CT division Flashcards
Common S/S of CAD
men 35-50
Ptosis definition
Dropping of the eyelid
Carotidynia definition
Mid - upper cervical pain
Pain around ear and jaw
Cranial nerve Mnemonic
Oh oh oh to touch and feel very good velvet, ah heaven
Cranial nerve 1
olfactory nerve
sense of smell
Cranial nerve 2
Optic nerve
Ability to see
Cranial nerve 3
Oculomotor nerve
Ability to move and blink your eyes
Cranial nerve 4
Trochlear nerve
Ability to move your eyes up and down or back and forth
Cranial nerve 5
Trigeminal nerve
Sensations in your face and cheeks, taste and jaw movements
Cranial nerve 6
Abducens nerve
Ability to move your eyes
Cranial nerve 7
Facial nerve
Facial expressions and sense of taste
Cranial nerve 8
Auditory/vestibular nerve
Sense of hearing and balance
Cranial nerve 9
Glossopharyngeal nerve
Ability to taste and swallow
Cranial nerve 10
Vagus nerve
Digestion and heart rate
Cranial nerve 11
Accessory nerve or spinal accessory nerve
Shoulder and neck muscle movement
Cranial nerve 12
Hypoglossal nerve
Ability to move your tongue
Cervical myelopathy demographics
> 50 y/o
C5-6 more commonly
Cervical myelopathy signs
Hyperreflexia DTRs
UMN signs
UMN signs
Sensory loss with multi-dermatomal pattern
Neuromuscular exam of upper and lower extremities
Ms wasting of UE and LE
Finger escape sign
Seated, pt flexes both elbow to 90
PT pronates and ADD fingers
(+) if 5th finger cannot maintain adduction
Ulnar nerve neuropathy
(+) Wartenberg sign
Paresthesias on 4th and 5th finger
Posterior interosseus nerve
Radial Nerve branch and is motor only seen w/ supinator syndrome
Median nerve entrapment
Cause paresthesias on the volar aspect of the band and the fingertips of 1,2,3 & lateral 4th
Parsonage - Turner’s syndrome
Neuritis involving the brachial plexus (involves the upper trunk)
Mckenzie dysfunction results
Pain at end range
Best intervention is to progress into their limitation w/ dysfunction criteria
Cervical myelopathy CPG
Gait deviation
(+) Babinski’s test
(+) Hoffman test
(+) Supinator sign
Hyperreflexia of Brachioradialis
3+ or greater w/ ms stretch reflex testing
T4 syndrome
Stocking glove pattern and symptoms in their upper thoracic spine
Common mimic of diabetes and radiculopathy
Pronator teres innervated
Median Nerve
Radiculopathy and stenosis have what in common?
Dermatomal loss at specific lvls
Morquio syndrome
Bone dysplasia associated w/ C1-2 subluxation
VBI at end range cervical rotation will increase dizziness
BPPV at end range cervical rotation will decrease dizziness over time after it is increased w/ position change
Bakody sign (abduction test)
P or AROM shld ABD to place hand on head
(+) if symptom reduction
(-) for symptom magnification and potential for scalene issue/involvement
Spinoglenoid notch
Entrapment in this area could lead to suprascapular nerve involvement and atrophy of infraspinatus
Quadrilateral space syndrome
Fatty infiltration of the teres minor and compression of the axillary nerve
Cause cervical radiculopathy symptoms and posterior shld pain
Parsonage - turner syndrome
Brachial neuritis w/ pain initially but no pain and only muscle weakness
Common w/ recent illness or vaccinations, 5th decade of life
Reflex sympathetic dystrophy
Similar to CRPS
S/s of burning pain, increased skin sensitivity, changes in skin temp, swelling and stiffness in joints, changes in skin color
Cervical mechanical Tx is done when?
If no centralization of symptoms
Cervicogenic headaches w/ increased symptoms past work will benefit from?
Grade III/IV mobs and DNF training
Arnold Chiari malformation
Displacement of cerebellar tonsils and brain stem tissue into the foramen magnum.
Neck pain and HA symptoms
Quadrilateral space syndrome
Created by the lateral head of the triceps, teres minor, teres major and medial border of the humerus
Hold the axillary nerve and posterior circumflex humeral artery
What does the C5 innervate?
