CS7: Ethical, Legal & Environmental Impacts [Dodgy] Flashcards
What is Open-Source Software?
Software whose source code is open to the public for viewing, modifying and distribution
What are the advantages and Disadvantages of Open-Source Software?
Advantages: ● Usually free ● maintained by a large community ● encourages collaboration ● encourages rapid development
● Usually no warranty or guarantee
● May not receive regular updates
● May not have customer support
What is Propriety software?
Software whose source code is not available to the public, but for which a licence to use can be bought
With Propriety software, it is illegal to…
● Modify it
● Copy it
● Redistribute it
What are the advantages and disadvantages of Propriety software?
Advantages: ● Comes with a warranty or guarantee ● Often has customer support ● Thoroughly tested and reliable ● Easier to install and use for AVG user
Disadvantages: ● Source code isn’t available - can’t be fixed or modifies ● Might not do what is wanted ● Can be expensive ● Older versions may not be maintained
What are some issues with licensing Open-source software?
If parts of a bigger piece of software are open source, that software must also be open-source, which can make it hard to sell
What is the digital divide, and what issues does it cause? ETH
● The digital divide is the inequality between those who have access to technology and those who don’t
↳ Those without are disadvantaged in education, welfare and career opportunities
What is Net Neutrality, and what issues will its collapse cause? ETH
● Net neutrality is the idea that every packet is treated with equal priority, making response times equal
↳ Some companies want to pay for ISPs to prioritise their packets over competition
↳ This would destroy net neutrality and allow large rich tech companies to control the internet to a larger extent
What issues arise with the production of electronics? ETH
● Many electronics are produced abroad in factories with lots of exploited workers.
↳ Consumers often have no choice in what conditions their electronics are produced
What is Censorship? ETH
When governments restrict what their citizens can access online
What are some advantages and disadvantages of Censorship? ETH
● Keeps people safe online
● Blocks illegal content
● Some censor websites with opposing political views
● Some block communication with other countries
Which act was introduced in 1998?
The Data Protection Act (DPA)
What are the eight principles of the DPA?
- Data must be processed lawfully
- Data must be used for its stated purpose
- Data must be relevant and adequate
- Data must be accurate & up-to-date
- Data must not be kept longer than necessary
- Data must be used according to the data subject’s rights
- Data must be kept safe and secure
- Data must not be transferred to a country with a lower level of protection
Which act was introduced in 1990?
The Computer Misuse Act (CMA)
What are the three offences of the CMA?
● Unauthorised Access
● Unauthorised Modification
↳ Includes creating, obtaining and deploying malware
● Unauthorised access with intent
↳ With intent to commit criminal activity
Which act was introduced in 2000?
The Freedom of Information Act (FOI)
What does the FOI establish?
● Public bodies must regularly publish certain data
● Members of the public have the right to demand data (such as CCTV footage, Statistics, financial info and activity logs) from public bodies unless
↳ It would harm an individual
↳ It would endanger national security
What is Creative Common’s Licensing?
A common licence framework that allows content creators to permit others to use their work
What is CC attribution?
As long as the creator is credited, the work can be…
● shared
● copied
● modified
What is CC Share-alike?
Work must be redistributed under the same licence as the original
What is CC non-commercial?
Works can be used as long as no profit is being made from them
What is CC no-derivatives?
Work can be shared and distributed, but not modified
Which act was introduced in 1988?
The Copyright Designs and Patents Act
What is Copyright?
A legislation that automatically applies to any physically-expressed original work. It makes it illegal to: ● Copy material ● Share material ● Use unlicensed software ● plagiarise someone’s original work
What is a Patent?
A registered legal protection over ideas and concepts (can be hardware or software)
What copyright-related issues exist?
● File sharing is very easy
● Digital data representation allows perfect copies to be made
● Uncertainty over whether website owners are responsible for uploaded illegal content
What is E-waste?
Discarded electronic devices
What contributes to Unnecessary E-waste?
● Manufacturers make devices that are cheaper to replace than to repair
● Consumers replace older, working models with newer devices
Why is E-waste dangerous?
E-waste can contain dangerous toxic chemicals
What is the current issue with E-waste disposal?
Companies are bypassing strict rules on E-waste disposal by exporting it to other countries with fewer regulations
What is one of the largest technological energy consumers?
● The cooling and running of Data Centres
How can data centre energy consumption be reduced?
● Alternating aisles of cool and hot air
● Server virtualisation - No redundant servers
What Positive impacts has Technology had on the world?
● Simulations have improved the efficiency of wind turbines and engines
● Computers have allowed the monitoring and prediction of climate change
● Online communication has reduced travel emissions that would be produced by travelling to meetings
What positive cultural impacts has Technology had?
● Welfare ↳ Applying for benefits and services ● Social Interaction ↳ Allows people to connect with family ● Health ↳ Can improve health through AI, computerised imaging and modelling diseases ● Education ↳ Access to some courses for free ● Work-Life Balance ↳ Gives employees the freedom to work from anywhere at any time
What Negative Cultural Impacts has technology had?
● Education
↳ Poorer schools can’t afford expensive technology, and this contributes to the digital divide
● Work-Life Balance
↳ Unlimited access to work can cause poor relationships, less rest and stress
● Fake News
↳ Many young people get news from social media, where fake news can spread very quickly
● Health
↳ Overuse of technology can lead to RSI, eye strain, Neck and Back problems and a lack of exercise
● Social Interaction
↳ Cyberbullying and trolling can be stressing
↳ Other’s Idealised lives can lead others to be dissatisfied with their own life
How can your activity online be tracked?
● Using cookies to track your internet history
● Tracking what you purchase
● Tracking terms you have searched for
What is the Internet of Things (IoT)?
A Network of physical devices and applications that can exchange data
Why do some people think the IoT is an issue?
● The IoT can record…
↳ your location and movement history
↳ What you look like
● The government may use it for citizen surveillance