Crucible essay Flashcards
“The Crucible” was written by Arthur Miller and is set in Salem during the witch trials (1692) It follows the central characters; John Proctor, his wife Elizabeth and their past maid Abigail Williams. It begins in Salem where the town is descending into chaos as Abigail claims that the devil has infiltrated the towns people. The theme of redemption is mainly seen through Millers characterisation of the flawed protagonist, John Proctor. Proctor had an affair with Abigail, where he is now trying to repent his sins. Through out the play we see Proctors character develop along with audience reaction towards him
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Miller effectively uses dialogue to provoke a negative response to John Proctor in the opening act. We find Abigail and Proctor alone together, exchanging flirtatious looks and dialogue. Miller explains through stage directions how Proctor initially seemed flattered “The faintest suggestion of a knowing smile on his face” Showing that Proctor still has some romantic feelings towards Abbey. When Abigail is encouraged to respond with the same amorous attitude, Proctor immediately shuts her down “No, no Abbey. That’s done with” The repetition of “No” accentuated the idea that Proctor is battling with his inner conflict. He has to convince himself not to be disloyal to his wife. It also emphasizes the the power Proctor has over Abbey and how manipulative he is. This highlights theme of redemption as it shows that although Proctor has some self control, he is still leading Abigail on and being disloyal to Elizabeth. The audience feels negatively towards Proctor at this point in the play
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Miller skilfully uses relationship to stress how Proctors dishonourable actions have affected his marriage, giving the audience mixed feelings about his character. After Elizabeth found out about Proctor and Abbeys affair their relationship has been cold and unloving. The stage directions describe the Proctors household as “Low”, “Dark” and “Empty” This symbolises their broken marriage and helps us appreciate the impact of Proctors affair. The words used have connotations to depression and loneliness which emphasizes how Elizabeth is feeling. This makes the audience dislike Proctor a she has caused such an impact in Elizabeth’s life. The stage directions describe Proctors initial reaction to the stew prepared by Elizabeth as “Not quite pleased and adds salt” Miller uses this as a symbol for proctor marriage, John isnt content in his relationship. Later on in the scene he tells Elizabeth that the stew is “Well seasoned.” This accentuates how Proctor hasnt fully learned from his mistakes and is still lying to his wife. Although, Miller could of also intended for this to portray Proctor as wanting to please Elizabeth and flatter her. This gives the audience conflicted opinions on Proctor as although he lied it had honourable intentions behind it
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Miller expertly uses the turning point to emphasize Proctors character development, making the audience feel more warm towards him. John is in the court room trying to convince the people that Abigail isnt as innocent as everyone believes she is. To prove she isnt pure, and save his wife, Proctor admits they had an affair “In the proper place, where my beasts are bedded” This suggests how ashamed Proctor feels, he is debased by giving into his urges. “Beasts” is a symbol of his passion as animalistic and how he cannot control his impulses. Although this makes the audience view Proctor as pathetic for not being able to resist the urge to cheat on his wife, it also makes them feel some small sense of forgiveness seeing how ashamed and sorry he is. In later dialogue he says it was “The last night of joy” This refers to his sexual encounter with Abigail and the impact it had on his marriage, causing him unremitting misery since. This helps the audience understand that although Proctor made a mistake he is having to deal with the consequences. When Elizabeth is asked about the affair she lies and says “My husband is a good and righteous man” Despite Elizabeth lying she had good intentions of preserving his reputation. We can see a change of heart from Elizabeth towards Proctor as she’s had an epiphany where she realises that despite his sin Proctor is a moral character. The audience is reinforced that Proctor is a “good” person when Elizabeth describes him positively despite his past actions. This scene makes the audience feel more sympathetically toward Proctor as he has shown that he cares about his wife more than Abby and is prepared to tarnish his good name to save her
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Miller effectively uses the climax to emphasize Proctors character development, provoking an increasingly positive response from the audience. In the final act Proctor falsely admits to being involved with the devil in order to live. However, in a dramatic change of his mind he says “I lie and sign myself to lies!” Miller uses both symbolism and irony in a highly effective manner here. In the play it is said that the devil is trying ti gain souls through obtaining signatures for his book. Miller is implying that by the officials wanting Proctors signature its similar to the devils work. The dramatic impact from this scene is coming from Proctors dilema, he is places in an impossible situation; Lie and live with never ending shame or tell the truth and die. This highlights how Proctor has developed since act one, he was more inclined to lie back then whereas now he is more mindful when sinning, making the audience admire his character. Emphasizing his shame further he says “I have three children- how may I teach them to walk like men in the world, and I sold my friends?” His anguish here makes it obvious that he knows that he will be able to live with his conscience if he goes through the confession. He is also aware that he cannot be a source of moral authority or a role model to his sons if they are aware he has lied to save his life whilst others have died a brave death to protect them and theyre selves reputation. This further highlights Proctors character development as in act one he lied to Elizabeth regardless of her feelings whereas now he is mindful of his sons and how this could impact theyre lives. This makes the audience more fond of Proctor as he has clearly learned from his mistakes and changed to become a better man.
Miller expertly used conflicted characters, like Proctor, to provoke contrasting opinions. Proctor firstly came of as am unlikeable coward but through out the play proved he had changed into a brave, noble man