CS Investigation Flashcards
There are two teams in a serious investigation
- Investigation - people making enquiries to solve case
2. Support - provides support resources for the investigation team
Two key tasks of any investigation
- Gathering and preserving evidence
2. Documentation
To maintain high standards in the investigation process you must:
- have an investigative mindset
- apply the appreciation technique
- consider your decisions under x examination
- carry out assigned tasks efficiently
- importance of professionalism, integrity and objectivity in conduction investigations
- good communication skills
- work as a team
What are the 14 roles in a homicide investigation
O/C in charge immediate scene party O/C investigation 2ic investigation File manager Receptionist Logistics officer Exhibits officer O/C scene O/C body O/C general enquiries O/C area canvas O/C search O/C suspects O/C witnesses
What are the areas of responsibility for the immediate scene oc
Obtaining a search warrant The victim The scene The media Witnesses Suspects Co-ordinating with Comms and other homicide team members
What three things should be established in relation to the victim
The fact of death
Obvious injuries
Victims identity
8 things to do at a scene to prevent loss of evidence
Clear the scene Establish and maintain boundaries Guard the area Scene control Freeze scene and it's contents as you find them Preserve all evidence Observe what is happening at the scene and who is there Note and record all relevant details
4 things you should do with a witness at a scene
- Seperate them from one another to avoid contamination o collusion
- obtain full details
- ask them to remain at scene and co operate with police
- conduct a preliminary interview with each of them
9 things with suspects at a scene
- Seperate them from everyone
- ask them to remain at the scene and cooperate with police
- if they refuse, arrest them
- if arrested caution and give them their bill of rights
- if not arrested, but good cause to suspect, caution them, inform them of right to instruct lawyer, then
- with suspects informed consent, pursuant to arrest, under statutory power, search them and vehicle and belongings
- note suspects appearance and behaviour
- record any comments made by suspect, consider appropriate questions
- conduct a prelim interview when cib staff are unavailable
4 areas of responsibility for o/c investigation
9 things e o/c should do at his first visit to the scene
- assume control of the operation
- find out info about body
- make a reconnaissance and initial reconstruction
- confirm boundaries of crime scene
- if on private property obtain authorisation of warrant under sec 198 Summary Proceedings Act 1957
- preserve evidence related to the body
- accompany pathologist and other specialist during their examinations, discuss your reconstruction with them
- make arrangements for further action at scene
- make a brief media statement
What appointments must o/c make at scene
- o/c scene, if more than one, o/c for each scene
- o/c body
- o/c exhibits
At scene what does O/C investigation need to establish about the body
- has body been moved
- has body been identified
- has death been certified
What must O/C do before body is moved
- notes are taken, as detailed in o/c body section
- sketch plan of body position and scene is made
- crime scene is photographed and videoed
- body position is outlined with waterproof substance
List 17 duties of the O/C on return to station
- confer with 2ic over,
- how the investigation headquarters is working out
- appointment of all staff required at headquarters such as file managers, receptionist, word processing staff
- best method of managing files
- staff required
- setting up organisation chart
- admin and logistics requirements
- arranging conferences at end of day
- before initial meeting and with the 2ic - appoint
- o/c suspects
- o/c general enquiries
- o/c area canvass
- o/c search
- file manager
- media liaison officer
- logistics officer
- intelligence analyst
- staff for enquiry team
What must O/C cover at initial briefing
- Tell all team members what is known about the situation and the circumstances
- allocate tasks
Before post morgen begins what must O/C ensure
- body identified and NOK informed
- post Mortimer authorised by coroner
- any suspect charged has been informed about the post-mortem so they can be represented by their MD and their lawyer advised
- body has been photographed and fingerprinted
- pathologist has been given pol 144 form for guidance
- coroner has given authority for body to be released
What specialist results must be obtained
- fingerprints
- photographs
- ESR analysis
- pathology reports and tests
- department of survey and land information plans
7 duties of the O/C prior to arrest
Together with 2ic and crown prosecutor evaluate,
- witness statements
- evidence - all exhibits, photos, id, murder weapon etc
- specialist results - cause of death etc
