CSCP Exam 1 Flashcards
The factors to consider in the make-or-buy decision include costs, proprietary knowledge, and:.
A. design history.
B. available capacity.
C. inventory balance.
D. warehouse location.
Correct Answer: B
Using an independent service provider for logistics would be most appropriate in which of the following situations?
A. A shoe company that wants to penetrate a foreign market
B. A business that owns plants and warehouses globally
C. A financial services company that wants to expand its services
D. A cable television company that wants to add services
Correct Answer: A
QUESTION 1 Which of the following are components of fulfillment lead time? A. order processing II. assembly and shipping III. invoicing and collection B. I C. II D. I and II E. II and III F. I, II and III
Correct Answer: C
Which of the following is the most systematic approach to allocating indirect costs? A. activity-based costing B. financial accounting C. managerial accounting D. process indirect costing
Correct Answer: A
What happens to variability when independent processes are combined to form a larger process?
A. variability of individual processes cancel out each other, resulting in a small overallvariability
B. variability of the total time is equal to the variability of the component with the largestvariability
C. variability of the total time equals the sum of the variability in all the component times
D. variability of the total time is equal to the variability of the component with the smallestvariability
Correct Answer: C
In order to be counted "perfect" when calculating the perfect-order measure, in addition to the order containing the correct goods, which of the following must also be perfect? A. order must ship complete II. order must arrive on-time III. paperwork associated with order must be accurate and complete B. I C. II D. I and II E. II and III F. I, II and III
Correct Answer: E
What is the impact on customer service level (CSL) of increasing safety stock?
A. CSL increases
B. CSL decreases
C. CSL remains constant
D. no relationship exists between CSL and safety stock
Correct Answer: A
What is the impact on annual holding costs of increasing the order quantity?
A. annual holding costs decrease
B. annual holding costs increase
C. annual holding costs remains constant
D. cannot tell impact on annual holding cost
Correct Answer: B
What is the impact on annual holding costs of decreasing the order quantity?
A. annual holding costs decrease
B. annual holding costs increase
C. annual holding costs remains constant
D. cannot tell impact on annual holding cost
Correct Answer: A
Which of the following cycles delivers products to meet customer demand? A. design B. fulfillment C. production D. replenishment
Correct Answer: B
What is the inventory needed to support normal operations called?
A. cycle stock
B. maintenance, repair, and operating supplies
C. safety stock
D. buffer stock
E. pipeline stock
Correct Answer: A
What is the unintended effect of customers requiring complete shipments?
A. Customers requiring complete shipments have no impact on the supply chain.
B. Customers tend to purchase in smaller quantities to ensure shipments are complete.
C. Suppliers have to maintain much higher inventory levels.
D. Suppliers will not have as much inventory since orders are shipped complete.
Correct Answer: C
All of the following are modules of a transportation management system EXCEPT: A. carrier management B. delivery scheduling C. shipment tracking D. vehicle routing E. yard management
Correct Answer: E
All of the following are modules of a transportation management system EXCEPT: A. carrier management B. materials handling C. transportation network design D. transportation planning E. vehicle maintenance
Correct Answer: B
Which of the following types of relations do most humans naturally assume that systems are? A. single-valued B. multi-valued C. continuous D. monotonic E. linear
Correct Answer: E
Assuming no quantity discounts, what is true about the relationship between annual holding costs and annual ordering costs at the minimal total cost?
A. annual holding costs is less than annual ordering costs
B. annual holding costs is greater than annual ordering costs
C. annual holding costs equals annual ordering costs
D. cannot tell the relationship between the annual holding costs and annual ordering costs
Correct Answer: C
Which type of model facilitates the study of system behavior under the most realistic business conditions? A. conceptual B. mathematical C. narrative D. physical E. simulation
Correct Answer: E
Which type of model is used to predict and optimize the performance of a supply chain? A. conceptual B. mathematical C. narrative D. physical E. simulation
Correct Answer: B
At present, which of the following is true about collaborative planning across ownership boundaries?