Axillary nerve root and innervates the deltoid, teres minor
sensation to lateral shoulder
Wartenberg sign
Slightly greater ABD of the 5th digit due to weakness of the palmar interosseous ms unopposed action to the radial innervated extensor ms (digiti minimi, digitorum communis)
Wartenberg’s syndrome
Entrapment of the superficial branch of the radial nerve w/ only sensory manifestations and no motor deficits
Middle 1/3 humeral Fx results in?
Radial N injury
Radial nerve supplies motor
Extensor bundle
Abductor pollicis and extensor indices
TMJ w/ reduction
Opening click where disc shifts anteriorly and returns posteriorly w/ closing
TMJ w/o reduction
Smaller ability to open the jaw due
Posterior displacement results in decreased ability to close jaw
Thoracodorsal Nerve innervates
Latissimus dorsi
Thoracodorsal nerve is from what nerve root
Lower subscapular nerve innervates
Teres Major
Lower subscapular nerve is from what nerve root
Upper subscapular nerve innervates
Upper subscapular nerve is from what nerve root
Musculocutaneous Nerve innervates
and is the lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm
Musculocutaneous nerve is from what nerve root
Axillary Nerve innervates
Teres minor
Axillary nerve is from what nerve root
Radial nerve is from what nerve root
Dorsal scapular nerve innervates
Dorsal scapular nerve is from what nerve root
Long thoracic nerve innervates
Serratus anterior
Long thoracic nerve is from what nerve root
Nerve to the subclavius innervates
Subclavis ms
Nerve to the subclavius is from what nerve root
Suprascapular nerve innervates
Suprascapular nerve is from what nerve root
Lateral Pectoral nerve innervates
Pec minor and major
Lateral pectoral nerve is from what nerve root
Ulnar nerve innervates
Flexor carpi ulnaris
Medial 2 bellies of flexor digitorum profundus
Intrinsic hand ms
Thenar ms
2 most lateral lumbricals
Ulnar nerve is from what nerve root
OA CPG treatment
Flexibility, endurance, and strengthening exercises and manual is A evidence
Canadian C-spine rules
≥ 65 y/o
Dangerous mechanism
Paresthesias in extremities
Rotate L & R 45 degrees (Unable)
C-spine rule dangerous mechanism
Fall of ≥ 3ft or 5 stairs
Axial load to head
> 100km/hr
Arcade of Froshe
Commonly traps the posterior interosseous Nerve branch of radial Nerve
Ligament of struthers and arcade of struthers and lower c-spine radiculopathy cause?
Increased pain for ulnar nerve
How to reduce right orbit lower than left in congenital torticollis
R SCM stretching to reduce tightness and eye issues
Froment’s sign
Weakness of ADD pollicis, flexor pollicis brevis and first dorsal interosseous ms
Suggestive of ulnar neuropathy or entrapment
Klippel - Feil syndrome
2 or more vertebra are fused in the C/s from birth
Scheuermann disease
Juvenile kyphosis
Vertebral bodies are discs of the spine identified by anterior wedging of greater than or equal to 5 degrees or 3 or more adjacent vertebral bodies & > 40 degrees
What is a characteristic of Grave’s disease?
Enophtalmos or posterior displacement of the eye within the socket
Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF)
Most widely used surgeries for cervical radiculopathy
Can remove compression w/o retraction of spinal cord
Hangman’s Fx
Fx of the axis (C2) at the pedicles
Jefferson Fx
C1 Fx
Extension Tear drop Fx
Middle or lower c/s Fx due to forced et w/ avulsion of anterior inferior corner of the vertebral body
Tx for tear drop Fx
Clay shoveler’s Fx
Lower C/s
Avulsion type spinous process Fx of lower C/s or upper T/s
Erbs - Duchenne palsy
Traction or avulsion injury to the upper roots of C5-6
Results in waiter’s tip of the UE
Klumpke’s palsy
Involves C8-T1
Upper cervical instability is seen with?
RA, DS and juvenile RA
Alar ligament test
Prom to the left or right upper c/s rotation
Left rotation spinous process moves right
No feeling of the spinous process moving then the contralateral side alar ligament is compromised
Cervical myelopathy when a patient is sitting may cause
Paresthesia and anterior thigh pain
Bassett’s lesion is?
