CTE Flashcards
What is one of the highest court?
US supreme court
What are the four elements of an arrest?
Intent, understanding, authority, and subjection.
What is the basic patrol tactic that focuses interst on community relations?
Service style
Where must license plates be attached ona behile other than a motorcycle, trailer, or semitrailer?
Both the front and rear of the vehicle
What is the legal paper charging someone with a crime?
Which type of witness is allowed to epress an opinion?
Expert witness
What can only be serached with authorization of a search warrant?
Body cavities
What does the term “in loco parentis” mean?
In the place of parents
How many service hours must and officer complete yearly to remain certified?
what is the statute of limitaions of an infractions?
1 year
Who appoints district court judges in the state of Utah?
what is the response time goal for an offier during an emergency call?
Less than 3 minutes
what does modus operandi (MO) mean?
Method of operations
who can the defendant speak with and the conversation is considered confidential and cannot be used in a court of law?
Clergy, attorney, and doctor
Under what circumstances can a officer use deadly force?
Carrying out lawful execution, preventing escape of felons and protecting self or others.
In Utah what is the illegal blood alcohol limit?
what is the three basic fingerprint patterns?
loop, arch, and whorl
under what age are acts considered delinquent?
what is one of the things the police can do accoridng to the fourth amendment?
conduct reasonable searches
which cannot be used as a defense for a criminal charge?
peremptory challenge
what branch of government determines guilt and innocence?
what are the legal rights of a prison inmate?
Interviews with the media secured mail form legal cousel due process, and access to three showers per week.
what should an officer do when searching for evidence?
use one of the standard search patterns
what crime has been committed when a fight occurs?
disorderly conduct
what crime has been committed when someone takes anything of value form another person by force or threat?
what can a defendatn gain in a plea bargain?
reduced penalty, less serious charge
when may a citizen perform a legal arrest ?
when a public offense is committed in their presence
where is it legal to serach for a stolen 32 inch television?
what is the Code of Hammurabi?
the first known written laws
what must happen to a crime scene after securing the area?
photographed and sketched
what is the term for an inmate performing day to day duties in a jail or prison?
accident investigation is conducted for what reason?
to provide information for esablishing responsibility
what defense is veing used when the defendant admits that the event took place but clais that his or her actions were legally justified?
self defense
what is an object no matter how small that will link a suspect to a cime scene?
when comitting criminal activity and the suspects are arrested what happens to the property used in the crime?
held in abeyance
under what situation may a search be conducted due to a exigent circumstances?
life threatening emergency
what are status offenses?
truancy, curfew, and runaway
what is considered a domestic disturbance?
girlfriend assaults boyfriend infront of daughter
what is the greek word for police?
what is not a basic right of the Miranda warning?
right to make one phone call
what must you do if an officer ass for your help while he or she is making an arrest?
Which agency in Utah receives criminal statistics and sends them to the FBI?
Bureau of ciminal identification (BCI)
Which one of the following was the first state policr agency?
texas rangers
what crime is committed if a person intentionally and lawfully defaces the property of another?
criminal mischief
what is not a component of the criinal justice system?
private security
what type of information cannot be used when determinign probable casue?
extrasensory perception
what right does the sixth amendment guarantee?
counsel for defense
at what time does an interview tirn into an interrogation?
when the questioning ties the suspect to a crime
what is the term for questioning of prospecive jurors by attorneys?
Voir dire examination
the primary function of the Utah supreme court is to hear appeals on which of the following?
capital and first degree felonies
what is the standard for finding guilt in a criminal trial?
beyond a reasonable doubt
approximately what percentage of crime is reported?
what must a citation includ?
description of the charges
what does the term “Parens patrie” mean?
parents for the state
what is the primary purpose of a polie report?
aid in the investigation, preserve information, and record offical actions
what traffic law cannot e enforced on private property?
what branch of government enforces the law?
what do adult probation and parole (AP&P) prepare for the judge before sentencing?
pre sentencing report
who is the founder of modern police principles?
Sir Robert Peel
what is the term for the release of a prisoner before their prison term is completed?
what is the definition of reckles driving?
driving with willful or wanton disregard for person or property
what branch of government makes the law?
what is the first priority officer upon arriving at the scene of a traffic accident?
render first aid and emergency help
what is the average reaction time in regard to driving emergencies?
3/4 seconds
what are factors that influence choices in police activity?
law, ethics, and policy
In Utah who confirms the nomination of potenial judge named by the governor?
How are most traffic offenses classified?
class c misdemeanor
what are the two types of delinquent acts?
criminal and status
which law enforcement unit investigates allegations of improper counduct by an officer?
internal affairs
which constitutional right has not been extended to juveniles?
trial by jury
which of the following can represent a defendant during a trial?
what does OR mean?
own recognizance