CT School Leadership Standards Flashcards
Performance Expectation 1: Vision, Mission, and Goals
Element A. High Expectations for All
Element B. Shared Commitments to Implement the Vision, Mission, and Goals
Element C. Continuous Improvement toward the Vision, Mission, and Goals
Education leaders ensure the success and achievement of all students by guiding the development and implementation of a shared vision of learning, a strong organizational mission, and high expectations for student performance.
Element A. High Expectations for All (Performance Expectation 1: Vision, Mission, and Goals)
Leaders ensure that the creation of the vision, mission and goals establish high expectations for all students and staff.
Element B. Shared Commitments to Implement the Vision, Mission, and Goals (Performance Expectation 1: Vision, Mission, and Goals)
Leaders ensure that the process of implementing and sustaining the vision, mission, and goals is inclusive, building common understandings and commitment among all stakeholders.
Element C. Continuous Improvement toward the Vision, Mission, and Goals (Performance Expectation 1: Vision, Mission, and Goals)
Leaders ensure the success and achievement of all students by consistently monitoring and refining the implementation of the vision, mission and goals.
Performance Expectation 2: Teaching and Learning
Element A. Strong Professional Culture
Element B. Curriculum and Instruction
Element C. Assessment and Accountability
Education leaders ensure the success and achievement of all students by monitoring and continuously improving teaching and learning.
Element A. Strong Professional Culture (Performance Expectation 2: Teaching and Learning)
Leaders develop a strong professional culture which leads to quality instruction focused on student learning and the strengthening of professional competencies.
Element B. Curriculum and Instruction (Performance Expectation 2: Teaching and Learning)
Leaders understand and expect faculty to plan, implement, and evaluate standards-based curriculum and challenging instruction aligned with Connecticut and national standards.
Element C. Assessment and Accountability (Performance Expectation 2: Teaching and Learning)
Leaders use assessments, data systems, and accountability strategies to improve achievement, monitor and evaluate progress, and close achievement gaps.
Performance Expectation 3: Organizational Systems and Safety
Element A. Welfare and Safety of Students, Faculty and Staff
Element B. Operational Systems
Element C. Fiscal and Human Resources
Education leaders ensure the success and achievement of all students by managing organizational systems and resources for a safe, high-performing learning environment.
Element A. Welfare and Safety of Students, Faculty and Staff (Performance Expectation 3: Organizational Systems and Safety)
Leaders ensure a safe environment by addressing real and potential challenges to the physical and emotional safety and security of students, faculty and staff.
Element B. Operational Systems (Performance Expectation 3: Organizational Systems and Safety)
Leaders distribute responsibilities and supervise management structures and practices to improve teaching and learning.
Element C. Fiscal and Human Resources (Performance Expectation 3: Organizational Systems and Safety)
Leaders establish an infrastructure for finance and personnel that operates in support of teaching and learning.
Performance Expectation 4: Families and Stakeholders
Element A. Collaboration with Families and Community Members
Element B. Community Interests and Needs
Element C. Community Resources
Education leaders ensure the success and achievement of all students by collaborating with families and other stakeholders to respond to diverse community interests and needs and to mobilize community resources.
Element A. Collaboration with Families and Community Members (Performance Expectation 4: Families and Stakeholders)
Leaders ensure the success of all students by collaborating with families and other stakeholders.
Element B. Community Interests and Needs (Performance Expectation 4: Families and Stakeholders)
Leaders respond and contribute to community interests and needs to provide high quality education for students and their families.
Element C. Community Resources (Performance Expectation 4: Families and Stakeholders)
Leaders access resources shared among schools, districts, and communities in conjunction with other organizations and agencies that provide critical resources for children and families.
Performance Expectation 5: Ethics and Integrity
Element A. Ethical and Legal Standards of the Profession
Element B. Personal Values and Beliefs
Element C. High Standards for Self and Others
Education leaders ensure the success and achievement of all students and staff by modeling ethical behavior and integrity.
Element A. Ethical and Legal Standards of the Profession (Performance Expectation 5: Ethics and Integrity)
Leaders demonstrate ethical and legal behavior.
Element B. Personal Values and Beliefs (Performance Expectation 5: Ethics and Integrity)
Leaders demonstrate a commitment to values, beliefs, and practices aligned with the vision, mission and goals for student learning.
Element C. High Standards for Self and Others (Performance Expectation 5: Ethics and Integrity)
Leaders model and expect exemplary practices for personal and organizational performance, ensuring accountability for high standards of student learning.
