CTS Math Flashcards
Remember the formulas for the CTS exam
Calculate screen diagonal
A squared + B squared = C Squared
dB formula for Distance
dB=20 log(D1/D2). If the distance increases, D1/D2 should be <1 to get a negative dB
Power Formula
P=I*V Power = Current x Volts
Parallel Resistance
If all speakers have the same resistance Zt=Z1/N Total resistance = Resistance of one of the speakers / total number of speakers.
If resistance is mixed Zt=1/((1/Z1)+(1/Z2)+(1/Z3)…)
Heat formula
Determine the image height for a given level of screen detail
Height=Furthest viewer / 4, 6, or 8
4=detailed inspection
6=detailed viewing
8=general viewing
Ohm’s Law
V=I*R. Volts = Current x Resistance
Aspect ratio
dB formula for Power
dB=10 log(P1/P2). If the power increases, P1/P2 should be >1 to get a positive dB
What is the speed of sound
Distance given the throw ratio
Distance = Screen width * Throw ratio
dB formula for Voltage
dB=20 log(V1/V2). If the voltage increases, V1/V2 should be >1 to get a positive dB
Bandwidth formula
Total pixelsframe rate/23
Determine the max. viewer distance given the text size
D=text height x 150
Series Resistance
How do you calculate speaker resistance in a mixed series/parallel layout?
Calculate the resistance of each series branch, then use the parallel formula