Cruise, Descent, and Approach / Landing Flashcards
@ After reaching TOC
Cruise Procedure
RVSM Check
Fuel Check
@ Once Approach Procedure is Known
PF does everything:
ATIS, Weights, Plates, Gates
FMS - STAR, APR, Transition
(always confirm and execute in the Legs page)
Compute Landing Weight, Landing Data
VFTO, V2GA, DH / MDA (on
VREF @ Runway in FMS
@ TOD or 20 min prior to Landing
Descent Procedure
Begin Descent 290 / .74
PM: Contact Station Ops w/ specials / gate assignment
Notify F.A. “ Flight Attendants please prepare the cabin for arrival”
Seat Belt Switch On
Pressurization Panel - confirm landing elevation
@ 18,000
Altimeters - Set as required
lights - all on except nose landing light
@ 18,000 or TOD whichever is later
PF: * “Descent Checklist”
Before descending through 10,000
Flight and NAV instruments verified
VHF NAV frequency SET
@ 10,000
CA: Cycle seat belt switch for 2 chimes
PF: * “Approach Checklist”
@ 15 miles to Airport
Slow to 200
Flaps: 8
Airspeed: 180
@ 10 miles to Airport
Flaps: 20
Airspeed: 170
@ 3-4 miles to FAF
or abeam touchdown point (visual??)
“Gear Down, Flaps 30”
PM: # Landing Procedure
Gear Down
Flaps 30
Chime Cabin
Thrust Reversers Armed
@ 1-2 miles from FAF
“Flaps 45, Landing Checklist”
Select Flaps 45
accomplish Landing CHecklist
When Cleared to Land CA turns on nose Landing Light
Landing Roll
@ Main Gear Touchdown
PF: Verify Thrust Idle
PM: call “Spoilers Green”
Select Thrust Reverser to idle as lowering nose wheel
after nose wheel touchdown increase reverse thrust as needed
apply brakes steadily, increasing pedal pressure, adjusting for runway condition
@ 90 knots
PM: “90 knots”
PF: initiate movement of thrust reversers to reach reverse idle detent by 60 knots
Captain calls “my flight controls”
@ When clear of the active and at a speed a 180* turn can be made and workload permits
After Landing Procedure
Wx Radar - OFF Flaps - UP Anti-Ice - As Reqd Cont Ignition - Off APU - As Reqd Bleeds - As Reqd
CA: Lights Set
CA: * After Landing Checklist
@ After 2 min cool down and single engine taxi is desired
CA: “Engine Shutdown”
L or R Boost Pump switchlight - pressed out
L or R Thrust Lever - SHUT OFF
If taxing with L engine only hydraulic pump 2B should be on for full braking
@ 30-60 seconds or three airplane lengths from stopping at the gate
Cowl Anti Ice - OFF
@ After Stopping at the Gate
Parking Brake - SET
N/W Steering Switch - OFF
“ Seat belts Switch Off”
“Engine Shutdown”
After Chocks- PA “Flight attendants, door for arrival”
Shutdown Procedure
Seat Belts - OFF Generator - SET External Power/ APU - available L+R Fuel Pump - OFF L+R Thrust Lever - Shut Off
Aft Cargo - As Reqd Anti Ice - ALL OFF Hydraulics - OFF Beacon - OFF Transponder - Stand By
@ When Engines are shutdown
CA: “Shutdown Checklist”
@ After coordination with operations
accomplish secure checklist only when aircraft will remain for more than two hours.
captain designates crezwmeber to complete *secure checklist
If last flight of day:
if discrepancy exists contact MOC through dispatch ASAP for corrective action and to avoid delay. place placard if available.
exterior inspection (FO or CA)
Go Around
PF: hit TOGA, “Go Around, Set Thrust”
…. with increasing airspeed/altitude “Flaps 8”
PM: …. positive rate
PF: “Gear Up, Speed Mode, NAV/HDG Mode”
PM: Climb, FMS / Heading
@600 ft - “Autopilot”
@1000 ft bug 200 of VFTO (whichever greater)
If flaps 20: at V2 +12 "Flaps 8" If at Flaps 8: at VFTO/200 - 15 "Flaps Up"
after first flap retraction “Climb Thrust”