Entrapment of the lateral ante-brachial cutaneous Nerve
Common with OH athletes
T4 syndrome is?
Bilateral stocking glove paresthesias and upper T/S pain
Pain behind the shoulder blade & pain in the neck
Nondermatomal pattern
Hypo-mobility of lower c/s and upper t/s
Paget - schmetter syndrome is?
DVT of the upper extremities
Seen in young active males with repetitive OH activities
What is the primary jaw depressor?
Lateral Ptreygoid
Rule of 3s
T1-3 = SP & TP same lvl
T4-6 = SP is 1/2 lv below TP
T7-9 = SP is 1 lvl below TP
T10-12 = SP is at the same lvl as the vertebra they are attached to
Acute cholecysitis referral pain
Pain of right upper quadrant/ infrascapular and pain post eating
Pancreatitis pain referral pattern
Epigastric pain and radiation of thoracolumbar pain
Pyelonephritis referral pain
Costovertebral &/or flank pain
Ankylosing spondylitis s/s
Morning pain and decreased AROM of T/s
< 45 y/o
Wakes up in the 2nd half of the night
Weather pain
Crohn’s disease gene and elevated blood value
HLA - B27 gene expression
Elevated c-reation protein
Pancoast tumor
> 50 y/o
Arm paresthesias
Enthesitis characteristics
Inflammation at the sit of ligament or tendon attachment
Common with Synovitis, Psoritic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis
Thoracic disc herniations occur in?
30 - 50 y/o males and females
What is the periaqueductal gray
Supra-spinal structures that can be stimulated w/ manual for analgesia
Sympathetic nervous system is able to?
Can change skin conductance and temperature past joint mobilizations due to stimulation of the dorsal peri-aqueductal matter of the mid brain
Elevated first rib right or left mechanics
Suspect a cervical rotation to the right and lateral flexion to the left to assess left first rib
opposite for right rib
Lhermitte’s sign “Barber sign”
Indicated of cervical myelopathy
Cervical flexion occurs and electrical stimulation is felt down the back
Froment’s sign/test
Key grip with paper inbetween
Thumb should stay flat showing ADD pollicis is firing and the ulnar nerve is firing
(+) if thumb flexes to engage FPL
Hoffmans signs is?
Upper motor neuron sign when pressure is applied to the nail of the 3rd digit and is flicked
Kernig’s sign is?
Limitation of straightening the knee when hip is flexed to 90 degrees
Characteristic of meningitis
Dorsal scapular nerve innervates?
Levator scapula
Rhomboid minor and major
Paraspinals Lateral to medial
Iliocostalis, longissimus, spinalis
I love spaghetti
Brown sequard syndrome is?
Hemisection of the spinal cord
Loss of proprioception and motor function of the side of the lesion
Inability to sense pain or temperature on the contralateral side
12 ribs and the truth and false
7 true ribs
5 false ribs
Kehr’s sign
Ruptured spleen where there is acute left shoulder pain at the tip
Inferior Vena Cava enters?
Diaphragm at T8
Esophagus enters the diaphragm at?
ta enters the diaphragm at?
What happens if the inferior vena cava gets compressed?
Occurs in later pregnancy
What happens past 120 degrees of shoulder elevation?
Lower trap and serratus anterior facilitate further mvmt
Prone double straight leg raise test purpose
Best test for LBP
Best SN and SP
Marathon runners commonly develop?
What will you see with a long thoracic nerve injury?
Increased distance from T4 to the medial border of the scapula on the same side as the injury
T4 dermatome is?
10 dermatome is?
Adson’s test
Identify scalene tightness for TOS
Turn head to affected arm and therapist ER and extends arm w/ holding breath for 10 sec
What are demi facets?
Concave surfaces located on the vertebral body and articulate with convex rib head
What are costo - transverse facets?
located on the transverse process and also articulates with rib
Neck endurance test norms
Female = 29.4 +/- 13.7
Male = 38.9 +/- 20.1 seconds
NDI mechanical neck pain changes is?