- results of interview with suspect
- results of search of suspects person, home, car, business etc
- offenders mental state - consider psychiatric evaluation
O/C duties after arrest
- Ensure prosecution part file is done
- inform deputy commissioner, operations of arrest
- engage crown solicitor
- make sure enquiries are done to,
- corroborate the accused statement
- negate possible defences
- obtain all incriminating evidence
- make sure all jobs, tasks, specialist results are obtained and debrief investigation team
The purpose of a debrief is to (3things)
- examine and evaluate the inquiry
- analyse any mistakes that were made
- or things that could have been done better
Two key tasks of a homicide are
- documentation
- preservation of evidence
In relation to documentation what was held in r v wickliffe
Job sheets are subject to the official information act 1982
Area canvass questionnaires which statement is correct
Part B is completed in duplicate for each person interviewed
In a major investigation job sheets should be used to
Plan an inquiry
Oc investigation has overall responsibility for
Planning, organising, direction and controlling
Witnesses at a scene
- seperate them to reduce contamination and or collusion
- ask them to stay at the scene and cooperate with police
- conduct a preliminary interview with each of them
O/C immediate scene - what should you ensure is recorded in a scene log
- all persons and vehicles attending scene
- note date/time of their arrival and departure and their reason for heir visit
What 4 matters should the o/c investigation consider before attending the scene
- confirm what action has been taken already
- decide re specialist assistance you may need
- informing your superiors about the situation
- consider possible team members
- cultural aspects that may be involved
Suspect admits the crime and gives statement. What three lines of inquiry of an evidential nature should be made
- check offenders alibi as to where they were at the time of the homicide, who they were with and what they were doing
- corroborate offenders alibi
- negate offenders explanation where possible, prepare to rebut any possible defences
Responsibility of O/C scene at homicide
- control and preserve scene
- coordinate and direct the investigation of the crime scene
- reconstruct what happened
- collect, inspect and label all exhibits found at the scene
- give evidence in court about any exhibits found at the scene
- ensure search warrant is obtained
First three matters for O/C body
Find out if:
- body has been moved
- body has been identified
- the death has been certified
As O/C area canvass what matters would you discuss with O/C investigation
- area to be canvassed and its boundaries
- whether questionnaires should be used and if so what questions should be in them
- staff and transport you will require to carry out canvass
O/C suspects - what two main factors may influence the priority given to a suspect
- relevant evidence against them
- likelihood of them leaving the area
O/C exhibits - before accepting an exhibit it must be labelled. What should be on the label.
- description of exhibit
- place it was found
- date and time it was found
- name of person who found it
Steps to take before commencing daily conference
- ensure conference is secure from public and media and interviews in nearby rooms - redirect phones - use code for chis - stress importance of confidentially re info that may be required later for corroboration.
O/C investigation first attends scene, need to establish situation about the body. You need to find out?
- whether body has been moved
- whether body has been identified
- whether the death has been certified
You re first on scene of homicide and offender is still present. What should you do
Isolate the suspect from other persons at the scene
Whose responsibility is it to ensure all documentation is processed
Second in charge
As O/C suspects where identity is sketchy what must you do before preparing a schedule of description
Analyse all of the statements made by witnesses
As O/C suspects your first duty before location of the offender is to
- brief your team on the - circumstances of the offence
- details about the offender where the offenders identity is known
Who is responsible for preparing a homicide prosecution file
Second in charge
One purpose of a team conference is to
- give members of the team a chance to swap views and information
Four initial matters to be done re suspect being located at scene of a homicide
- seperate them from everyone
- ask them to remain at the scene and cooperate with police
- if refuses consider arresting them and what appropriate offence is
- if arrested give them their bill of rights
As O/C immediate scene. What info should you give O/C investigation
- what you have done
- what you are doing
- what needs to be done
What four matters should O/C body attend to before body is moved or touched.
