CS vs. TCVM Diagnosis Flashcards
loss of appetite
heat: Global heat disrupts shen, which affects typical behaviors like eating
ravenous appetite
stomach heat
stomach Yin deficiency
SP Qi deficiency
ST food stasis or ST Qi Stagnation
lack of thirst
cold-damp pattern: dec. water intake helps to avoid extra Cold or Damp.
polydipsia with small amounts, multiple times
Yin deficiency: extra water intake helps balance the BF (Yin) Def.
Polydipsia with large amount
Excess heat: large amt. of extra water intake helps clear Heat
Dry feces
Excess heat (consumes BF of LI) LI Yin Deficiency
soft feces
Spleen Qi deficiency (Def. SP Qi fails to transform and transport Gu Qi)
Spleen Cold-Damp
Bloody diarrhea
Damp-Heat: heat damages blood vessels and leads to bleeding. Damp combines with heat to degrade mucosa
urinary incontinence
Kidney Qi Deficiency: def. KID Qi fails to hold bladder, which permits leakage
Bladder Damp-Heat: heat damages blood vessels and leads to bleeding, while Damp combines with Heat and leads to shedding of the mucosa
pale conjunctiva
Blood deficiency: def. blood fails to nourish eyes
Hot ears
Heat pattern or Yin deficiency
Cold ears
Cold Patterns including Yang deficiency
loud and coarse voice
Excess pattern
weak voice
Qi deficiency pattern
weak cough
Qi deficiency pattern
forceful, loud cough
lung excess heat
Nasal congestion or d/c, sneezing, cough or dyspnea
lung disorder
vomiting, anorexia, diarrhea, constipation or colic
Spleen disorder
seizure, irritability, anger, or a problem with the liver, gallbladder, eye, foot, tendon or ligament
Liver disorder
Chars. of Heart disorder
Behavior problems, startled by loud noise, limb-jerking or crying during sleep, or CV disorders
Chars. of Kidney disorder
rear weakness, urinary leakage, change in urine color, infertility or problems with IV discs, bones, kidney, or bladder
Chars. of Yin deficiency
increased water intake, thirsty, panting, or cool-seeking behaviors
Chars. of Qi deficiency
decreased activity lvl, exercise intolerance or general weakness
Chars. of Blood deficiency
dandruff, lack of stamina and cracked paws or hooves
Chars. of Yang def.
warm-seeking behavior, shivering and cold body
Liver Qi stagnation can cause what behavioral change?
aggression, irritability, impatience
overworked animals tend toward what TCCVM dx?
Qi def.
significance of floating pulse
early stage of exogenous diseases due to invasion of Wind-Cold and Wind-Heat
Deep pulse sig.
interior pattern such as interior Excess Pattern or Qi or Yang def.
Rapid pulse sig.
Heat pattern, Yin deficiency
Slow pulse sig.
Cold pattern
Yang def.
Full pulse sig.
Excess pattern
Stagnant blood
High Fever
Thin pulse sig.
Yin def.
Blood def.
Yin and Blood def.
Weak pulse sig.
Qi def.
Qi and Blood def.
Slippery pulse sig.
Accumulation of Food in the ST
Excess Heat
Normal during pregnancy
Choppy pulse sig.
Stagnation of Qi and/or Blood
Impairment of Essence
Yin Def.
Soft pulse sig.
Spleen Qi def.
Damp pattern
Wiry pulse sig.
Liver disorder
Interior Wind pattern
Qi and/or Blood Stagnationvbbvbbbbggggg