8.4 MDC
Lower overall score the better
CPG for acute whiplash recovery
2-3 months
CPG for neck pain w/ mvmt coordination impairment will have:
(+) cranial cervical flexion test
(+) neck flexor muscle endurance test
Point tenderness w/ TrPs
Neck pain during midrange and worsening pain at end range
Canadian c-spine rules
Dangerous mechanism
Fall > 1 meter/3ft/5 steps,
Bicycle collision
MVA > 60 mph
Axial load to the head such as diving
Patient - specific functional scale rating
3-5 specific activities that are difficult due to neck pain and symptoms
0-10 scale w/ 0 being inability & 10 being ability
Cervical myelopathy s/s
Higher reflex grade
(+) babinski test
(+) hoffman’s test
- atrophy of intrinsic hand ms, gait, balance disturbances
(+) inverted supinator sign
CPG for cervical radiculopathy
(+) Suprlings
(+) Distraction
(+) ULTT A
C/s rotation of less than 60 degrees on involved side
Best thing to rule out cervical radiculopathy
Sharp purser test purpose
Transverse ligament test of C1-2
(+) if cranium moves but no C2 mvmt or reproducible symptoms
Sharp purser test SP and SN
SP = .96
SN = .69
Success short term for cervical radiculopathy
< 54 y/o
Dominant hand not affected
Symptoms dont get worse with flexion
Multimodal Tx applied for 50% of the time
Best way to diagnosis cervical radiculopathy
MRI w/o contrast
CPG of acute neck pain w/ radiating symptoms Tx
Short term collar
mobilization and stabilization exercises
Chronic neck pain w/ radiating pain Tx
Cervical traction
Thoracic manipulation
Neck flexibility w/ strengthening
Good outcomes for traumatic neck pain
Cold hyperalgesia
6-12 weeks after the injury
How to see alar and transverse ligament issues
How to rule in Cervicogenic HA and neck pain
cervical flexion rotation test
High SP and good +LR
Another name for cranial cervical flexion test
Deep neck endurance test
Is there a CPG for VBI risk?
A C5 nerve root lesion will cause
Proximal ms weakness on the shoulder and sensory issues of the shoulder
C7 involvement will present?
Weakness towards wrist flexion and elbow extension
Sensory disturbances on 3rd finger
Impaired tricep reflex
C8 Involvement will present?
Weakness of finger ms/ intrinsic ms of the hand/ FPL/ FDP
4th and 5th finger sensory issues
What is wartenburg syndrome?
Mononeuropathy involving entrapment of the superficial branch of the radial nerve
What is a hangman’s Fx?
Fx on C2 body or dens which extends through the pars interarticularis bilaterally
If a burst compression Fx occurs in the c/s what is the best vertebra
Lightest risk for kyphotic deformity development
C1 or 2 Fx Tx
Hard cervical collar
RA or chronic RA can cause what in the c/s?
Cervical instability
Fatigue in neck
and other symptomatic symptoms
If the Atlas rotates on the axis will anything else happen?
There will be some extension side bending and flexion at times
What motion is not allowed in the atlanto - occipital joint?
Rotation and lateral flexion due to the occipital condyles resting on the atlantal sockets
What ligaments stabilize the atlanto-axial joint?
What else occurs when C2-3 side flexion?
lower cervical segments rotate to the same side
CPR for cervical manipulation
(+) outlook that manipulation will help
< 38 days since onset of symptoms
Side to side difference of 10 degrees or with cervical rotation
Pain w/ PA spring test on mid cervical spine segments
C7 lesion will affect exercises how?
Inability to perform:
Push ups
Wringing clothes
Tricep reflex
Middle finger sensory issues
Vertebral artery dissection can manifest pain how?
unilateral pain on posterior cervical area w/ occipital HA
Occipital HAs could be?
Non ischemic vertebral artery dissection
Ischemic vertebral artery dissection s/s include:
Facial numbness
Papillary changes
Lack of facial sweating
Hearing issues
Runners with Plantar fascia have what type of foot posture?
Hind foot varus
Increased Talar tilt results in?
Future ankle sprains
What is listed to diagnosis of OA?
Full or partial thickness cartilage loss
bone attrition
Meniscal tear
Knee OA short term relief?