- notes are taken
- a sketch plan of body’s position and scene is made
- the crime scene is videoed and photographed
- body position is outlined with waterproof substance
As 2nd in charge what six headquarters staff appointments need to be made
- inquiry teams
- word processing staff
- logistics officer
- file manager
- intel analyst
- media liaison officer
- ini liaison officer
What 4 things should O/C scene do when making a preliminary scene reconstruction
- observe scene without touching or disturbing it
- try to deduce from your observations and the known facts what appears to have taken place
- work out direction offender entered scene or if victim has been killed somewhere else and body dragged to scene
- reconsider, confirm, alter scenes boundaries
O/C body should not strip body until
- it has been photographed at mortuary
- you have been directed to do so by O/C investigation
What are the responsibilities of O/C suspects at a homicide scene
- obtaining information on suspects
- investigating all suspects to eliminate them from or establish their involvement in the offence
What points should O/C exhibits consider when preparing a significant number exhibits for court
- prepare exhibits for court as instructed by 2IC
- produced in logical sequence - as they were located
- present so they:
- are not damaged
- show their full probation value
- if a lot of exhibits, prepare a schedule
Why would you use job sheets in an inquiry
- plan an inquiry
- write up results of a routine inquiry
- only one inquiry per job sheet
How should O/C investigation concludes daily conference
- a general summing up
- acknowledgment of the efforts made
- positive direction to motivate team members, performance and team effort
An organisational chart of the homicide team is essential to display
- duties and lines of responsibility
- the stage of the inquiry
- possible future tasks and needs
- where people are
If the body has been moved before police arrived O/C body should
Make enquiries and later reconstruct and photograph the original scene
You are the first at a homicide scene, what should be your first priority
- clear people from the scene
If the suspects sanity is at issue, it needs to be established whether he or she
Understood the nature and quality of the act
Whose permission must be obtained before the body is stripped at the mortuary
Officer in charge of the investigation
Why is it relevant that the O/C exhibits be the first person to give evidence at court
So exhibits that are referred to by witnesses have already been produced as an exhibit.
Suspect is present on arrival to scene, you caution him, he waives right to lawyer, what four matters should you do next in relation to the suspect
- with suspects informed consent, pursuant to arrest, statutory power, Carry out preliminary search of suspect, vehicle and belongings.
- note suspects appearance and behaviour.
- record any comments made by suspect, consider prelim interview where a response to a question might be proper
- conduct a preliminary interview where CIB staffs are unavailable to do so.
As O/C immediate scene party what matters do you need to establish in relation to the victim at the scene of a homicide
- the fact of death
- identity of the victim
- obvious injuries
O/C investigation in conjunction with the pathologist decides when body will be moved, what four matters does O/C investigation also need to ensure are arranged in relation to the body
- a suitable time for the pathologist to do a post mortem
- an undertaker to remove the body
- Authority from he coroner to conduct the post mortem
- photographers and fingerprint technicians to attend the post mortem
As the 2IC it is your responsibility to issue daily sitreps, what matters should you outline in the daily sitreps
- how the inquiries are progressing
- what information is sought
- where members of the team are being deployed
- administrative and logistical arrangements ie, hours of duty, days off, meals, transport, reporting points
What action should be taken by O/C scene when an exhibit is found
- photograph it in situ, the position marked and recorded before it is moved
- inspected
- labelled with where it was found, by whom on what date, time, and brief description
- preserved I. Suitable container and seperate from other exhibits.
