cuban missile crisis Flashcards
USA supported independent fighters against spain + set up pro-American government
monroe doctrine
castro returned from mexico with group of rebels
castro established a new government
1 jan 1959
soviets agreed to buy 1/2 million tonnes of sugar from cuba
land reform law
may 1959
castro visited NYC to address UN general assembly
sep 1960
USA intensified its economic campaign against Cuba
nov 1960
bay of pigs invasion
17 april 1961
operation mongoose
nov 1961
castro declared himself communist
dec 1961
soviet ambassador asked castro to accept nuclear missiles in cuba
may 1962
agreement on secret transportation of soviet missiles to cuba
10 june 1962
first nuclear warheads raved + constructions of launch sites + military bases
4 oct 1962
american spy plane noticed missile launch site in cuba
14 oct 1962
USA decided on blockade
19 oct 1962
reported that soviet missiles were already operational in cuba
20 oct 1962
kennedy announced discovery of missiles in cuba + demanded for soviet leadership to remove them + imposed blockade around cuba
22 oct 1962
blocakde went into effect
24 oct 1962
khrushchev sent second letter to kennedy
26 oct 1962