CSA Training 8-24 Flashcards
What is IMAGE?
A system only used by AAG that makes Sabre easier to use
What is your Sabre login?
The same you use for your mobile device.
What are the 2 ways to navigate IMAGE?
- Using the mouse
2. Keyboard shortcuts and Hot Keys
Which Key do you use to access hidden Tool Bars and clear out pop-up windows?
Esc (Escape)
Which Key is used to open the tool/menu bars of Image?
F (Function)
Using this key while also holding one of the “F” keys (F1-F12) will pull up different main menu’s
Shift key along with pressing a “F” key will pull up different main menu’s
How do you access Quick Access Menus?
Ctrl (Control)
How do you access “Hot Keys”?
Press Alt and the underlined letter of the section you want to open
Use this to quickly navigate a list or drop down menu
Arrows (Directional Keypad)
This ALWAYS works in Every screen in IMAGE
10- Keypad
These function the same as a mouse and move your cursor around to different sections:
Hot Keys
What is the FIRST thing you do as soon as you login to IMAGE?
Assign your Printers because you cant make any sales without a printer assigned to you.
What is the Hot Key for Assign/Change Printer?
Alt + A (A is for Assigned)
Where can I find the Assign/ Change Printer option in IMAGE?
F4/f1 - Top Tool Bar is “Misc. Data” and the Bottom Tool Bar is “System Config”. This is where you will hit the Hot Key Alt + A
How will you know you have assigned the printer correctly?
“OK and PRINTER ASSIGNED” text will appear in your response screen.
Almost everything you need to do in IMAGE can be found in these 2 Tool Bars. What are they called?
Top & Secondary are the Main Menus of IMAGE
What is the area on the Left side of the IMAGE screen where text is typed or commands are entered?
IMAGE Mask Input Area
This is where you will find the Flight Number, Gate Number, Estimated Time of Departure and the Flight Departure countdown
Countdown Clock. This will automatically happen when the light number is designated
How do you check to see if the link between IMAGE and SABRE is working?
In the Status Bar: “Up” means everything is working right. “Down” means there is no link.
Where can you find the Computer Address of the device you are viewing IMAGE on?
Status Bar- It is the 6- digit letter & Number (38888B) in the picture)
Where can you find todays Date?
Status Bar
Where can you find the current time?
Status Bar in 24 hour format
Where can you find the location and name of who is currently logged into IMAGE?
Status Bar
Where can you find the 2-digit Agent Sine (ID) of the person who is logged into IMAGE?
Status Bar- Example is D3
Where can you see what version of IMAGE is currently being ran on your system?
Status Bar- Example APT 2012.0006
What do you press to access the beginning or main screen; your “Happy Place”?
If we view the Main Screen as a book; which of the two main tool bars would be the “Book” and which would be the “Chapter”?
The top row is the general or “book” while the bottom row is the “chapter” or more specific row.
What combination of keys do you press to select the “top bar”?
Shift + F1
What shortcut do you use to access the bottom bar?
Just the “f” key without pressing Shift first
What key do you press to access the “Hidden Tool Bar”?
Throughout your training selections on the toolbars will be written as “F1 / f2 “ what does this mean?
the ‘Book” is the top bar which for “F1” would be “Check In”
the “Chapter” is the bottom bar which is more specific so “f2” would mean “Misc. Check-In”
You must do this everytime you leave your computer position
If you want to save your place on the computer and will only be gone briefly you can lock your screen by pressing what?
Ctrl + Alt + Delete
How do you sign out of IMAGE?
Ctrl + E
Function that shows which Gate the flight is scheduled for and how many passengers are checked in for the flight
Ctrl + G: Gate and Flight Load also called “G” or “G Display”
What Does FLIFO Stand for?
Flight Routing & Schedule
This function shows the routing of the flight as well as the scheduled and actual times of arrival and departure
Flight Routing & Schedule (FLIPO) Ctrl + F
This function is used to reprint boarding passes and/or change seats
Ctrl + R
What is the function to access the Keyboard Help Screen?
Ctrl + H
What is a PNR
Passenger Name Record
What is the function to access a PNR?
Ctrl + Q
What is a PETC and AVIH?
Pet In The Cabin and Animal in Hold
What is an SSR
Special Service Requests
Law Enforcement Officer on Non-Mission
Federal Law Enforcement Officers (Air Marshals) On Mission
Federal Flight Deck Officers
Service Animal
Doesn’t Speak English
Any guest that needs assistance but does not need a wheelchair
Other Service (Escorts/Prisoners/Detainees)
How do you access a seat map
On the seat map green indicates
Open and available
On the seat map yellow indicates
Depending on the code it could be pre reserved by a guest who hasn’t checked in or blocked by agent only usage, these do not show as available to guests.
On the seat map gray indicates
Checked In
On the seat map gray overlay indicates
Wing Row
On the seat map dark gray overlay indicates
Exit Row
On the seat map P is code for
Premium Class, Pay to sit here
On the seat map R is code for
Pre Reserved for Non-Elite Guests who are not checked in
On the seat map Z is code for
Airport Use Only
On the seat map Q is code for
Blocked for elite member, first choice
On the seat map D is code for
Only available to Non-Saver-Fare Guests
On the seat map V is code for
Pre Reserved by an Elite Member who is not checked in
On the seat map L is code for
Preferred seat for Minors traveling alone
On the seat map H is code for
Guests with disabilities
On the seat map N is code for
Inoperable or Broken
On the seat map I is code for
Comfort/Infant Block. For guests traveling with a lap infant.
On the seat map O is code for
Weight Imbalance
This code may be used to change a seat
Function you use to “uncheck in” a guest
This is the function to display a VCR
This is the first thing you do when you’ve logged into your computer
Assign your printer
What is a FIM
Flight interruption manifest
What is the hot key for ticket
What is APIS
For international travelers the “Advanced Passenger Information System” is where you enter their documents
Who would you report an IMAGE problem to
ITS Service Desk
What are pages of reference information for looking up something
The function to check availability in instant masks is
The function to reissue boarding pass/seat change in instant masks is
The function to codeshare flight converter in instant masks is
The function to FLIFO in instant masks is
The function to flight data in instant masks is
The function to mileage plan number credit in instant masks is
The function to quick passenger information in instant masks is
The function to return seat in instant masks is