A. It never happens.
B. It is the exception rather than the rule.
C. It is the rule rather than the exception.
D. It always occurs.
Correct Answer: B
Which of the following is the most serious challenge to collaborative planning?
A. common communication medium
B. standard protocols for exchanging data
C. motivation to share confidential information
D. applications for forecasting and planning
Correct Answer: C
Which planning system determines when the necessary labor and equipment will have to be available to perform the work? A. DRP B. MPS C. MRP D. CRP E. RCCP
Correct Answer: D
Which of the following intrinsic product qualities concern the "form" of the product? A. bulk vs. packaged II. hazardousness III. state (solid, liquid, gas) B. I C. II D. III E. I and II F. I and III
Correct Answer: E
Which of the following has the push-pull boundary furthest upstream on the supply chain? A. custom product B. configured product C. private labeled product D. off-the-shelf product
Correct Answer: A
What impact does lumping have on the demand signal in terms of timing? A. it delays the timing B. it speeds up the timing C. it has no effect on the timing D. it minimizes the need for signals
Correct Answer: A
Which of the following products most likely creates the greatest amount of stress on its supply chain? A. functional products B. seasonal products C. innovative products D. mature product
Correct Answer: C
Which of the following is true about low density products?
A. the transportation container will “cube out” before it “weighs out”
B. the transportation container will “weigh out” before it “cubes out”
C. the transportation container has to be marked hazardous
D. the transportation will most likely be by air
Correct Answer: A
What is the value of the tracking signal if there is no bias?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 10
D. 100
E. tracking signals have no relationship to bias
Correct Answer: A
ERP systems typically use which of these scheduling techniques? A. forward B. backward C. push D. pull E. delay
Correct Answer: B
Which of the following planning systems would the demand forecast typically be fed into first? A. DRP B. MPS C. MRP D. CRP E. business plan
Correct Answer: A
When classifying products as either A, B or C items, which of the following best describes A items?
A. 20% of the items that represent 80% of sales
B. 30% of the items that represent 50% of sales
C. 30% of the items that represent 15% of sales
D. 50% of the items that represent 50% of sales
E. 50% of the items that represent 5% of sales
Correct Answer: A
All of the following are extrinsic factors that influence demand for a product EXCEPT: A. customer product requirements B. customer corporate objectives C. business cycle D. product positioning
Correct Answer: D
Which of the following would be forecasted? A. dependent demand B. independent demand C. raw materials D. indirect demand E. purchased parts
Correct Answer: B
Which of the following supply chain perspectives is being pursued if a company’s initiatives include barcoding, RFIDs, and EDI as the primary drivers of supply
chain excellence?
A. independent functional areas loosely coupled
B. procurement viewpoint
C. logistics viewpoint
D. information system viewpoint
E. BPR and operations innovation viewpoint
Correct Answer: D
All of the following helps build a brand EXCEPT: A. reputation B. product functionality C. advertising and promotion D. polling customers of competitors E. awareness among buyers
Correct Answer: D
Which term best corresponds to the distribution side of the supply chain? A. downstream B. mainstream C. upstream D. value stream E. North Star
Correct Answer: A
Which of the following departments contributes the least to the base product? A. R & D B. Engineering C. Manufacturing D. Marketing and Sales
Correct Answer: D
Which of the following do many practitioners associate with the term "collaboration" as applied to supply chains? A. information sharing B. collaborative planning C. joint decision making D. supply chain restructuring
Correct Answer: A
All of the following are dimensions of flexibility EXCEPT: A. product mix B. design changeover C. product pricing D. product volume E. rerouting
Correct Answer: C
All of the following are reasons why a top-down approach is a necessity to be effective at the supply chain level EXCEPT:
A. avoiding local optimums
B. interdependence of departments and businesses
C. one-way information sharing
D. knowledge sharing needed to solve problems
Correct Answer: C
What term is used to describe the basic product or service, the supply chain that delivers it, plus other features and factors that go along with the product or service? A. chain product B. extended product C. functional product D. mature product E. global product
Correct Answer: B
Which of the following are extended product factors? A. dealer quality II. after sale service III. warranty B. I C. II D. III E. II and III F. I, II and III
Correct Answer: E
Which of the following are extended product factors? A. financing for purchase II. ease of doing business III. product returns B. I C. II D. III E. II and III F. I, II and III
Correct Answer: E
Which of the following terms emphasizes financial success and strategic positioning? A. supply chain B. value chain C. product chain D. profit chain
Correct Answer: B
If a company targets cost reduction across the supply chain with benefits shared among partners, which stage of supply chain management capability would it be at
with respect to removing cost from the supply chain?