What are three responsibilities of O/C body in a homicide investigation
- looking after and keeping secure the body, body samples and exhibits
- completing the sudden death procedures
- ensuring all the cultural responsibilities have been complied with
As O/C witnesses you must ensure witnesses giving evidence do nothing to minimise the weight of their evidence or render it inadmissible, what three points should you make to witnesses to prevent this situation from arising
- make sure witnesses do not have contact with jurors or communicate with them
- make sure they do not discuss the case with any other witness who are waiting to give evidence
- do not discuss the case in public areas
As file manager what two areas can you assist the 2nd in charge by helping the spread of information
- prepare daily bulletins, police and special notices, daily rosters and operation charts
- make sure these are well displayed, preferably on a notice board
What matters should 2IC ensure are recorded
- date, time place of conference
- the names of those present
- a summary of the important points
Two principal objectives of a debrief of a major inquiry
- for those involved to
- critically examine and evaluate the inquiry
- analyse any mistakes that were made or things that could have been done better
The fundamental role of an O/C investigation is to ensure that
- Establish whether a criminal offence has taken place
- all reasonable steps are taken and all lines of enquiry are exhausted
- all actions are conducted in accordance with good police practice and guidelines
- all resources allocated to the investigation are managed
Category 1 investigations, murder where offender is not known, high profile murder cases, terrorism, serious complaints against police or politicians should be conducted by
A detective inspector or above unless there are very good reasons to appoint someone else
Category 2 offences, murder involving family violence where offender is known, manslaughter, must be led by
A substantive Detective senior sergeant
Category 3 offence, any other significant criminal or internal investigation can be led by
Anyone at the discretion of the district commander, area commander or crime manager
Before attending the scene the O/C investigation should?
- obtain as much information regarding the situation
- make an initial assessment of staffing required
- consider warrantless powers under sec 15 have been used or if a warrant is required
- consider emergency surveillance device provisions under sec 48 should be employed
- if specialist squads are necessary
- conduct an initial briefing
At the scene the O/C investigation should
- take control of the scene
- make an appreciation
- obtain a sitrep from the o/c immediate scene
- confirm initial action has been completed
- ascertain whether body has been moved, identified and death has been certified by qualified practitioner
- undertake preliminary reconstruction
- review and adjust scene boundaries
- appoint roles for oc body,scene and exhibits
- make a brief media statement
Oc investigation should accompany the oc body, oc scene when making preliminary examination of e body
A record should be made of any comments by the pathologist, crown solicitor, esr scientist and other experts and the preliminary reconstruction should be discussed
Initial debrief. HOT DEBRIEF
O/C investigation should debrief all first responder employees and instruct them to
- record all information relating to their attendance at the scene, observations, actions and any alterations made to the scene and
- before finishing shift submit a report to their immediate o/c to forward onto o/c file
What is a forensic strategy meeting
It’s conducted by the o/c investigation in order to review the relevance of information obtained from scenes and exhibits and may include consultations with other forensic experts
What are priority enquiries
Particular investigative avenues in first 24 hours which if pursued immediately would enable the enquiry to make rapid progress, if delayed could be lost to the investigation
An investigation plan sets out?
- records the outcomes of the appreciation of the enquiry
- sets out roles, responsibilities,timeframes, objectives for the investigation
- documents the progress of the investigation
- is a dynamic living document
By applying the appreciation technique the OC can provide the enquiry with the following benefits
- informs all staff what they are expected to achieve
- increases chances of success
- establishes a sequence of activities to carry out
- reduces uncertainty
- manages risk
- eliminates duplication
- ensures nothing is overlooked
- effective use of resources
Section 38 of the coroners act 2006
Who can attend a post mortem
- pathologist
- coroner
- a doctor who treated the deceased
- a doctor representing the interests of the defendant
- members of police
- any doctor or trainee doctor
Members of police who can attend a post mortem
- OC investigation
- oc body
- oc exhibits
- photographer
- soco
A post mortem examination can determine the following information
- cause of death
- toxicology
- level of force used
