Crusades Flashcards
Why is it called the peasants crusade?
Kill Jews and disrupt trade supply lines to Constantinople
What does Turkish turmoil cause?
Knights in June (1099-1500)
Go to Jerusalem and slaughter Muslims
What are the Crusader States?
Nobles and knights create own kingdom as result of ambition greed and glory
Jerusalem Crusader States
1144 falls to Muslims
1147 second formed state takes it back
1197 Saladin of Islam takes it back, lets Christians visit
3rd Crusade (1187-1192)
Started by French German and English Monarchs
To get back Jerusalem but Saladin allows them to visit
First Crusade (1096-1099) (Peasants Crusade)
Where was it supposed to start?
What caused it to not leave from that place?
Piety- killing non- Christians would forgive sins
Poverty- caused a lot of peasants
4th Crusade (1202-1204) Where does it start? Where does this crusade go? What does the pope do?
Venice because the trade routes need to be open
Constantinople and sacked city
Pope condemns Crusade
What are the benefits of the Crusades?
Knowledge that inspired renaissance
Math astronomy geography language
Desire for luxury and eastern goods
Trade loss causes exploration
What is the agricultural evolution (1000-1300)
Food and surplus is important because city is poor
What are the agricultural advances?
Horses - horse shoes and collar
3 field system
Why are the burghers significant?
Surpass nobles and just pay kings taxes
What does the king do with his money?
Pays big army in cash
What are leagues?
Security across towns
What are guilds?
Merchants and craftsmen with power
England’s rise
The Norman Conquest
How does England grow?
Rise of William (1066-1087)
Demands loyalty
Rise of Anglo Saxon law
Crimes against state and individual