CSX Unit II Flashcards
Genesis1:27,28a, 31
- We are created in the image of God.
- We are gifted with the ability to create.
- We are created to be relational and good.
Luke 6:47-48
- God gives us the blue prints for healthy lives.
- Sound teaching about healthy bodies are the foundation to a good life.
- A good apprentice learns from the master builder.
Is this person important to you?
Can you trust this person?
Does the person feel comfortable self-disclosing with you?
Will you self-disclosure serve a purpose?
Love languages
Quality Time Physical Touch Words of Affirmation Receiving Gifts Acts of Service
Catholic Social Teaching
Dignity of the Human Person
Call to Family, Community, and Participation
Rights and Responsibilities
Dignity of Work and Rights of Workers
Preferential Option for the Poor and Vulnerable
Care for God’s Creation
The interaction between two people who are. Part of each other’s lives
Expresses an idea from the speakers point of view
Emphasizes the listeners role in the problem
The process of revealing significant and private information about yourself.
Sexually attracted to people of their gender
Sexually attracted to those of the opposite gender
Friendships between people of the opposite genders
Cross-gender friendships
An informal type in which several people of both genders spend time together
Group dating
Relationship with little emotional involvement or seriousness
Casual dating
Relationship that features a higher level of emotional involvement and commitment
Steady dating
A strong sense of affection and connection to another person
Foolish and extreme attraction that does not last
Special closeness between two people that doesn’t compromise either person’s sense of identity.
Personal God who reveals unconditional love
Behavior in which one partner uses power to control or harm the other
The period between engagement and marriage
The emotional and legal commitment a man and woman make to live together as husband and wife