- injury analysis
- murder site
- disguised cause
- sexual evidence
- weapon analysis
- lifestyle
- identify the victim
- offender details
Oc suspects is appointed by the oc investigation and is usually the rank of
Detective sergeant
Oc suspects is responsible for supervising members of the suspects team for purposes of
- obtaining info about suspects and persons of interest
- profiling and investigating all suspects as identified by oc investigation
- seeking evidence to cover all ingredients
- negating defences
- providing basis for further investigation
Suspects fall into three categories
- Identifying and profiling
- Arrest and termination
- Interviewing
Who determines the status of a person in he investigation
Oc investigation
Oc suspects briefing team should include
- circumstances of the offence including analysis of the scene and witness evidence
- full details of all persons of interest and suspects where I’d is known
- details and descriptions of suspects provided by witnesses
- Whether any MO or crime signatures have been identified
Oc suspects de-brief should include
- enquiries they have conducted and results of those enquiries to maintain a constant flow of information
Possible suspects may be indicated from
- area canvass
- intel analysis
- police nothings
- fingerprints
- ## witness evidence
Enquiries with external agencies to identify suspects
- Corrections
- customs
- community probation
Oc investigation is responsible for all media releases
A photograph board should be set up displaying details of suspects whom you;
- have interviewed
- wish to interview
Suspects residence. Identify them by
- NIA enquiries
- local council to id property owners
- conducting a recon
- surveillance of the address
- monitoring phones
- power
- trademe
- sky
Passive data systems
- personal computer
- vehicle gps
- cell phones
- social media
Preparing to interview the suspect. Discuss with the oc investigation
- selection of interviewer
- appropriate mode of interviewing - DVD etc
- status of he person being interviewed
- whether person requires special consideration
- consult with other expert interviewers
- that interviewer is fully briefed
- that interviewer is familiar with investigative techniques
- ingredients of offences
- detailed interview plan
During interview oc suspects must ensure that
- the interview is conducted in accordance with the investigative interviewing suspect guide
- interview is monitored by experienced detective
- explanation for any exhibits located
To confirm identity of suspect obtain the following
- fingerprints
- footprints
- palm prints
- blood for DNA analysis
Mentally fit to plead
The investigation should aim to establish whether the suspect understood the nature and quality of the act and that their actions were morally wrong
The general investigation model should be applied for all initial action at a scene by first responders
V - victim A- appreciation W - witnesses S - scene E - exhibits I - ingredients P - powers O - offender
Basic principles underpinning all serious crime investigations
A - appreciation process P - preserve life P - preserve scene I and A - identify and arrest suspects S - secure evidence I - identify victim
Define appreciation
A proven method of problem solving involving a series of set steps to ensure the optimum course of action is decided upon.
Benefits of the appreciation process
- informs all police what they are expected to achieve
- increases chances of success
- establishes a sequence of activities to be carried out
- manages risk
- reduces uncertainty
- eliminates duplication
- ensures nothing is overlooked
- effective use of resources
First priority at a scene is to ensure
The safety of the attending first responding police members
- initial action - victim taken to hospital
On arrival at the hospital the detective should obtain the following info
- obtain doctors opinion as to the victims current medical condition
- seize clothing and other possessions
- establish victims identity
- obtain blood sample
- record injuries on victim
- arrange GSR sample
- photograph injuries
- preliminary interview
Initial action to preserve a scene
- carry out initial assessment
- consider warrantless powers
- establish the crime scene perimeters
- common approach paths
- consider related crime scenes
- observations
- SFP/SITREP to Comms
Initial action to preserve a scene
- exercise powers to secure scene
- remove all persons from scene
- cordon and contain
- scene guards
- scene logs
- prevent loss of evidence from weather and animals
Initial action to preserve a scene
- common approach path
- record any movements at scene
- preserve scene and its contents how it was found
- stepping plates
- take immediate action if necessary
Scene guard duties
- secure scene
- record details
- control movements
- record movements
- brief others
- protect scene
- ## brief replacement
Initial questions to witnesses at a scene
What, where, when who,
- What they did
- what they touched
- who else was present
- descriptions of those present
- what was said
Recovering evidence from forensically important witness should consider