A. dysfunctional
B. infrastructure
C. cost reduction
D. collaboration
E. strategic contribution
Correct Answer: E
All of the following are tasks required to better manage supply chains EXCEPT:
A. designing supply chains for strategic advantage
B. implementing collaborative relationships
C. develop software systems
D. manage supply chain information
E. removing cost from the supply chain
Correct Answer: C
What type of supply chain is required for innovative products? A. responsive B. efficient C. available D. strategic E. collaborative
Correct Answer: A
All of the following are attributes of economic difference factors EXCEPT:
A. per capita income differences
B. different financial capabilities
C. inadequate skills and number of workers
D. no common currency
E. missing natural resource requirements
Correct Answer: D
All of the following are attributes of geographic difference factors EXCEPT: A. trading blocs B. physical distance C. poor access/transportation D. adverse or different climate
Correct Answer: A
What does the "A" in the CAGE framework stand for? A. administrative B. accountable C. activity D. application E. automated
Correct Answer: A
What does the "G" in the CAGE framework stand for? A. general B. gain C. geographic D. globalization
Correct Answer: C
All of the following are independent demand items EXCEPT: A. component parts B. finished goods C. parts for testing D. service parts
Correct Answer: A
Which of the following corresponds to the area labeled "A" in the House of Quality shown below? A. "how" or product/service features B. "how much" C. "what" or customer requirements D. "why" or competitive assessment E. correlation matrix
Correct Answer: C
Which of the following corresponds to the area labeled "D" in the House of Quality shown below? A. "how" or product/service features B. "how much" C. "what" or customer requirements D. "why" or competitive assessment E. correlation matrix
Correct Answer: B
Which of the following corresponds to the area labeled "E" in the House of Quality shown below? A. "how" or product/service features B. "how much" C. "what" or customer requirements D. "why" or competitive assessment E. correlation matrix
Correct Answer: E
Which type of product or process development project is it when Subway introduces a new sandwich with ham and turkey?
A. enhanced existing or derivative products
B. next generation product or new platform
C. radical breakthrough
D. research/advanced development
E. partnership projects
Correct Answer: A
What does the "I" in DMAIC stand for? A. implement B. improve C. independent D. information E. integrate
Correct Answer: B
What does the "P" in PDCA stand for? A. partnership B. performance C. phased D. plan E. process
Correct Answer: D
What does the "C" in PDCA stand for? A. capacity B. capital C. change D. check E. collaborate
Correct Answer: D
What method is used to justify a strategic project?
A. making changes to management structure
B. incorporation of new technology
C. develop strategic capability
D. financial discounted cash flow methods
Correct Answer: C
Which of the following is one of the five common barriers companies face when implementing a project? A. competition B. confusion C. cash flow D. research and development E. performance
Correct Answer: B
All of the following are major factors for describing customer buying patterns EXCEPT: A. product volume B. order frequency C. product mix D. transportation mode E. product lot size
Correct Answer: D
The top 20% of customers often account for what percentage of sales? A. 20% B. 40% C. 60% D. 80% E. almost 100%
Correct Answer: D
Which of the following does research indicate to be true about setting objectives?