TENS unit
Purpose of a valgus brace for knees
Decrease instability
Decrease risk of falling
A good sign of psoriatic arthritis
Pitting and thickening of fingernails
Meniscus layers
White white zone = inner layer
Red white zone = middle layer
Red red zone = outer layer
McMurray test and the rotation purpose
IR = lateral meniscus
ER = medial meniscus
Best scale for meniscal injury
Tegner activity scale
Best scale for ligament surgeries
Lysholm knee scale
Most common points for cervical radiculopathy
Patient education is recommended for what neck individuals
Neck pain w/ movement coordination and impairment
Neck pain w/ radiating pain per neck pain
Define H-reflex
Somatosensory evoked potential that represents latency of a ms stretch reflex
Upper cervical instability has what?
The inability to return to their neutral neck position and raises concerns for atlantoaxial rotary instability or subluxation
Carotid artery supplies and is stressed when?
Supplies 89% of the blood flow for anterior cranial circulation
Stressed w/ mid cervical extension
WAD recovery
Depression impair prognosis
Purpose of a cervical flexion - rotation test
Ruling in or out of C1-2 dysfunction
average of 17 degrees decreased in that ROM
Lateral x-ray graph is used for what cervical Fx
Flexion tear drop Fx
Hangman’s Fx
Flexion tear drop Fx
Severe flexion and compression C4-6
Hangman’s Fx
Pars interarticularis Fx of C2
Occiput Fx should be viewed in?
AP or lateral view X-ray
Jefferson Fx should be viewed in?
Open mouth view
What is a Jefferson Fx
C1 burst Fx and unstable
Diagnosis of OA is contributed to?
Full or partial thickness cartilage loss
Bone attrition
Meniscal tear
Best short term pain relief for knee OA
A valgus brace should be used for Knees when?
Instability and risk of falling
Good sign of psoriatic arthritis
Pitting and thickening of the fingernails
Meniscus layers
White white - inner layer
Red white - middle layer
Red red - Outer layer
Sides that the McMurray test assesses
Lateral meniscus = IR
Medial meniscus = ER
Good test for meniscal injury
Tegner activity scale
Good scale for ligament surgeries
Lysholm knee scale
Higher the score the better
Best predictor of cancer
> 50 years old
PMH of cancer
Most common cervical radiculopathy points
Patient specific Functional Scale
3-5 activities
0-10 scale w/ 10 being the ability to perform easy
3 point MDC for single activity
2 point MDC for average
Neck pain w/ movement coordination impairment and neck pain w/ radiating pain per neck pain would benefit from?
Education of the symptoms
What is an H reflex?
Somatosensory evoked potential that represents latency of a ms stretch reflex
Upper cervical instability will have?
Inability to return to their neutral neck position
Potential for atlantoaxial rotary instability or subluxation
Carotid artery facts
Supplies 89% of the blood flow for anterior cranial circulation
Stressed w/ mid cervical extension
Wad recovery
Coping, expectations, anxiety and depression impair prognosis
Cervical radiculopathy will have the best short term outcomes in those with?
Non-dominant arm affected
looking down worsens symptoms
< 54 y/o
Multimodal Tx for 50% of the visits
Cervical flexion rotation test SP/SN
SP = 94%
SN = 100%
For cervicogenic Headaches
Lateral graph (x-ray) used for?
Flexion tear drop Fx
Hangman’s Fx
Flexion tear drop Fx
Severe flexion and compression at C4-6
Hangman’s Fx
Pars interacrticularis of C2
Best view to see an occiput Fx
AP or lateral View
Best view to see a Jefferson Fx
Open mouth for it is a C1 burst Fx and is unstable
Hangman’s Fx Tx
Type 1 is soft collar and therapy while Type 2A and 3 are surgery
What vitamin has been shown to limit development of hip OA?
