CSI Crohns/Diarrohea Flashcards
how much water do you ingest?
1-2 L
How much water is secreted?
How much water is excreted?
define diarrohea
3+ loose stools per 24hr
acute >1/7
persistant >14/30
chronic > 1/12
pathology causes of diarrohea:
- increase in secretion
- decrease in absorption
- increase bowel motility
divisions of diarrohea:
inflam (pathogens causing dysfunction)
non inflam-> secretory (more scereted eg cholera toxin) & osmotic (less solutes to take water across/ suck more water in) –> maldigestion (lactose intolerance or pancreatic exocrine insufficency, slutes cannot cross so water sucked in/cannot follow) & malabsorption (epsom salts).
Stool size in secretory vs osmotic
small in inflammatory and big in non inflammatory
Test to distinguish secretory from osmotic
Osmotic Stool Gap Test
Osmotic stool gap test: explain, equation
concentration of Na +K in lumen. 290 - 2(Na + K). In secretory it is less than 50 since more solutes will follow water as it is secreted. So bigger 2(Na + K). In osmotic, 2(Na + K) is less since water is drawn in through indigestable solutes which dilutes.
What happens in inflam diarrohea?
endothelial dysfunction because of the pathogens. WBcs ROS incraese inflam, so less absorption
What happens in secretory inflam?
incraesed secretion and less absorption. eg chloera. cholera toxin incraeses adenylate cyclase -> increase amp and incraese opening of chloride ions for longer time. more water secreted
what is osmotic? 2 types
osmotic: less absorption from lack of solutes/enzymes
maldigestion: intolerance and pancreatic enzyme insufficency.
malabsorption: lack of ions/epsom salts, short bowel syndrome, bacterial overgrowth.
Drugs for specific types of diarrohea
SGLT1 transporters -> incraesed absorption.
NSAIDs for inflam
maldigestion: enzyme supplements
malabdorptione: rehydration therapy
IBS: Group of symtoms with iritable bowel with triggers. “ mucus, constipation+diarrohea, bloated”
IBD: group of infalammatory disorders “ blood in poo, weight loss,fever “
both: fatigue, pain,faecal inconsistency
investgations for diarrohea
Blood FBC, CRP, U&E, LFT, COELIAC SEROLOGY :TTG (tissue transglutaminase antibody)
Stool sample: FIT, microculture, faecal calprotectin (inflam in bowel)
CT Abdo + colonoscopy/biopsy
4 differences in uc VS crohns
* non-continuous vs continous
* cobblestone vs pusedosysts
* down into muscularis vs mucosa
* non-caeseating vs crpyt abcesses
treatment levels:
1) steroids
2) immunosupressants: methotrexate or prednesiolone
3) biologicals: - ends in mab
4) surgery eg bowel resection
5) enteral nutrition/liquid diet (kids and oyung people)
extended risks:
Cancer, damage
what can diagnose Crohns
colonoscopy + biopsy
risk factors (5)
enviormental, diet, smoking, genes, immune system
- Diarrhoea
- Stomach aches and cramps
- Bloody stools
- Fatigue
- Weight loss
- Pyrexia
- Nausea and vomiting
- Joint pain
- Sore, red eyes
- Patches of painful, red, and swollen skin, usually on legs
- Mouth ulcers
2 main complications of corhns
bowel damage: ulcer, fistula, stricture
seea doctor if
blood in stools
not growing
diarrohea for more than 7 days
- frequent stomach aches or cramps
- unexplained weight loss
What diarrhoea fixes after fasting
Non inflammatory osmotic diarrhoea