CSV Flashcards
What are the cylindrical polar co-ordinates?
(p, phi, z) x=pcos(phi) y=psin(phi) Outward pointing normal of: Curved surface: n=ep; Base: n=-ez; Top: n=ez; Position vector: r=pep+zez
What is the dot product, cross product, perpendicular distance from origin to plane and the equation of a plane?
Dot product: a•b=|a||b|cos(theta);
Cross product: axb=|a||b|sin(theta)*n;
Perpendicular distance: r0•n;
Equation of plane: (r-r0)•n=0 (used to find the equation of the tangent plane to the surface)
What are the spherical polar co-ordinates?
(r, theta, phi) x=rsin(theta)cos(phi) y=rsin(theta)sin(phi) z=rcos(theta) Outward pointing normal is n=er The position vector: r=rer
What is grad f ?
Df/Dx i + Df/Dy j + Df/Dz k Cylindrical: Df/Dp ep + 1/p Df/D(phi) ephi + Df/Dz ez Spherical: Df/Dr er + 1/r Df/D(theta) etheta + 1/rsin(theta) Df/Dphi ephi
What is the directional derivative?
In the direction, say u, it is:
Duf(a,b,c) = u’•gradf(a,b,c), where
u’= u/|u| is the unit vector in the direction of u.
What is Schwarz’s Theorem?
Suppose that z=f(x,y) is continuous and fx, fy, fxy, fyx are all continuous then D^2f/DxDy = D^2f/DyDx.
From Schwarz’s theorem it follows that the Hessian matrix, H(f) is symmetric.
What is the surface integral for cylindrical and spherical polar coordinates?
Cylinder: Top: integral of F pdpd(phi) Base: integral of F pdpd(phi) Curved Surface: integral of F rd(phi)dz z is a constant for the top and base whereas for the curved surface, p=r.
Sphere: Integral of f(R, theta, phi) R^2sin(theta)d(theta)d(phi)
What is DA when calculating the surface integral for a:
Paraboloid: |rpxrphi|dpd(phi)
Ellipsoid: |rthetaxrphi|d(theta)d(phi)
To find the volume of a region bounded by two surfaces, what is the surface integral we must use?
V= double integral of (g(x,y)-f(x,y))dA where f(x,y) is the upper bound and g(x,y) is the lower bound.
To find the region of f to integrate we must set f(x,y)=g(x,y).
What is DV when calculating the volume integral for a:
Cylinder: pdpd(phi)dz
Sphere: r^2sin(theta)drd(theta)d(phi)
What is the integral for the length of a curve?
Integral of |r’(t)|dt where r is the position vector and t is contained in [a,b].
What is the equation to find a line integral and line segments?
(1) integral of F•r’dt or the integral of Fxdxdt + Fydy/dt + Fzdz/dt) dt
(2) if x is the changing variable in the coordinates we write integral of (Fxdx/dx + Fydy/dx + Fzdz/dx) dx (Fx is the x component in F whereas fx is the partial derivative of f wrt to x).
What are the conditions for a maxima and minima ?
First fx=fy=0 to find the critical points.
Then do A=fxx, B=fxy, C=fyy.
AC-B^2>0 and A>0 minimum, A<0 (saddle point);
AC-B^2=0 (no information).
How do we go about using the implicit function theorem to show we can write y=f(x)?
For the function F(x,y), fy must not be equal to 0, if so then we can write y=f(x).
For, x=g(y) we must show that fx is not equal to 0.
When no coordinates are given, if for example, you are trying to find y=f(x) then find fy and equate to zero and make y or x the subject then substitute this value into F which will obtain the co-ordinates at which it is not possible to write y=f(x).
What is Green’s Theorem? And what is the Area?
Integral (fdx+gdy)=double integral of (dg/dx-df/dy)dxdy
Area: 0.5 x integral of (xdy-ydx)
What is the divergence of:
F(x,y,z): divF=DFx/Dx + DFx/Dy + DFx/Dz
F(p,phi,z): divF=pD(pFp)/Dp + 1/p D(Fphi)/D(phi) + DFz/Dz
F(r,theta,phi): divF=1/r^2D(r^2Fr)/Dr + 1/rsin(theta)D(Fthetasin(theta))/D(theta) + 1/rsin(theta) D(Fphi)/Dphi
What is Gauss’ Theorem?
Gauss’ Theorem States:
The (volume) integral of the divF dV = the (surface) integral of F•n dA
What is the curl of F? (Do for cylindrical and spherical coordinates and check on sheet 6 solutions).
The curl is the cross product of i(D/Dx, Fx), j(D/Dy,Fy), k(D/Dz,Fz).
What is Stoke’s Theorem?
The (surface) integral of curl F•n dA = the (line) integral of F•dr