CSP Test #2 Flashcards
Is a programming language that wed developers use to create more dynamic interactions when developing web pages.
Computational Media
Practice of fusing programming to build expressive and interactive computer applications and media.
P5.js Editor
An open-source JavaScript library that allows people to make web pages animated and interactive
Integrated Development Environment, it is a piece of software that allows a developer to write code and execute the code within one interferance
Functions are lines of code that perform specific tasks
In CS, variables hold an assigned value or data of a specific type
Parameters or Arguements
Are the values inside of a parenthesis following the name of the function. These are used to change the outcome of a function.
Unplugged Activity
An activity that can be conducted without the use of computers or electronic equipment
Computer Programmer
A programmer that codes and creates sophisticated software.
When we communicate the computers using a unique language
Run Time Error
An error that is produced when incorrect terms are used in the script of code.
Syntax Error
Is produced when a script format or shape is incorrect, a misspelling or not recognized are examples
Is focusing on the important ideas of problem and ignoring details that will not help finding a solution. It is used to make a software for efficent and less complex.
Positioning Information
Used to give a location in which a shape will be placed; using (x,y) variables.