Performance Expectation 6: The Education System
Element A. Professional Influence
Element B. The Educational Policy Environment
Element C. Policy Engagement
Education leaders ensure the success and achievement of all students and advocate for their students, faculty and staff needs by influencing social, cultural, economic, legal, and political contexts affecting education.
Element A. Professional Influence (Performance Expectation 6: The Education System)
Leaders improve the broader social, cultural economic, legal, and political, contexts of education for all students and families.
Element B. The Educational Policy Environment (Performance Expectation 6: The Education System)
Leaders uphold and contribute to policies and political support for excellence and equity in education.
Element C. Policy Engagement (Performance Expectation 6: The Education System)
Leaders engage policymakers to inform and improve education policy.
Dispositions for PE 1 Vision, Mission, and Goals
Education leaders believe in, value, and are committed to
- Every student learning
- Collaboration with all stakeholders
- Examining assumptions and beliefs
- High expectations for all students and staff
- Continuous improvement for all based on evidence
Dispositions for PE 2 Teaching and Learning
Education leaders believe in, value, and are committed to
- Learning as the fundamental purpose of school
- Inspiring a life-long love of learning
- High expectations for all
- Standards-based curriculum and challenging instruction
- Diversity as an asset
- Continuous professional growth and development to support and broaden learning
- Collaboration with all stakeholders
Dispositions for PE 3 Managing Organizational Systems and Safety
Education leaders believe in, value, and are committed to
- A physically and emotionally safe and supportive learning environment
- Collaboration with all stakeholders
- Equitable distribution of resources
- Shared management in service of staff and students
Dispositions for PE 4 Collaborating with Families and Stakeholders
Education leaders believe in, value, and are committed to
- High standards for all students and staff
- Including families, community resources and organizations as partners
- Respecting the diversity of family composition and culture
- Continuous learning and improvement for all
Dispositions for PE 5 Ethics and Integrity
Education leaders believe in, value, and are committed to
- Modeling ethical principles and professional conduct in all relationships and decisions
- Upholding the common good over personal interests
- Taking responsibility for actions
- Promoting social justice and educational equity for all learners
Dispositions for PE 6 The Education System
Education leaders believe in, value, and are committed to
- Advocating for children and public education
- Influencing policies
- Upholding and improving laws and regulations
- Eliminating barriers to achievement
- Building on diverse social and cultural assets
Element A. High Expectations for All
Element B. Shared Commitments to Implement the Vision, Mission, and Goals
Element C. Continuous Improvement toward the Vision, Mission, and Goals
Education leaders ensure the success and achievement of all students by guiding the development and implementation of a shared vision of learning, a strong organizational mission, and high expectations for student performance.
Performance Expectation 1: Vision, Mission, and Goals
Leaders ensure that the creation of the vision, mission and goals establish high expectations for all students and staff.
Element A. High Expectations for All (Performance Expectation 1: Vision, Mission, and Goals)
Leaders ensure that the process of implementing and sustaining the vision, mission, and goals is inclusive, building common understandings and commitment among all stakeholders.
Element B. Shared Commitments to Implement the Vision, Mission, and Goals (Performance Expectation 1: Vision, Mission, and Goals)
Leaders ensure the success and achievement of all students by consistently monitoring and refining the implementation of the vision, mission and goals.
Element C. Continuous Improvement toward the Vision, Mission, and Goals (Performance Expectation 1: Vision, Mission, and Goals)
Element A. Strong Professional Culture
Element B. Curriculum and Instruction
Element C. Assessment and Accountability
Education leaders ensure the success and achievement of all students by monitoring and continuously improving teaching and learning.
Performance Expectation 2: Teaching and Learning
Leaders develop a strong professional culture which leads to quality instruction focused on student learning and the strengthening of professional competencies.
Element A. Strong Professional Culture (Performance Expectation 2: Teaching and Learning)
Leaders understand and expect faculty to plan, implement, and evaluate standards-based curriculum and challenging instruction aligned with Connecticut and national standards.
Element B. Curriculum and Instruction (Performance Expectation 2: Teaching and Learning)
Leaders use assessments, data systems, and accountability strategies to improve achievement, monitor and evaluate progress, and close achievement gaps.
Element C. Assessment and Accountability (Performance Expectation 2: Teaching and Learning)
Element A. Welfare and Safety of Students, Faculty and Staff
Element B. Operational Systems
Element C. Fiscal and Human Resources
Education leaders ensure the success and achievement of all students by managing organizational systems and resources for a safe, high-performing learning environment.