- DNA swabs of area touched by suspect
- DNA blood stains
- Swab any other relevant stains
- forensic medical exam, fingernail, hair etc
- ## seize clothing and foot ware
Briefing oc investigation from immediate oc scene
- what has occurred
- what action has been taken
- what has not been done
- what needs to be done
Witness informant is a critical witness and should be located and a preliminary interview conducted
Witnesses who require special consideration are
- children
- mentally impaired
- foreign nationals
- reluctant witness
Locating witnesses in communities
- sporting
- cultural
- religious
- clubs
- occupational
Preliminary interviews should be conducted in accordance with - investigative interviewing witness guide
- limited to using appropriate TEDS questions
- framed to illicit a brief account
Section 105 evidence act 2006 special consideration for witnesses to give evidence in alternative way
The witness interview plan normally covers
- time and location
- amount of information to be disclosed to the interviewer
- interview objectives
- supporting the interview
- structure of the interview
Every piece of evidence left behind by the offender at a scene is
Discovered, preserved, recovered and interrogated
The doctoring underpinning the preservation and examination of any crime scene is
- add nothing
- subtract nothing
- alter nothing
Oc search must confer with oc investigation to arrange
- appreciation of the search
- legal grounds for the search
- boundaries of the search
- type of search required
- staffing levels for the search
- type of organisation required
Priority searches enable
The enquiry to make rapid progress or lead directly to early resolution of the investigation
To be effective and efficient a search must be
- intelligent led
- scenario based
- feature focussed
- and adhere to systematic standard operating search procedures
Profiled feature searches include
- utilises features that were significant to offender or victim individuals
- uses selected features to help choose appropriate resources
- covers ground quicker with fewer resources
- intel led searching
Area based searches include
- splits an area into sections
- works on probabilities or article detection
- resource intensive
- can become speculative searching
Least effort principal dictates
The offender will travel no further than needed to dispose of the body
Search methods available
- sweep
- contact search
- parallel lane
- grid
- double strip
- roadside search
Search headquarters
- Sufficient staff to conduct search
- forensic mapping capability
- photographer
- exhibits officer
- logistics officer
- transport
- equipment
- evidential number
Evidential member for search team
Records area searched by whom and how
Preparing a search plan
- divide area into small clearly defined sections
- use police dogs
- metal and heat detectors
- defence force specialists
- rotating search teams
- risk assessment
Police dogs can detect
- human remains
- drugs
- scent
- explosives
- firearms
- location of crime scene
One of the most important considerations of the homicide investigation is collecting information from and co-ordinating support for the family of the deceased.
Family liaison plan should consider
- exit plan for the FLO
- objectives of the FLO
- most appropriate method of conducting interviews with family members
- info to be releases and withheld from the family.
- requests made by the family
- complainants made by the family
- any member of the family who could be considered a suspect
- liaison with victim support and other services
Before being stood down the FLO should ensure that support services are ongoing for the family
Before an FLO is considered the oc investigation should consider
- the suitability of the officer for retention in the role
- whether additional FLOs should be considered
- the needs and wishes of the family
Suspect within the family. The oc investigation must review the plan regularly and should consider
- the FLOs welfare and safety
- increased monitoring of the FLOs work and interaction with the family
- the level of information disclosure to the FLO and in turn the family
- the process by which intel from the FLO from contact with the family will be managed
- he need for the FLO to be clear in their intentions with the family
Before meeting with the family the FLO must
- liaise closely with the oc investigation regarding parameters of information to be shared and withheld with the family
- familiarise themselves with the enquiry
- familiarise themselves with family dynamics
- establish what contact family have had with police since incident
- establish what information has been given to family
- establish what information concerning the incident is already public knowledge
During the early stages the FLO must
- provide immediate appropriate information to the family around the death and explain what happens next in respect of the body
- provide family with coronial booklet “when someone dies”
- establish from family members any immediate evidence information or rumours
- act quickly in respect of the personal safety of any family member.
