CS 2 Quiz Flashcards
the fact or state of belonging to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition
used to identify someone based on phenotypes
an ordered system of beliefs related to the worship of God or gods
the process of learning to become a member of a society or group
learning process through which new members of a group or country assume the characteristics of that culture
when the new members of a group gradually learn and take on the essential values, beliefs, and behaviors of the dominant culture
tendency to think that your own group is superior
dominant culture
the group that has the most authority or power to control values and reward or punish behaviors
groups within a larger culture or social system that have some characteristics that are different from those of the dominant culture
minority groups
made up of individuals who share race, religion, or ethnic heritage. smaller group
vulnerable populations
groups more likely to develop health problems and experience poorer outcomes
culture univesals
values, beliefs, and practices that people from all cultures share
culture specifics
the values, beliefs, and practices that are unique to a culture
cultural archetype
symbol for remembering the cultural specifics and is usually not negative
cultural sterotype
an unsubstantiated belief that all people of a certain racial or ethnic group are alike
environmental control
persons perception of their ability to plan activities to control nature or direct environmental factors
biological variations
ways people are different genetically and physiologically
magico-religious system
belief in supernatural forces dominates, voodoo
focuses on the need for harmony and balance of body with nature
emphasizes the relationships among all living things
nursing values
nursing autonomy, caring, use of nursing process, objective reporting and description of pain
cultural awareness
an appreciation of the external signs of diversity
cultural sensitivity
an awareness or knowledge of the uniqueness of other cultures
cultural competence
the ability to effectively incorporate culture into the provision of care to to show respect, accept differences, and empower decision making
complementary med
the use of rigorously tested therapies to complement those of conventional medicine
alternative med
used instead of conventional medical care
negative attitudes toward other people based on faulty or rigid stereotypes
behavioral manifestations of prejudice
“map” that outlines essential beliefs, values, and code of conduct
“journey” to attempt to find meaning, value, and purposes in life
irreversible cessation of circulation & respiratory function, and all functions of the brain
the undesired change or removal of a valued object, person, or situation
the physical, psychological, and spiritual response to a loss
prolonged, deep state of unconsciousness lasting days or even years
persistent vegetative state (PVS)
loss of higher cerebral functions
palliative care
comfort care with or without curative intent
hospice care
comfort care without curative intent; the patient no longer has curative options or has chosen not to pursue treatment because the side effects outweigh the benefits