Performance Expectation 3: Organizational Systems and Safety
Leaders ensure a safe environment by addressing real and potential challenges to the physical and emotional safety and security of students, faculty and staff.
Element A. Welfare and Safety of Students, Faculty and Staff (Performance Expectation 3: Organizational Systems and Safety)
Leaders distribute responsibilities and supervise management structures and practices to improve teaching and learning.
Element B. Operational Systems (Performance Expectation 3: Organizational Systems and Safety)
Leaders establish an infrastructure for finance and personnel that operates in support of teaching and learning.
Element C. Fiscal and Human Resources (Performance Expectation 3: Organizational Systems and Safety)
Element A. Collaboration with Families and Community Members
Element B. Community Interests and Needs
Element C. Community Resources
Education leaders ensure the success and achievement of all students by collaborating with families and other stakeholders to respond to diverse community interests and needs and to mobilize community resources.
Performance Expectation 4: Families and Stakeholders
Leaders ensure the success of all students by collaborating with families and other stakeholders.
Element A. Collaboration with Families and Community Members (Performance Expectation 4: Families and Stakeholders)
Leaders respond and contribute to community interests and needs to provide high quality education for students and their families.
Element B. Community Interests and Needs (Performance Expectation 4: Families and Stakeholders)
Leaders access resources shared among schools, districts, and communities in conjunction with other organizations and agencies that provide critical resources for children and families.
Element C. Community Resources (Performance Expectation 4: Families and Stakeholders)
Element A. Ethical and Legal Standards of the Profession
Element B. Personal Values and Beliefs
Element C. High Standards for Self and Others
Education leaders ensure the success and achievement of all students and staff by modeling ethical behavior and integrity.
Performance Expectation 5: Ethics and Integrity
Leaders demonstrate ethical and legal behavior.
Element A. Ethical and Legal Standards of the Profession (Performance Expectation 5: Ethics and Integrity)
Leaders demonstrate a commitment to values, beliefs, and practices aligned with the vision, mission and goals for student learning.
Element B. Personal Values and Beliefs (Performance Expectation 5: Ethics and Integrity)
Leaders model and expect exemplary practices for personal and organizational performance, ensuring accountability for high standards of student learning.
Element C. High Standards for Self and Others (Performance Expectation 5: Ethics and Integrity)
Element A. Professional Influence
Element B. The Educational Policy Environment
Element C. Policy Engagement
Education leaders ensure the success and achievement of all students and advocate for their students, faculty and staff needs by influencing social, cultural, economic, legal, and political contexts affecting education.
Performance Expectation 6: The Education System
Leaders improve the broader social, cultural economic, legal, and political, contexts of education for all students and families.
Element A. Professional Influence (Performance Expectation 6: The Education System)
Leaders uphold and contribute to policies and political support for excellence and equity in education.
Element B. The Educational Policy Environment (Performance Expectation 6: The Education System)
Leaders engage policymakers to inform and improve education policy.
Element C. Policy Engagement (Performance Expectation 6: The Education System)
Education leaders believe in, value, and are committed to
- Every student learning
- Collaboration with all stakeholders
- Examining assumptions and beliefs
- High expectations for all students and staff
- Continuous improvement for all based on evidence
Dispositions for PE 1 Vision, Mission, and Goals
Education leaders believe in, value, and are committed to
- Learning as the fundamental purpose of school
- Inspiring a life-long love of learning
- High expectations for all
- Standards-based curriculum and challenging instruction
- Diversity as an asset
- Continuous professional growth and development to support and broaden learning
- Collaboration with all stakeholders
Dispositions for PE 2 Teaching and Learning
Education leaders believe in, value, and are committed to
- A physically and emotionally safe and supportive learning environment
- Collaboration with all stakeholders
- Equitable distribution of resources
- Shared management in service of staff and students
Dispositions for PE 3 Managing Organizational Systems and Safety
Education leaders believe in, value, and are committed to
- High standards for all students and staff
- Including families, community resources and organizations as partners
- Respecting the diversity of family composition and culture
- Continuous learning and improvement for all
Dispositions for PE 4 Collaborating with Families and Stakeholders
Education leaders believe in, value, and are committed to
- Modeling ethical principles and professional conduct in all relationships and decisions
- Upholding the common good over personal interests
- Taking responsibility for actions
- Promoting social justice and educational equity for all learners
Dispositions for PE 5 Ethics and Integrity
Education leaders believe in, value, and are committed to
- Advocating for children and public education
- Influencing policies
- Upholding and improving laws and regulations
- Eliminating barriers to achievement
- Building on diverse social and cultural assets
Dispositions for PE 6 The Education System