Vitamin D
What is Grade 3 OA (All Kellgren Lawerence scale)
Narrowing of the joint space and moderate osteophytes in the joint
What is Grade 4 OA (All Kellgren Lawerence scale)
Large osteophytes
Severe joint space narrowing
Deforming of bone contour
Subchondral sclerosis
Commonly seen Inflammatory diseases
IBS and RA
Impingement classification Stage 1
< 25 y/o
Minimal change on imaging
Impingement classification Stage 2
25-40 y/o
Symptoms of tendinitis and fibrosus
Impingement classification Stage 3
> 40 y/o
Bone spurs
Tendon degeneration of supraspinatus
Ankylosing Spondylitis cluster
Morning stiffness for 30 mins each day
Alternating butt pain
Impairment of LBP w/ exercise
Night pain during the 2nd half of the night
Referred pain from an abdominal aortic aneurysm
Rapid severe onset of groin pain and LBP
Depression screen 2 questions
96% SN
Over the past 2 wks, Have you felt little interest or pleasure in doing things?
Over the past 2 wks, have you felt down, depressed or hopeless?
L4 nerve root innervation for dermatome is?
Knees and down to the toes medially
Grower’s sign should lead you?
Lumbar instability
Acute phase traction
Static traction for 5-10 mins
acute phase of traction
60s on and 20s off
40-60% BS for 12 minutes
Abductor Hallicus is innervated by?
Medial plantar nerve vis S2-3
When to avoid lumbar manipulation?
When symptoms are below the knee
L4 weakness for myotome is?
DFs and Quads
L5 weakness results in?
DF and big toes extension
Sensory issues along anterior shin and big toe
Aspinall test is?
Transverse ligament weakness and (+) if lump in the throat is felt
Upper cervical ligamentous instability s/s
Occipital HA
Numbness w/ significant neck AROM limitations
CAD pain
Posterior neck pain in the temple and occipital region
Purpose of the transverse ligament
Hold the dens in a approximation to the atlas
Maintain stability of C1-2 w/ prevention of displacement anteriorly
Alar ligament purpose
Contralateral upper portion and ipsilateral lower portion limit sid flexion of the upper cervical while preventing distraction of the atlas on the axis
Tectorial membrane purpose
Limit excessive cervical flexion
Continuation of the posterior longitudinal ligament
Atlantoaxial membrane and tectorial membrane
Limit lateral displacement of the atlas on axis
CTS wrist ratio if higher than .69
Predisposing factor
Phalen’s and Tinel’s sign SN and SP
Higher SN and SP for tensynovitis than CTS
Nerve conduction velocity test is gold standard for?
Damage to the transverse carpal ligament will cause?
S/s like CTS
Is the anterior interosseous branch sensory motor?
Motor only
Radial nerve sensory region
Palmar side of the thumb lateral aspect
Doral surface of the 2nd and 3rd digit
Posterolateral bundle of the ACL plays?
Bigger role in rotational stability
Posterior medial bundle of the ACL plays?
Bigger role in preventing anterior translation of the tibia on the femur during knee flexion
Arcuate ligament provides stability to?
Posterolateral knee capsule for static and not dynamic
Pacinian corpuscles are?
Mechanoreceptors and responsible for proprioceptive deficits
Ruffini corpuscles are?
Mechanoreceptors for proprioceptive deficits
Anteroinstability in the knee will cause?
ACL and MCL + medial meniscus injury
Popliteofibular ligament is?
Major limitator of ER of the tibia
Multiligament injuries of the knee should be?
Braces for 4 wks after surgery
Full thickness tears (RTC) tests and SP
External rotation lag sign = 94%
Internal rotation lag sign = 84%
Drop arm = 77%
Intrinsic causes of adhesive capsulitis
Bicep tendinitis
Calcific tendinitis
AC arthritis
Extrinsic causes of adhesive capsulitis
Cariopulmonary disease
Cardiovascular disease
Systemic cause for adhesive capsulitis
Moderate and high irritability adhesive capsulitis should not be?
Educated on return to recreational hobbies
Is there any evidence of thermotherapy helping with adhesive capsulitis?
osteophytes seen on a radiograph suggest?
Knee pain in a patient
Pec major muscle is innervated by and origin where?
Lateral pec nerve
Origin on the anterior border of the medial half of the clavicle
Pec minor insertion?
Medial border of the coracoid process
Scapular protraction is not affected by?
C3 involves?
