Crucial Conversation Phrases II Flashcards
I like to ____ for fun
Please do not laugh at me when I am speaking tigrinya
Tigrinya aytesakha-uni
M. Aytesakheni
F. Aytesakhn’i
I would not laugh at you if you tried to speak english
Engelenzia zera-ba-khum ay-tse-kha-kumin (pl)
Engelenzia zera-ba-kha/khi ay-tse-khe-kan/keen (m/f)
You can teach me tigrinya and I can teach you english
Tigrinya amher-enee
Engelenzia kem-her-ekha
What do you like to do for fun?
Which part of Tigray did you come from?
Do you like going to school?
What is your favorite part about going to school?
We have school supplies to donate
What is your favorite sport?
If you had a message to the diaspora what would it be?
What do you think is stopping you from continuing your education?
What do you want to be when you grow up?
I study ____
My family is from Mekelle