CTO Nerve tissue Flashcards
Nissl substance
coarse clumps of ER in cytoplasm of neurons
neuron morphology (3)
multipolar, bipolar, unipolar
axonal cytoplasm components
lack of nissl substance, elaborate cytoskeletal array (neurofilaments, microtubules, actin) for structural support and delivery of materials
Motor proteins role in neurons
kinesins for anterograde transport in axon, dyneins for retrograde transport in axon
Action potential
rapid reversal of polarization of nerve cell membrane through opening of voltage gated Na-channels
Absolute refractory period
time after potential during which piece of membrane cannot be depolarized again
transmitter that binds to ligand-gated ion channel and effects ease of opening or works through second messsenger systems
2 types of neurotransmitter effect on receptors in post-synaptic membranes
- receptor acts as an ion channel OR 2. receptor acts as part of a transmembrane protein w/ enzyme effects on postsynaptic neuron (i.e. metabotrophic receptor)
metabotrophic receptors
receptor that acts as a part of a transmembrane protein w/ enzyme effects on postsynaptic neuron, works through second messenger systems; can have prolonged effects
Pathways for metabolite recycling by presynaptic element
- enzymatic breakdown, 2. diffusion, 3. reuptake into presynaptic nerve terminal
3 types of peripheral nerves
- motor 2. sensory 3. autonomic
myelin sheath
wrap of cell membrane surrounding nerve fibers to increase speed of conduction and provide insulation
function of myelin
increase spead of conduction, result from action of specialized cells
schwann cells
in PNS, myelin results from schwann cells
in CNS, myelin results from oligodendrocytes
schwann cell membrane - important characteristic
membranes contain glycoproteins that recognize other glycoproteins on surface of axons
Schmidt-Lanterman clefts
places in myelin sheath where protoplasm is not fully extruded to periphery during schwann cell myelination
Nodes of ranvier
gaps b/t adjacent schwann cells where voltage-gated sodium channels are concentrated; action potential regenerated here; pinched appearance