CSPs Flashcards
In what way does the Daily Mirror offer a view of society to it’s readers?
What is the Daily Mirror’s political stance?
What does the Daily Mirror masthead indicate to readers?
What is the appeal of the ‘above the fold’ Meghan Markle tease?
Why is Ant a suitable main splash?
What does this indicate about the interests of the readers?
Why is Jeremy Corbyn a suitable front page lead?
What is the attitude towards JC? How is this indicated?
What values were applied by the editors? (Front page).
What does this suggest about The Mirror? It’s readers?
How does the representation of One Direction as () provide audience pleasures?
Dyers Utopian Theory.
How does the video for ‘History’ target and address it’s audience?
What is the target audience for ‘History’?
What was MySpace and what role did it play for the Arctic Monkeys?
What is ‘The X Factor”, and what role did it play for 1D?
Who is Lauren? Must know social and cultural context and refer to it.
What does the 99p price tag tell us about Reveal’s ideology?
What is the target demographic of the the Times?
-The Times target demographics are ABC1.