CS paper 1.. Flashcards
Subroutines and stack frames
-Each time a subroutine Is called the program jumps to a different part
-Once subroutine completes program needs to return to where it left off
-Before program jumps off subroutines needs to know where to return to and restore values of any local variables and parameters when returning
-This is achieved with a stack frame
before calling subroutine (what system needs to do)
-construct stack frame
-add return address to stack frame
-add local variables to stack frame
-push completed stack from onto stack
data structures
hash tables,dictionaries ,vectors
-variable that can contain more than one data item
-allocating a contiguous part of memory for the purpose of storing that data
-contiguous = data is stored together, 1 elements after the other
-starts at index 0
-static data structure
list vs array vs tuple
list: mutable,items can be changed or replaced, store
> 1 data type
array: mutable, items can be changed or replaced, only store 1 data type
tuple: immutable, items cannot be changed or replaced, store > 1 data type
File handling
Refers to the opening, closing, reading from and writing to files by program code
Binary file
-Contains records with many different data types
A 15 figure number will occupy 15 bytes in standard text, but it would take up less space stored as a pure binary number
Reading binary file is language specific but requires you to know the exact structure of the file e.g. field sizes
Static data structure
-Is fixed in size and cannot free up memory while program is running
-An array is suitable for storing a fixed number of items e.g. months of the year
-The disadvantage is that the size of the array has to be decided in advance And if items fill up, the array no more can be added
- Also memory, which has been allocated to the array cannot be reallocated
-But no pointers or ther data about structure needs to be stored
dynamic data structure
- Collection of data, in memory that can grow or shrink in size
-Does this with aid of the heap - Useful for implementing data structures, e.g. queues when the maximum size of data structure is not know
-Unused memory reallocated As required while program running
stack operation
-push(item) = add item
-pop() = remove item
-peek() =return top value without removing
- First in first out, data structure
-New element added to end of queue
-back pointer, point to last item
-front pointer, poin tto first item
Queue operations
- enQueue(item) = add new item to rear of queue
- deQueue() = remove front item from queue and return it
- isEmpty() = test whether queue is empty
- isFull() = test whether queue is full
circular queues
- When Array Fills up and rear pointer points to last element (e.g. q[5]) It will be made to the first element, (q0), when next person joins queue
-Requires extra effort for programmer and less flexible than dynamic data structure
application of queues
-processer schelduling
-Transferring data between processor and printer spooling
-Performing breadth-first searches on graph data structures
adding item to stack
-check if stack is already full
-increment stack pointer so it points to next available space in array
-push (insert) new items