Shoulder elevation
Cervical side flexion
Cervical rotation
NDI MCID radiculopathy and mechanical
Radiculopathy is 7.5
Mechanical is 9.5
6 predictors to cervical manipulation having a good response
NDI < 11/50
Bilateral involvement
not performing > 5hr/day of sedentary work
Feeling better while moving the neck
W/o feeling worse while extending the neck
Diagnosis of spondylosis w/o radiculopathy
Chronic neck pain and research has shown us?
Endurance or strengthening training will have the same result at 1 y/o
Chronic WAD has shown?
Larger cross-sectional area of the cervical paraspinals
Neck pain w/ radiating pain should be treated with?
Nerve mobilization
Thoracic manual therapy
Carpal movement with ulnar deviation
Extension of the proximal row
Flexion of distal row
Carpal movement with radial deviation
Flexion of the proximal row
Extension of the distal row
Extensor carpi radialis brevis use
Grip and grasp activites unless forearm is supinated
Median nerve innervates
Sensory of the thumb
3rd and 4th on the dorsum of the hand
Best test for anterior interosseous nerve?
Pinch grip
Infraspinatus ms referral pain
Lateral and posterior should
Radial nerve bias
Froment’s sign testing for
Ulnar nerve for the ADD pollicis
Plantar fascia or heel pain will benefit from?
Rocker bottom shoe w/ orthotic for symptom relief
Rearfoot distraction manipulation will assist with?
Generalized ankle mobility issues
Benefit of a proximal tibiofibular manipulation
DF in the ankle
SLE is seen in
women 20-30
Men 45-60
Can damage blood vessels and organs
Windlass test SP and SN
100% Sp weight bearing
32% Sn non weight bearing
Purpose of a Windlass test
Testing the plantar fascia
2-4 months short term symptoms of plantar fascia pain will be resolved with?
Stretching to gastroc/soleus and plantar fascia
False statement of lateral epicondyalgia
Is that there are few cases truely on lateral epicondylalgia
Capsular pattern of TMJ
C Curve or S curve
Due to pain and limited mandibular depression
GHJ instability is?
Secondary impingement syndrome
Tension type HA will last?
30 min - 7 days
Cluster HA will last?
15min - 2 hours
Migraines will last
4 hours - 72 hours
HA and types
Migraine HA may shift sides
Tension type will stay bilaterally and tightness of the temporal area and front of the head
Ventral horn of the spinal cord contains?
Motor neurons
Cervical extension has how may degrees?
C6 DTR are
Biceps and brachioradialis
T4 syndrome is?
Autonomic dysfunction and would explain cold hands and heavy dull achy hands bilaterally
(+) ULTT
(+) limited T/s joint mobility
Pain free ROM of cervical thoracic and lumbar
Best view for hill Sachs lesion?
Stryker notch view
Ulnar nerve lesion sensory loss
Medial 4th and entire 5th digit
C8 radiculopathy sensory loss
Entire 4th and 5th digit
C8 radiculopathy motor loss
ADD pollicis
Palmaris brevis
Flexor digitorum profundus
Flexor carpi Radialis
Flexor Digitorium superficialis
Palmaris longus
Cervicogenic Headache symptoms
Unilateral headaches with intermittent nature
weakness of the DNF
Hypomobility of the upper cervical spine
Cluster headache symptoms
Occur at night and are associated with autonomic nervous system like watering eyes
Cervical flexion rotation test cut off (+)
< 32 degrees of rotation or a 10 degree reduction from other side
Subacromial pain syndrome s/s to rule in diagnosis
Impingement signs
Painful arc
pain with resisted external rotation
positive long head of the biceps
Substantial rotator cuff tendon tear
Age > 60
Lag signs
Glenohumeral joint instability
Age < 40 w/ atraumatic onset
History of dislocation or subluxation
Apprehension test
Relocation test
Generalized or systemic laxity >5/9 beighton
SLAP lesion test
Primary adhesive capsulitis
Spontaneous progressive pain
loss of motion in 2 or more place and external rotation most limited
What are the 3 examination findings to rule in SAPS?
Hawkins kennedy sign
Painful arc
Pain and weakness with resisted shoulder ER
Best findings to rule in rotator cuff tear
> 65 years old
Pain at night
Weakness in ER
Anterior apprehension SN/SP
SN = 50
SP = 56
Relocation SN/SP
SN = 81
SP = 92