CSS Flashcards
What is Flex Basis?
Flex basis sets the initial main size of a flex item before remaining space is distributed, applied to flex items.
Flex Direction: How does it affect the layout?
Flex direction establishes the main axis direction for flex items in the container, such as row or column, and is applied to the flex container.
Flex Wrap: What does it control and where is it used?
Flex wrap controls whether flex items are forced into a single line or can wrap across multiple lines, used on the flex container.
Justify-Content: What does it do?
Justify-content aligns flex items along the main axis of their container, offering several alignment options like center or space-between, applied to the flex container.
Flex Grow: What is its role?
Flex grow determines the proportion of available space each flex item should absorb beyond its initial size, applied to flex items.
Flex Shrink: How does it function?
Flex shrink dictates how a flex item will reduce in size relative to others when there is not enough space, applied to flex items.
Grid Template Columns/Rows with minmax: What does minmax do?
The minmax function in grid layouts sets the minimum and maximum sizes for columns or rows, ensuring responsive sizing within grid containers.
Repeat Function in Grid: What is its purpose?
The repeat function simplifies the definition of multiple grid tracks with the same size, enhancing layout efficiency in grid containers.