CTO Quiz #4 Flashcards
Which cells of the bone marrow can regenerate themselves?
Pleuripotent and multipotent stem cells can reproduce themselves. All other cells are committed to differentiating.
What are the changes in cell appearance of blood cell precursors as blood cells differentiate?
Cells become smaller; lose nucleoli; develop granules; nucleus assumes a more adult shape.
Which hematopoietic cells have the greatest mitotic activity?
Blast cells are the most mitotically active.
What is the primary growth factor that stimulates erythropoiesis and where is it made?
Erythopoietin (EPO): stimulates RBC development and is made in the kidney.
What is the most important interleukin to stimulate the production of all myeloid cells and what cells produce it?
IL-3 is producted by T-lymphocytes and stimulates production of all myeloid cells.
What are the two most important growth factors that stimulate granulocyte production and what produces them?
G-CSF is produced by macrophages, endothelum and fibroblasts and stimulates granulocyte development. GM-CSF is produced by lymphocytes, endothelium and fibroblasts and stimulates both granulocyte and macrophage development.
What is the most important growth factor stimlating production of platelets and where it it made?
Thrombopoietin is produced by the liver and kidney and stimulates the production of platelets.
What is the first site of RBC production? What are the second and third sites?
The yolk sac is the first site, with the liver and spleen following.
When does the bone marrow start producing RBCs?
About the middle of fetal life is when the bone marrow start producing RBCs.
In a normal, term infant, what site(s) is/are active in producing RBCs?
Only the bone marrow is producing erythrocytes by the time of birth.
In the adult, where would you expect to find red marrow?
Red marrow would be found in in vertebra, pelvis, ribs and sternum. Yellow marrow would fill the marrow cavity of long bones.
What kind of cells would you expect to find in the extravascular compartment of the bone marrow? What kind of fibers?
Bone marrow contains hematopoietic cells, adventitial cells (stromal cells) and fat cells. The great majority of fibers are reticular fibers.
What is meant by a “hypercellular marrow”?
A marrow that has too many hematopoietic cells and not as much fat as normal. It is an indicator of increased blood cell production (either physiologically because of demand or pathologically because a cell is overproducing).
What is the structure of the vascular compartment of the bone marrow?
There are venous sinusoids with a discontinuous and fenestrated endothelium.
What is an erythoblastic island and what is at its center?
An erythroblastic island is a cluster of developing RBCs around a macrophage (which appears to recycle iron)
How long does erythopoiesis take?
Erythropoiesis takes about a week.
What are the stages of erythropoiesis from the earliest recognizible stage?
Proerythroblast; basophilic erythroblast; polychromatophilic erythroblast; orthchromatophilic erythroblast; reticulocyte; erythrocyte.
At what stage does the erythrocyte lose its nucleus, and what happens to it?
Between the orthochromatophilic erythroblast and reticulocyte it is extruded and phagocytosed by the macrophage.
How long does it take a reticulocyte to mature to an RBC? How long do reticulocytes last in the bloodstream? About what percent of RBCs are reticulocytes?
It takes about 2-3 days for a reticulocyte to mature to an RBC and it circulates for about a day before it is a completely mature RBC. There are about 1% reticulocytes in the blood because RBCs last for about 120 days in the circulation.
How long does granulopoiesis take?
Granulopoiesis takes about two weeks. During the first week there is rapid reporduction of cells and the second week is dominated by maturation.
What are the stages of production of a neutrophil?
Myeloblast; promyelocyte; myelocyte; metamyelocyte; band cell; and mature neutrophil (PMN).
What does an increase in band cells indicate?
It indicates the release of immature PMNs from the bone marrow, often due to increased demand due to infection.
What does the megakaryocyte nucleus look like?
The megakaryocyte nucleus is multi-lobed due to endomitosis.
What is unusual about structure of the megakayocyte (outside of the nucleus)?
It has a large amount of actin and mictotubules associated with long protoplasmic extensions (that enter the vascular space). There are many infoldings of the plasma membrane that are called “demarcation membranes” that provides extra membrane to allow etension of the processes of these cells.