- initiate immediate support for family
- advise family of court procedures
/ arrange for crown to meet family
Where an arrest has been made the FLO must
- inform the family of their right to register on the victim notification register
- ascertain views of family re bail
- inform family of charges laid
- date and place of court appearance
- accused release on bail
- any application made by the accused
- ## details of bail conditions
Sources of information- friends and lifestyle of a victim may include the following people
- friends
- work mates
- associates
- social media contacts
- hobbies and habits
- cultural associations
- customers or suppliers
- regular people in contact with victim
- religious associates
Passive data from FLO may include
- medical history
- mental health
- vehicle details
- banking
- photos
- passports
- internet usage
- mobile phone
Purpose of a media strategy
- establishes circumstances of the incident and bringing any offender to justice
- manage police interaction with the media
- reassures and maintains public confidence in police
- maximises police communications opportunities in the search for information
Objectives of a media stratergy
- identify the suspect
- locate suspect where I’d is known
- warn the public of any danger
- identify the victim
- generate intel
- ## I’d and locate witnesses
Important early action steps for media liaison
- notify communication room
- staff briefing and media liaison
- complete serious incident notification
- brief family of victim
- media interest in victim
- record keeping
- manage response to appeals
- media event publisher interface
- internet searches
Define sub judice
It means something that is under judicial consideration and therefore prohibited from public discussion elsewhere
Restrictions placed on release of information
Police must not comment about
- matters that are sub judice
- make unfavourable comments about other government agencies
- criticise police national policy, the courts or statute.
- comment on matters likely to conflict with the commissioner or minister of police
Initial media response
- the police are currently investigating an incident
- general location of incident
- initial observations - if it suspiscous
- post mortem arrangements
- establishment of a homicide base
- initial appeal to witnesses
Oc general enquiries
Briefing a general enquiries team
- obtain digital photographs of key witnesses
- be meticulous when conducting enquiries
- supply regular briefings to oc phase and investigation
- attend investigation team conferences
- complete fws instead of job sheets
- when each enquiry is complete submit original and three duplicates
- update CID when directive issued
Four principles of passive data
- don’t change data on exhibit
- where data is changed it must be documented why
- create an audit trail.
- oc investigation has overall responsibility that Hess principles are adhered to
Role of 2IC provides these key roles
- quality assurance
- accountability for management of investigation and prosecution files
- flow of communication throughout the investigation team
- ensures investigation is set up and operated properly
Staff joining the investigation team must be briefed.
These should be covered in the initial briefing
- organisation chart
- role of each person
- required standards of investigation and correspondence
- file management
- introduce support staff from out of town
- logistics such as meals
- use of notebooks
- key investigation objectives
What is the purpose of phase conference
- to update oc investigation and 2IC on all progress since the previous conference
- plan for the following day and agree on priorities
- raise any issues or risks
Responsibility of file manager
- assist establishing and maintaining investigation headquarters
- operate serious crime document management system
- manage electronic and physical files for investigation
- support the 2IC by reading all documents and highlight important investigative topics
- assist 2IC with identification and recording of evidential material
- complete a synopsis of all documents received
- assist with preparation of the prosecution file
- assist with management of the trial
What are the two systems used to manage information and documents in a homicide investigation
- serious crime template
- national crime investigation database (CID)
To ensure an effective communication flow within the investigation team the file manager must
- utilise the project code numbers established by the 2IC
- establish a dedicated radio channel
- set up and manage electronic staff folded
- advise all staff how to store their work in their own folder
- put file path names on all documents
- set up a folder for all e mails relating to the investigation
- prepare an operation organisation chart for display
- arrange display boards with relevant photographs, maps, timelines to be displayed in the headquarters
- arrange typist to print out a roster for operation staff
- generate a NIA file number for the investigation
- source stationary
- setup in-trays for all oc phases
The disclosure manager must
- ensure all relevant discoverable material is provided to defence
- ensure all relevant and non discoverable material is identifiable, listed and defence advised
- continually assess the risk to ensure that non-discoverable material is identified and not disclosed
- continually review to ensure that ongoing lawful justification to withhold exists for each document that is withheld.
Intelligence structure within investigations are made up of four key components.
- collections
- support
- analysis
- supervision
Function of an intelligence is to inform the investigation through
- timely
- accurate
- actionable intelligence products that are responsive to the needs of the investigation
The use of intelligence in investigations can
- enhance focus
- increase effectiveness
- contribute to successful resolution
Some of the products offered by intel products
- i2 charts
- mapping
- subject profile
- telco analysis
- information report
- intelligence report
- network analysis