CS mix 1 Flashcards
26 y/o male presents after falling and losing consciousness at work. He had rhythmic movements of the limbs, bit his tongue, and lost control of his bladder. He was subsequently confused (as witnessed by bystanders)
Seizure, grand mal (now called complex tonic-clonic seizure)
55 y/o male c/o falling after feeling dizzy and unsteady. He experienced transient LOC. He has hypertension and is on numerous antihypertensive drugs
Drug-induced orthostatic hypotension (causing syncope)
65 y/o male presents after falling and losing consciousness for a few seconds. He had no warning prior to passing out but recently had palpitations. His past history included CABG
Cardiac arrhythmia (causing syncope)
68 y/o male presents following a 20 minute episode of slurred speech, right facial drooping and numbness, and right hand weakness. His symptoms had totally resolved by the time he got to the ER He has a history of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and heavy smoking
Transient ischemic attack
68 y/o M presents with slurred speech, right facial drooping and numbness, and right hand weakness. Babinski’s sign is present on the right. He has a history of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and heavy smoking
33 y/o F presents with ascending loss of strength in her lower legs over the past two weeks. She had a recent URI
Guillain-Barre syndrome
30 y/o F presents with weakness, loss of sensation, and tingling in her left leg that started this morning. She is also experiencing right eye pain, decreased vision, and double vision. She reports feeling “electric shocks” down her spine upon flexing her head
Multiple sclerosis
55 y/o M presents with tingling and numbness in the hand and feet (glove and stocking distribution) over the past two months. He has a history of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and alcoholism. There is decreased soft touch, vibratory, and position sense in the feet
Diabetic peripheral neuropathy
40 y/o F presents with occasional double vision and droopy eyelids at night with normalization by morning
Myasthenia gravis
25 y/o M presents with hemiparesis (after a tonic-clonic seizure) that resolves over a few hours
Todd’s paralysis
40 y/o F c/o feeling tired, hopeless, and worthless and of having suicidal thoughts. She recently discovered that her husband is homosexual
44 y/o M presents with fatigue, insomnia, and nightmares about a murder that he witnessed in a mall one year ago. Since then, he has avoided that mall and has not gone out at night
55 y/o M presents with fatigue, weight loss, and constipation. He has a family history of colon cancer
Colon cancer
40 y/o F presents with fatigue, weight gain, sleepiness, cold intolerance, constipation, and dry skin
50 y/o obese F presents with fatigue and daytime sleepiness. She snores heavily and naps 3-4 times per day but never feels refreshed. She also has hypertension
Obstructive sleep apnea
20 y/o M presents with fatigue, thirst, increased appetite, and polyuria
Diabetes mellitus
35 y/o M policeman c/o feeling tired and sleepy during the day. He changed to the night shift last week
Sleep deprivation
30 y/o M presents with night sweats and swollen glands of one month’s duration
25 y/o F presents with a three-week history of falling asleep. She sleeps seven hours per night without nightmares or snoring. She recently began college and is having trouble with her boyfriend. She drinks 3-4 cups of coffee a day
Stress-induced insomnia
55 y/o obese M presents with several months of poor sleep and daytime fatigue. His wife reports that he snores loudly
Sleep apnea
33 y/o F c/o three weeks of fatigue and trouble sleeping. She states that she falls asleep easily but wakes up at 3 AM and cannot return to sleep. She also reports an unintentional weight loss of 3.5 kg along with an inability to enjoy the things she once liked to do
Insomnia related to major depressive disorder
26 y/o F presents with sore throat, fever, severe fatigue, and loss of appetite for the past week. She also reports epigastric and LUQ discomfort. She has cervical lymphadenopathy and a rash. Her boyfriend recently experienced similar symptoms
Infectious mononucleosis
26 y/o M presents with sore throat, fever, rash, and weight loss. He has a history of IV drug abuse and sharing needles
HIV, acute retroviral syndrome
26 y/o F presents with fever and sore throat
Pharyngitis (bacterial or viral)
30 y/o M presents with shortness of breath, cough, and wheezing that worsen in cold air. He has had several such episodes over the past four months
56 y/o F presents with shortness of breath, as well as productive cough that has occured over the past two years for at least three months each year. She is a heavy smoker
COPD–chronic bronchitis
58 y/o M presents with pleuritic chest pain, fever, chills, and cough with purulent yellow sputum. He is a heavy smoker with COPD
25 y/o F presents with two weeks of a nonproductive cough. Three weeks ago she had a sore throat and a runny nose
Atypical pneumonia
65 y/o M presents with worsening cough over the past six months together with hemoptysis, dyspnea, weakness, and weight loss. He is a heavy smoker
Lung cancer
55 y/o M presents with increased dyspnea and sputum production over the past three days. He has COPD and stopped using his inhalers last week. He also stopped smoking two days ago
COPD exacerbation (bronchitis)
34 y/o F nurse presents with worsening cough of six weeks duration together with weight loss, night sweats, fatigue, and fever.
