ct Flashcards
hepatic abscess
ring enhancing mass on CT (mimics met). on MRI- central hyperintesnity on T2 weighted images with irregular wall that enhances late. perlesional enhancement may be present.
expansion of the preportal space. atrophy of the medial segment of the leg thematic lobe in early cirrhosis causes increased fat anterior to the right main portal vein. caudate to right lobe size ratio of >0.65. empty gallbladder fossa.
secondary: splenomegaly, portosystimc collaterals and varices. gb wall thickening. gamma sandy bodies: splenic micro hemorrhages.
regenerative nodule
doesn’t enhance in arterial phase
low signal intensity on T2, variable on T1. rarely T1 hyper intense bc glycogen deposition
same enhancement on MRI
variable signal T1, low T2 but can be T2 hyper intense
sideritic nodule
hypintense on T1 and T2. hyper attenuating on CT.
arterial phase enhancement. encapsulated mass that enhances on arterial phase and washes out on portal venous phase. on MRI, characteristically T2 hyperintense
locally invasive- invade in portal veins, IVC, bile ductts. mets are less invasive.
fibrolamellar hcc
young pts w/o cirrhosis. on MRI: large heterogeneous mass. fibrotic central scar classic- hypintense on T1 and T2 ( note- focal nodular hyperplasia T2 hyperintese scar that enhances late). no capsule.
hepatic mets
hypovascular- best appreciated on portal venous. hyper vascular mets: neuroendocrine, renal cell, thyroid, melanoma, and sarcoma. hypo T1 and hyper T2.
treat breast cx common.
what can cause capsular retraction
mets (post tx), fibrolammelar, bcc, epithelial hemanioendothelioma, intrahepatic cholangioca, confluent hepatic fibrosis
focal nodular hyperplasia
central area of of T2 hyperintense ductules and venues. delayed enhancement. avidly enhances on arterial phase and washed out quickly. kuppfer cells- sulfur colloid study. bile duct cells- HIDA scan.
peripheral, discontinuous, progressive, nodular enhancement. CT- hypoattenuating.
hepatic adenoma
ct- heterogeneous hypo attenuating. no bile ducts so can use HIDA scan to differentiate from FNH. multiple in von gierkes disease hyper vascular on arterial. microscopic fat.
pancreatic adeno
hypotenuse (late arterial CT), T1 hypointesense ill defined hypo vascular mass causing ductal obstruction and atrophy of the pancreatic tail.
if no ductal dilatation of pancreas consier
autoimmune pancreatitis, groove pancreatitis, cystic pancreatic tumor, neuroendocrine tumor, duodenal GIST, peripancreatic lymph node, pancreatic met, lymphoma.
acinar cell ca
lipase hyper secretion syndrome: subs fat necrosis, bone infarcts causing polyarthralgias, and eosinophilia.
serous cystadenoma- grandmother tumor
many small cysts with solid appearance due to apposition of many cyst walls.
mutinous mother tumor
single or few large cysts. body or tail. has capsule.
SPEN daughter tumor
large mass with heterogeneous solid and cystic areas. hemorrhage. capsule.
IPMN- grandfather elderly males.
cystic intrapanreatic lesion in contiguity with he cut or side branch. nodular or enhancing then be concerned for malignancy. >3cm or MPD >10mm.