CS401A's Prelims: Ethics Module 1 Flashcards
For STI College Marikina's CS401A's preliminaries.
It is the branch of philosophy that studies the rightness or wrongness of human conduct.
ethics/moral philosophy
It speaks of a code or system of behavior in regard to standards of right or wrong behavior.
These refer to explicit or understood regulations or principles governing conduct within a specific activity or sphere.
Rules protect social beings by regulating behavior.
Rules build boundaries, placing limits on behavior. They are usually coupled with means to impose negative consequences on those who violate them, so
people follow them to avoid said consequences.
Happiness depends on your willingness to live an authentic life where your behavior lines up with your values.
If you see yourself as an honest person, you’ll be the happiest when your behavior exemplifies your beliefs.
What was this benefit referred to as?
Rules protect social beings by regulating behavior.
Rules help to guarantee each person certain rights and freedom.
Rules form frameworks for society.
Because the majority has agreed to follow and consent to be governed by such a constitution, the freedoms outlined exist.
One of the advantages of such a system is that each person is guaranteed certain rights as the government is limited in its power to ensure that it does not become powerful enough to suppress liberty.
What was this advantage referred as?
Rules help to guarantee each person certain rights and freedom.
Rules produce a sense of justice among social beings.
Rules are needed to keep the strong from dominating the weak, that is, to prevent exploitation and domination.
Without them, schemes in which those with the power control the system, would take over.
In effect, rules generate a stable system that provides justice, in which even the richest and most powerful have limitations on what they can do.
If they transgress rules such as laws and ordinances and take advantage of people, there are consequences both socially and criminally.
What is this referring to?
Rules produce a sense of justice among social beings.
Rules are essential for a healthy economic system.
Without rules regulating business, power would centralize around monopolies and threaten the strength and competitiveness of the system.
Rules are needed to ensure product safety, employee safety, and product quality.
Copyright and patents help protect people’s intellectual property.
Rules and regulations also keep the banking system stable so as to avoid depression and the like.
Obeying rules that govern employee conduct make the workplace a more pleasant and enjoyable environment.
What was this benefit referred to as?
Rules are essential for a healthy economic system.
They refer to norms which we have about the types of actions which we believe to be morally acceptable and morally unacceptable.
moral standards
They refer to the rules that are unrelated to moral or ethical considerations.
non-moral standards
Moral standards involve serious wrongs or significant benefits.
Moral standards deal with matters which can seriously injure or benefit human beings.
Moral standards ought to be preferred to other values.
Moral standards have overriding character or hegemonic authority. If a moral standard states that a person has a moral obligation to do something, then s/he is supposed to do that even if it conflicts with other non-moral standards even self-interest.