A. most companies set too few
B. most companies set too many
C. most companies don’t have any objectives
D. most companies actually set an appropriate number of objectives
Correct Answer: B
Which of the following intrinsic product qualities concern the "density" of the product? A. weight-to-volume ratio II. value-to-weight ratio III. solid vs. liquid vs. gas state B. II C. I and II D. I and III E. II and III F. I, II and II
Correct Answer: B
Which of these supply chain types correspond to the phrase "source centrally, bought locally"? A. customer-centric B. functional-centric C. product-centric D. process-centric
Correct Answer: B
Which of these supply chain types would copier toner probably be distributed using? A. customer-centric B. functional-centric C. product-centric D. process-centric
Correct Answer: B
All of the following are situations where a product-centric supply chain would be preferred EXCEPT:
A. varied customer base with differing requirements
B. multiple products with differing production technologies
C. cost-driven business
D. homogeneous customer base
E. capital-intensive production technology
Correct Answer: A
All of the following are intangible assets EXCEPT: A. human capital B. information C. financial assets D. organization capital
Correct Answer: C
All of following are benefits of S&OP EXCEPT:
A. creates a common set of numbers and assumptions
B. creates a detailed production and purchase plan
C. adds visibility for both sales and operations
D. facilitates team building between sales and operations
Correct Answer: C
All of the following are typically contributed exclusively by operations during an S&OP meeting EXCEPT: A. direct-shipment customers B. replenishment policies C. supplier sourcing strategy D. new product supply chain setup E. cost reductions
Correct Answer: A
All of the following are contributed by sales during an S&OP meeting EXCEPT:
A. competitive response time requirements
B. new product plans and requirements
C. stocking strategy by echelon
D. metrics for customer service
E. market trends
Correct Answer: C
All of the following are typically contributed exclusively by operations during an S&OP meeting EXCEPT:
A. new product plans and requirements
B. production locations and third party sources
C. methods for information exchange
D. capacity constraints and plans for addressing them
E. alternate paths to end-users
Correct Answer: A
Which of the following corresponds to the lead logistics provider? A. 3PL B. 4PL C. LLP D. SCOR E. TCP
Correct Answer: B
What does the "P" in 3PL stand for? A. package B. partner C. party D. performance E. planning
Correct Answer: C
Which of the following partnership agreement articles corresponds to "hierarchy of individuals or positions on both sides of the partnership who will resolve issues"? A. organization process boundaries B. nonexclusive provision C. mediation and conflict resolution D. intellectual property E. decision escalation
Correct Answer: E
Which of the following partnership agreement articles corresponds to "each partner's rights to trade secrets, trademarks, copyrights, and patents arising from the partnership"? A. organization process boundaries B. nonexclusive provision C. mediation and conflict resolution D. intellectual property E. decision escalation
Correct Answer: D
What type of partnership is it when a company joins forces with another who has complementary, nonoverlapping skills? A. complementary B. horizontal C. vertical D. enabling E. collaboratory
Correct Answer: C
All of the following are true of SCOR EXCEPT:
A. developed by the Supply Chain Council
B. based on four broad processes: PLAN, SOURCE, MAKE and DELIVER
C. applies to all industries
D. incorporates supply chain architectures, performance measures and best practices
E. consists of 5 levels
Correct Answer: B
All of the following are level 1 processes EXCEPT: A. source B. make C. enable D. deliver E. return
Correct Answer: C
What type of partnership results when partners are at different echelons, probably adjoining, of the supply chain? A. complementary B. composite C. horizontal D. vertical E. reinforcing
Correct Answer: D
QS-9000 is a quality standard for which industry? A. automotive B. grocery C. retail D. aerospace E. pharmaceuticals
Correct Answer: A
Which of the following are criteria for a core competency?
A. provides access to a wide variety of markets
II. contributes to perceived customer benefits
III. is difficult to imitate
C. I and II
D. I and III
E. II and III
F. I, II and III
Correct Answer: E
Which of the following is a document issued by a carrier, acknowledging that specified goods have been received for transport to a named place of delivery to a designated person? A. advance shipping notice B. bill of lading C. bill of materials D. invoice E. packing slip
Correct Answer: B
Which of the following documents govern all the legal aspects of physical carriage ? A. advance shipping notice B. bill of lading C. bill of materials D. invoice E. packing slip
Correct Answer: B
Which of the following is a document that itemizes in detail the contents of a shipment to a customer but that is not used for governing the shipment's transportation? A. advance shipping notice B. bill of lading C. bill of materials D. invoice E. packing slip
Correct Answer: E
Which of the following documents is sent by a supplier to the customer indicating when an order will be shipped? A. advance shipping notice B. bill of lading C. bill of materials D. invoice E. packing slip
Correct Answer: A
Which statement concerning supply chains is most often true?