35 y/o M presents with shortness of breath and cough. He has had unprotected sex with multiple sexual partners and was recently exposed to a patient with active tuberculosis
50 y/o M presents with cough that is exacerbated by lying down at night and improved by propping up on three pillows. He also reports exertional dyspnea
60 y/o M presents with sudden onset of substernal heavy chest pain that has lasted 30 minutes and radiates to the left arm. The pain is accompanied by dyspnea, diaphoresis, and nausea. He has a history of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and smoking
20 y/o African-American F presents with acute onset of severe chest pain. She has a history of sickle cell disease and multiple previous hospitalizations for pain and anemia management
Sickle cell disease–pulmonary infarction
45 y/o F presents with a retrosternal burning sensation that occurs after heavy meals and when lying down. Her symptoms are relieved by antacids
34 y/o F presents with retrosternal stabbing chest pain that improves when she leans forward and worsens with deep inspiration. She had a URI one week ago
55 y/o M presents with retrosternal squeezing pain that lasts for two minutes and occurs with exercise. It is relieved by rest and is not related to food intake
34 y/o F presents with stabbing chest pain that worsens with deep inspiration and is relieved by aspirin. She had a URI one week ago. Chest wall tenderness is noted
70 y/o F presents with acute onset of shortness of breath at rest and pleuritic chest pain. She also presents with tachycardia, hypotension, tachypnea, and mild fever. She is recovering from hip replacement surgery
Pulmonary embolism
55 y/o M presents with sudden onset of severe chest pain that radiates to the back. He has a history of uncontrolled hypertension
Aortic dissection
70 y/o diabetic M presents with episodes of palpitation and diaphoresis. He is on insulin
42 y/o F presents with a 7kg weight loss over the past two months. She has a fine tremor, and her pulse is 112
44 y/o F presents with weight gain of >11 kg over the past two months. She quit smoking three months ago and is on amitriptyline for depression. She also reports cold intolerance and constipation
Smoking cessation
75 y/o M presents with dysphagia that started with solids and progressed to liquids. He is an alcoholic and a heavy smoker. He has had an unintentional weight loss of 7kg over the past four months
Esophageal cancer
45 y/o F presents with dysphagia for two weeks together with fatigue and a craving for ice and clay
Plummer-Vinson syndrome
48 y/o F presents with dysphagia for both solid and liquid foods that has slowly progressed in severity over the past year. It is associated with regurgitation of undigested food, especially at night
38 y/o M presents with dysphagia and pain on swallowing solids more than liquids. Exam reveals oral thrush
Esophagitis (CMV, HSV, pill-induced)
20 y/o F presents with nausea, vomiting (especially in the morning), fatigue, and polyuria. Her last menstrual period was six weeks ago, and her breasts are full and tender. She is sexually active with her boyfriend, and they use condoms for contraception
45 y/o M presents with sudden onset of colicky right-sided flank pain that radiates to the testicles, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, hematuria, and CVA tenderness
60 y/o M presents with dull epigastric pain that radiates to the back, together with weight loss, dark urine, and clay-colored stool. He is a heavy drinker and smoker
Pancreatic cancer
56 y/o M presents with severe midepigastric abdominal pain that radiates to the back and improves when he leans forward. He also reports anorexia, nausea, and vomiting. He is an alcoholic and has spent the last three days binge drinking
Acute pancreatitis
41 y/o obese F presents with RUQ abdominal pain that radiates to the right scapula and is associated with nausea, vomiting, and a fever of 101.5. The pain started after she had eaten fatty food. She has had similar but less intense episodes that lasted a few hours. Exam reveals positive Murphy’s sign
Acute cholecystitis
43 y/o obese F presents with RUQ abdominal pain, fever, and jaundice. She was diagnosed with asymptomatic gallstones one year ago
Ascending cholangitis
25 y/o M presents with RUQ pain, fever, anorexia, nausea, and vomiting. He has dark urine and clay-colored stool
Acute hepatitis
35 y/o M presents with burning epigastric pain that started 2-3 hours after meals. The pain is relieved by food and antacids
Peptic ulcer disease
37 y/o M presents with severe epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting, and mild fever. He appears toxic. He has a history of intermittent epigastric pain that is relieved by food and antacids. He also smokes heavily and takes aspirin on a regular basis
Peptic ulcer perforation
18 y/o M boxer presents with severe abdominal pain that radiates to the scapula. He had infectious mononucleosis three weeks ago
Splenic rupture
40 y/o M presents with crampy abdominal pain, vomiting, abdominal distension, and inability to pass flatus or stool. He has a history of multiple abdominal surgeries
Intestinal obstruction
70 y/o F presents with acute onset of severe, crampy abdominal pain. She recently vomited and had a massive dark bowel movement. She has a history of CHF and atrial fibrillation, for which she has received digitalis. Her pain is out of proportion to the exam
Mesenteric ischemia/infarction
21 y/o F presents with acute onset of severe RLQ pain, nausea, and vomiting. She has no fever, urinary symptoms, or vaginal bleeding and has never taken OCPs. Her last menstrual period was regular, and she has no history of STDs
Ovarian torsion
68 y/o M presents with LLQ abdominal pain, fever, and chills for the past three days. He also reports recent onset of alternating diarrhea and constipation. He consumes a low-fiber, high-fat diet
20 y/o M presents with severe RLQ abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. His discomfort started yesterday as a vague pain around the umbilicus. As the pain worsened, it became sharp and migrated to the RLQ. McBurney’s and psoas signs are positive
Acute appendicitis
30 y/o F presents with periumbilical pain for six months. The pain never awakens her from sleep. It is relieved by defecation and worsens when she is upset. She has alternating constipation and diarrhea but no nausea, vomiting, weight loss, or anorexia
Irritable bowel syndrome