket can make seated postures more comfortable, add one as you like.
inhale length into your spine, exhale twist to the right, using your hands to support holding your twist.
Warrior 1
Step the right foot in between the hands, stack the knee over the ankle, press into fingertips, lift the chest. You can turn your back foot out slightly, about 45 degrees or you can keep both feet facing forwards. Do what feels right to you.
Ground down into the little toe side of the back foot.
Core strong and engaged.
Shoulders over hips. Ribs facing forwards and tucked.
Squeeze the back buttock.
Inhale - lift your arms up to the sky.
On your next inhalation, raise your arms overhead and sit up tall. Flare through the fingers and create as much space and openness as you can along the side body. Feel as though you are lifting your ribs away from your hips.
Easy Pose Side Variation
Exhale, lower the arms using your fingers to ground you. Inhale - raise the right arm overhead and extend the right arm over your ear towards the left. Create length and open your chest to the sky. You can also raise your gaze to look under your right armpit if that is comfortable for you.
Exhale and lower the arm back to the floor at the side of your right hip.
Easy Pose Bound Hands
Interlace the fingers behind your back and lift your heart and your gaze upwards. Feel the expansion and openness across your chest.
Breathe and enjoy the opportunity to deepen your inhales with your heart open.
Seated Cat Cow
Ground down again through your sitting bones and sit up tall creating as much length in the spine as you can. Place your hands on your knees.
Inhale reach your heart forward, gaze up toward the sky.
Exhale, round through the spine, chin to chest.
Cow Face
Extend the legs away from you about hips width apart and sit up tall grounding through the sit bones.
Inhale as you bring your right leg and cross it over your left leg, crossing at the knee with your right foot resting on floor beside your left thigh. You can stay here.
If available to you, lean over your extended leg as you bend that leg and bring your left foot towards your right thigh. Only do this if comfortable for your knees and you can maintain alignment in your hips and pelvis by sitting on both sit bones.
If you have a shoulder impingement or other issues with the shoulders you can interlace your hands behind your back and lift your chest.
Otherwise, using a strap here if you need, inhale left arm up and bend the left arm so that your hand is resting down between your shoulder blades. Make sure you keep your neck nice and long here. You can use your right hand to gently rest on your left elbow but do not drop your neck. Keep your chest lifted and maintain length across your collarbones.
Extend the right hand out to the sides with your palm facing backwards and rotate your right hand so that it comes to rest on your lower back or catches the strap behind your back. If you are not holding a strap, wriggle your fingers towards one another. Perhaps you can reach your finger tips or the palm of your hand. Perhaps you can interlace your fingers behind your back.
Squeeze your shoulder blades together.
Release on exhale, switch sides
Coming on to our fours keeping the knees hip width apart
Inhale walk your hands to the front of the mat. If you have any issues with your shoulders you can widen the hands and bend the elbows. Any serious issues, take a wide-legged child pose.
Exhale and melt the chest and heart towards the floor.
Try to lower the forehead down to the mat if that feels good you may be able to lower your chin to the floor coming into puppy pose or melting heart. Open your heart to the ground.
Release into this pose, find a place of peace and stillness. Send your breath to areas holding tension.
Exhale. Walk the palms backwards, releasing the arms and the shoulders and move backward with the torso and come back to a neutral spine in all fours.
Thread Needle Bind
Inhale, sweep your left arm up, reach tall with your fingers.
Exhale and thread your left arm between your right arm and leg. Rest your left cheek/ear on the mat.
Keeping your feet planted on the mat, if you’re feeling balanced you can walk your right arm above your head or to deepen your stretch here you can take a bind by wrapping your right arm behind your back. Stay here for a few breathes.
Come back to table top.
Gate Pose Kneeling Half Moon Flow
Extend your right leg out to the sides. You can turn your right foot so that the toes are facing in front of you.
Inhale raise left arm up and over the ear and slide the right hand down on the right leg. Place the right hand/ finger tips very gently on the shin. Keep the left hip over the knee. Do not fold forwards but lift the chest and the gaze upwards lengthening your ribs and side body on the left hand side. Take a couple of breaths here.
From gate pose, take the left arm and place hand on the floor. Inhale and reach the right arm up overhead for a side
stretch. Take a couple of breaths creating that expansion and openness. Optionally you can raise the right leg at hip height and flex the foot turning the foot to face the front.
If you’d like, raise the right leg up and raise the arm up. Kneeling Half moon pose or take a half bow pose. Take in a couple of breaths.
Down Dog to Low Lunge Flow
Lower back to table top. Hands underneath the shoulders and ground down through all four corners of your hands.
Tuck your toes.
Exhale - lift the knees and lift the tailbone and hips upwards as you extend into downward facing dog, adho mukha svanasana.
Wrap the shoulders and push the chest back to the thighs, ears inline with the arms. Lengthen the back of the legs and lift the knee caps.
You can paddle your feet here for a moment before coming into stillness.
On your next inhale, lift your right leg up behind you, gently flexing your foot and pressing the heel and inner arch toward the back of the room. Engage Pada Bandha in your standing leg. As you exhale, bend your right knee and bring your foot in between your hands. Drop your back knee and come into a low lunge. Notice the position of your front knee. Ground down through all four corners of your feet to engage Pada Bandha in your right front foot. Bring awareness to your pelvic floor as you soften your hip flexors.
Warrior 1 Bound Hands to Humble Warrior
Lower the arms and interlace the fingers behind your back.
Option to hold onto opposite elbows or maybe use a strap if your shoulders are tight
Squeeze the shoulder blades together, lengthen the collarbones and open the chest.
Keeping the core engaged, exhale as you fold forwards over your bent leg.
Do not to rest on or dump your weight onto the front leg.
Perhaps your arms come away from your back, maybe they come up over your head, raising them to the level that feels right to you.
Inhale bringing your arms back to your lumbar spine and raising your self up at the waist.