A. Most supply chains are designed.
B. Most supply chains evolve over time through a series of independent decisions.
C. Most supply chain flows are linked in relatively simple and straight-forward ways.
D. Most supply chains are replacing information with inventory.
Correct Answer: B
All of the following are parameters of the EOQ EXCEPT: A. demand B. ordering cost C. order quantity D. holding cost E. item purchase price
Correct Answer: C
Which of the following is not one of the five management processes in the SCOR model? A. plan B. control C. source D. make E. deliver
Correct Answer: B
All of the following are management processes in the SCOR model EXCEPT: A. plan B. source C. manage D. make E. deliver
Correct Answer: C
Which of the following refers to the flow of products returned for repairs, recycles, or disposal? A. forward supply chain B. reverse supply chain C. repairs supply chain D. recycling supply chain E. returns supply chain
Correct Answer: B
All of the following are basic flows within supply chains EXCEPT:
A. flow of physical materials and services
B. flow of cash upstream toward raw material
C. vertical flow of knowledge between product development partners
D. reverse flow of products
E. flow of information back and forth along the chain
Correct Answer: C
All of the following are examples of services within the supply chain EXCEPT: A. warehousing B. transportation C. janitorial D. production E. utilities
Correct Answer: D
Non-communist governments impact supply chains in all of the following ways EXCEPT:
A. build infrastructure
B. provide pricing structure for products and services
C. enforce regulations
D. levy or forgive taxes
E. create a business friendly climate or not
Correct Answer: B
A significant impact on the supply chain can be made by all of the following stake holders EXCEPT: A. government B. universities C. trade associations D. competitors E. consumers
Correct Answer: E
All of the following flow through the reverse supply chain EXCEPT: A. remanufactured goods B. obsolete goods C. information flows D. cash or credits E. components for replacement or repair
Correct Answer: A
Which of the following organizations developed the Supply-Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) model?
A. Association for Operations Management ()
B. Global Supply Chain Forum (GSCF)
C. Supply Chain Council (SCC)
D. Institute of Supply Management (ISM)
E. Council of Supply Chain Management Professional (CSCMP)
Correct Answer: C
All of the following are characteristics of functional products EXCEPT: A. relatively low contribution margins B. stable demand C. very few stockouts D. end-of-season markdowns E. little variety
Correct Answer: D
Which of the following is true about a periodic review policy?
A. fixed quantity at fixed intervals
B. fixed quantity at variable intervals
C. variable quantities at fixed intervals
D. variable quantities at variable intervals
Correct Answer: C
Which replenishment policy tends to have the greatest safety stock? A. just-in-time policy B. continuous review policy C. periodic review policy D. risk pooling policy
Correct Answer: C
What is missing from the economic order quantity formula? A. purchase price per item B. quantity discount C. demand per period D. order quantity E. inspection costs per order
Correct Answer: C
All of the following are reasons why inventory is subject to shrinkage EXCEPT: A. theft B. deterioration C. rework D. scrap E. evaporation
Correct Answer: C
All of the following are components of ordering cost EXCEPT:
A. clerical work of preparing and releasing orders
B. taxes and insurance
C. receiving orders
D. incoming inspections
E. physical handling of goods
Correct Answer: B
All of the following are components of holding cost EXCEPT: A. cost of capital invested B. clerical work of receiving orders C. obsolescence D. taxes and insurance E. spoilage
Correct Answer: B
All of the following are components of stockout costs EXCEPT:
A. lost sales
B. backorder costs
C. expediting
D. additional production and purchasing costs
E. backlog cost
Correct Answer: E
What action has members of supply chains historically taken to protect themselves against variability in supply and demand? A. improving quality B. holding inventory C. sharing information D. shortening lead times E. decreasing costs
Correct Answer: B
What action has typically been taken over the last decade or so by members of supply chains to decrease variability in supply and demand? A. improving quality B. holding inventory C. sharing information D. shortening lead times E. decreasing costs
