CST exam prep Flashcards
islets of Langerhans secrete
pancreatic juice
outer layer of intestine is what
sinus between nose and orbits
intraoccular pressure is primarily dependent on
aqueous humor
kidneys are positioned where
function unit of the kidney is what?
pacemaker of the heart is what
the SA node
what vessel arises from the left ventricle?
trigeminal neuralgia arises from which nerve
abnormal increase in cells
defect in an inguinal hernia occurs where
internal oblique
Meckel’s diverticulum occurs where
distal ileum
what is cryptorchidism
undescended testes
what kind of fracture has bone penetrating skin
whwhat condition is it when the cranial suture line closes prematurely
what is movement away from the midline
surgical procedure to treat cholesteatoma
STFG takes what?
epidermis and half of dermis
excessive secretion of growth hormone in adults cause
what is a women’s first menstrual period
which tonsils are removed in a tonsillectomy
what is -trophy
what is the exchange of gases between the blood and body cells known as
internal respiration
wrapped instrument sets must be sterilized for how long at 250F
30 minutes
If an item wrapped in an immpervious wrapper drops on the floor, what do you do?
use it if not wet
ETO is mixed with carbon dioxide to
reduce flammability
the ultrasonic washer cleans instruments by
items hat are mechanically cleaned and chemically disinfected, but not sterile are what
surgically clean
what combo kills microorganisms during steam sterilzation
temp and time
what is used to created gas plasma for sterilization process
hydrogen peroxide
how long should an ETO biological indicator be incubated before being read
48 hours
what test is used to check for air entrapment in the pre-vacuum sterilizer
bowie dick
where should a biological test pack be placed on the bottom rack of the steam sterilizer
For ETO sterilized items, how long must they remain in an aerator being operated at 140F
8 hours
what temp in F should a steam biological test incubator be at
To facilitate retrieval of unsterile items, what control measure is best used?
load control number
a positive biologic test will show a change or no change in color
When breaking down the setup, the STSR should place the instruments in what?
a basin with water for transport to decon
what is most often used for spot cleaning of blood and body fluids spills on the OR floor
chlorine compounds
recommended weight of an instrument tray is what
universal compression rate for 1 rescuer CPR (before giving breaths)
with 2 -person CPR, how often do you rotate the role of compressions?
2 minutes
The ratio of compressions to ventilations for infants and children during 2 rescuer CPR is what?
15 to 2
How deep should the chest be compressed in an adult for CPR
1&1/2 to 2 inches
in an adult, chest compressions take place where?
the middle of the sternum
chest compressions are recommended if the infants HR is less than what
60 BPM
is Adaptic adherent or non-adherent
whats the name of a nasogastric tube used for insertion in the small intestine?
What are Malecot, mushrooms and sumps?
what drain tubes would be used in a radical neck dissection
When 2 chest tubes are used in a cardiovascular case, what is the upper tube used to evacuate?
what type of sponge is tightly rolled cotton tape used by surgeons for blunt dissection
which dressing is ideal for a neck procedure?
What type of catheter is used for chemo agents in the abdomen
a curved, tapered needle is used most often on
the bowel tissue
what does inert mean?
what is the least inert of meshes
which type of mesh is not preferred in the presence of infection
what type of suture should not be used in the presence of infection
what needle point would be used on a tendon
the type of needle point used on peritoneum and intestine is
a stick tie is a what
swaged needle
a characteristic of polyglycolic acid (VICRYL) suture is that they are what
absorbed by the body
which suture is treated with a salt solution to decrease the rate of absorption
chromic gut
suture used in tendon repair
polydioxanone PDS
which suture is a polyester fiber suture?
most widely used non-absorbable
which suture is absorbable and offers extended wound support
what type of suture is surgilon
another name for polyglactin 910
where would a cutting needle be contra-indicated
what needle point is used on skin
what is a taper needle used for
tissue inside the body
plain gut is absorbed in how many days
what is the dura mater closed with
splenectomy incision
incision for resection of sigmoid colon
what procedure would a thoracoabdominal incision be used
partial gastrectomy
what surgery requires an abdominal and rectal incision for lower rectal malignancy
an abdominoperineal resection
the incision for a Caldwell-Luc is what
canine fossa
what is the approach from the sella turcica for a trans-sphenoidal hypophysectomy?
upper gum margin
which hemostatic agent is contraindicated for use in presence of infection
absorbable collagen
Which hemostatic agent must be applied and handled dry
what is not recommended for use on bones for hemostasis
oxidized cellulose
what does not control bleeding in the skin and glia
what term is used to refer to performing surgery at a distance with robotic arms
what is the technical term for robotic arms
a right and left movement of the robotic arm is called
where would the robotic arm be positioned on the OR table for a lower abdomen surgery
by patients head
remote control of a robot is called what
where should a robotic arm be placed on the OR table for a lap chole
patients right; mid thigh
when setting the lower limit of the robotic arm, what is the rule of thumb for distance from the patients skin surface
1 cm or less
silverman biopsy needle is used on what organ
what instrument is used to provide traction during an open gallbladder
mixter forceps
what would a Humi cannula be used for
what is another name for the uterine dressing forcep found in a D&C tray
what sharp uterine curettes are located in the D&C tray
what are Denis-Browne ring retractors used for
retropubic prostatectomy
what is a gomco or plastibell are used for
female urethral dilators are
what instrument is used during a suprapubic prostatectomy
masson-judd retractor
what is balanced anesthesia reffered to as
what intravenous barbituate is most frequently used for general anesthesia induction
thiopental sodium
what part of the body has the most abundant and various microbes
mouth and throat
bacteria frequently found in soil, water and sewage
pseudomonas aeruginosa
what microorganism causes mad cow ( Creutzfeldt-JAkob)
most frequent means by which infections are spread
direct contact with infected person
what is evisceration
rupture of a wound with spilling of contents
what is the substance that weakly holds edges together during the first 5 days of first intention healing
what kind of fire extinguisher should be available when using a laser
what needs to be available when mixing bone cement
self-contained evacuation system
a Class D fire involves what
electrical or laser
stirrups that are not padded or are improperly placed on the OR table can cause pressure on which nerve
small pad under patients head if used to relax which muscle
strap muscle