Crystals and scattering Flashcards
All sides and all angles different
Identity or inversion centre only (1-fold)
All sides different, one unique angle
One 2-fold rotation axis or one mirror plane
All side different, all angles 90 deg
Three perpendicular 2-fold rotation axes or one 2-fold axis of rotation and two mirror planes
Point group
Group of symmetry related points.
Number means fold, m means mirrorplane, / is that they are paralell.
Point group: Triclinic
Point groups: Monoclinic
2, m, 2/m
Point groups: Orthorhombic
mmm, mm2, 222
Symmetry related intensities
For a specific point there are intensities that are the same as it, related by symmetry (the point group)
Point group: -1
Inversion :)
hkl = -h-k-l, -hkl = h-k-l, h-kl = -hk-l, hk-l = -h-kl
Point goup: m
Mirror plane
4x2: hkl = -hk-l = -h-k-l = h-kl,
-h-kl = -hkl = hk-l = h-k-l
Point group: 2
2-fold along one axis (probably y)
Point group: 2/m
Parallell 2-fold and mirror plane
Point froup: mmm
Mirror plane in x, y and z
Point group: 222
2-fold along x, y and z
Point group: mm2
Mirror in x, y and 2-fold in z