Correct Answer: D
What initiative has members of supply chains taken recently to decrease variability in supply and demand? A. improving quality B. holding inventory C. sharing information D. shortening lead times E. decreasing costs
Correct Answer: C
What does the "P" in CPFR stand for? A. package B. partnership C. performance D. planning E. process
Correct Answer: D
What does the "R" in CPFR stand for? A. rapid B. reengineering C. replenishment D. research E. risk
Correct Answer: C
What does the "C" in CPFR stand for? A. capacity B. collaborative C. cross-functional D. customer E. cooperative
Correct Answer: B
What does the "F" in CPFR stand for? A. forecasting B. freight C. fulfillment D. functional E. fuzzy
Correct Answer: A
All of the following processes are excluded from SCOR v.7.0 EXCEPT: A. sales and marketing B. research and technology development C. product development D. product transactions E. information technology
Correct Answer: D
SCOR applies to all of the following activities EXCEPT:
A. all customer interactions from order entry through paid invoice
B. all product transactions
C. all market interactions from understanding aggregate demand throughorderfulfillment
D. sales and marketing (defined as demand generation)
Correct Answer: D
Supply chains and supply chain processes exist in which of the following organizations? A. for-profit organizations II. non-profit organizations III. charitable organizations B. I C. II D. I and II E. I and III F. I, II and III
Correct Answer: E
Supply chains and supply chain processes exist in which of the following organizations? A. for-profit organizations II. governmental organizations III. military organizations B. I C. II D. I and II E. I and III F. I, II and III
Correct Answer: E
Which of the following is a type of value that supply chains can and must create? A. financial value II. customer value III. social value B. I C. II D. I and II E. II and III F. I, II and III
Correct Answer: E
Which of the following planning systems deal exclusively with independent demand items? A. DRP II. MPS III. MRP B. I C. II D. III E. I and II F. II and III
Correct Answer: D
Which of the following planning systems examine both independent and dependent demand items: A. DRP II. MPS III. MRP B. I C. II C. III D. I and II E. II and III
Correct Answer: C
What other term is sometimes substituted for "Check" of the PDCA? A. analyze B. control C. change D. document E. study
Correct Answer: E
Which of the following best corresponds to the definition of throughput time?
A. Throughput time is the time between completion of two discrete units of production.
B. Throughput time is the length of time from when materials enter a production facility until itexits.
C. Throughput time is the time from when raw materials are paid for to the time payment offinished goods is received.
D. Throughput time is the time from receipt of a customer’s order to the delivery of theproduct.
Correct Answer: B
Which of the following are components of a perfect order? A. right quantity II. right place III. right price B. I C. II D. I and II E. I and III F. I, II and III
Correct Answer: E
Which of the following are components of a perfect order? A. right product II. right time III. right quantity B. I C. II D. I and II E. I and III F. I, II and III
Correct Answer: E
Which statement concerning physical cost and mediation costs is most often true?
A. The physical and market mediation costs are approximately the same for supply chains,independent of whether the chain supports innovative or functional
B. The physical cost exceeds the market mediation costs for the supply chain of a functionalproduct.
C. The market mediation costs exceed the physical costs for the supply chain of a functionalproduct.
D. Neither cost is taken into consideration when designing and managing a supply chain.Product?
Correct Answer: B
All of the following are characteristics of functional products EXCEPT:
A. product life cycle is greater than 2 years
B. the contribution margin is between 5 and 20%
C. it has only 10 to 20 products in each product category
D. its average stock out rate is between 10 and 40 %
Correct Answer: D
Which of the following is a characteristic of a market responsive supply chain?
A. maintains high utilization rate with regards to manufacturing
B. suppliers are selected primarily to reduce cost
C. its product design strategy utilizes modular design to allow for postponement ofdifferentiation in products
D. meets predictable demand efficiently at the lowest possible cost
Correct Answer: C