CS2 - Part 3 Flashcards
General formula for Cox proportional hazard (PH) model
Ratio of hazards of lives with covariate vectors z1 and z2 (Cox PH model)
Proportional hazards model: Likelihood estimator for beta vector
Aims of graduation
- Produce smooth set of rates that are suitable for a particular purpose
- Remove random sampling errors
- Use the information available from adjacent ages
Desirable features of graduation
- Smoothness
- Adherence to data
- Suitability to purpose to hand
Degrees of freedom for Xi-Squared test
- Start with the number of groups
- If the groups form a set of mutually exclusive and exhaustive categories (probabilities add up to 1), subtract 1
- Subract further 1 for each parameter that has been estimated
Distributions of D_x and mu~x
Mortality experience: Deviation
Mortality experience: Standardised deviation
Degrees of freedom when comparing an experience with a standard table
Degrees of freedom = number of age groups
Xi-squared failures: Standardised deviations test
To detect a few large deviations that the Xi-square test did not detect
Check if standardised deviations of mortality are following the standard normal distribution with Xi-Squared test
Xi-squared failures: Signs test
To detect imbalance between negative and positive deviations
Binomial distribution
N number of negative deviations:
Check that 2*P(N <= x) > 5%
P number of positive deviations:
Check that 2*P(P >= x) > 5%
Xi-squared failures: Cumulative deviations
Xi-squared failures: Grouping of signs test
Detects ‘clumping’ of devations with the same sign.
Check ‘Grouping of signs test’ in tables.
If number of groups of positive (or negative) runs is lower or equal than the test statistic, we can reject the null hypothesis.
Testing smoothness of graduation
Third difference (change in curvature) of the graduated quantities should
- Be small in magnitude compared with the quantities themeselves
- Progess regularly
Methods of graduation
- Graduation by parametric formula
- a1 + a2 exp(a3x + a4x^2+…)
- well-suited to the production of standard tables from large amounts of data
- Graduation by reference to standard table
- (a+bx) mu_x^s
- Can be used to fit relatively small data sets where a suitable standard table exists
- Gradution using spline functions
- Method is suitable for quite small experiences as well as very large experiences.
Morality projection - Method based on expectation
Autocovariance function
Autocorrelation function
Correlation formula
Autoregressive process of order p
Moving average process of order q
Autoregressive moving average
Condition for stationarity of AR(p) process
Conditions for invertibility of MA processes
Invertibility: White noise process e can be written explicitly in terms of X process
Moving average model MA(q), in backwards shift notation
ARMA(p,q) process defined in Backward operation notation
Definition of an ARIMA process
Features of MA(q) process
Features of AR(p) process
Features of ARMA (p,q) process
Three possible causes of non-stationarity
- Deterministic trend (e.g. exponential or linear growth)
- Deterministic cycle (e.g. seasonal effect)
- Time series is integrated
Methods for compensating for trend/seaonality (6)
- Least squares trend removal (Tables p.24)
- Differencing
- Differencing d times will not only make I(d) series stationary but will also remove linear trend
- Seasonal differncing
- E.g. differencing 12 times for annual seasonality
- Method of moving averages
- Create transformation such that transformed time series is moving average of original time series
- Method of seasonal means
- Transformation of the data
- E.g. take log
Check if observed time series is stationary
Autocorrelation function should converge to 0 exponentially
Identification of white noise
Option 1:
- Check if values of the SACF or SPACF fall outside the range of
- +-2/sqrt(n) –> Approximated from +-1.96/sqrt(n)
- Note that there is a chance of 1/20 that one value will fall out of the range (95% quantile)
Option 2:
- Portmanteau test (tables p. 42)