Crucial Accountability Flashcards
who wrote the book?
Kerry Patterson and 4 other people
holding an accountability discussion - no. 1
chose the issue you care about most.
- problem come in bundles.
before holding an accountability discussion - consider:
Pattern - rule
when planning holding an accountability discussion
create the right climate for an accountability discussion
by avoiding assumptions
how do we create the right climate for an accountability discussion
pay attention to the story we tell ourselves
‘fundamental attribution error’ - assume people are bad.
when somebody is not fulfillin comittment, resit the earge the the prson is awful and otr factors might have
influenced the behavious
how do we uncover the reasons before people’s actions?
- motivation, skills,
physical and organizational reason
social , structural issues.
do they feel safe? safe climate
how do you make them feel safe?
show respect
establish a shared purpose
what would make somebody unsafe?
lack of respect: tone, delivery, body language
disregard for the person’s goals and address: they neae to be address.
respect - how you view other.
how you view them, is often how you treat them.
ask permision to discuss an issue - when addressing a sensitive issue
contrasting tactique: anticipate any wrong colncusion that migh arise AND reasure this is not waht you mean, but youwnat to address somethig specific.
Establish a common purpose - important
when can you address the issues?
only after mutal repsct and common golad have been set up
what are the steps?
- lead with FACTs, not accusations or conclusions
- explain the gap (what you expected; what actually happened)
- use careful language: i thought , I was wondering.. - end with a question - as it creates a dialogue which helps to solve the problem together.
what motivates people’s behaviour>?
how do you morivate a change in behaviour
consequences, possible outcomes
to motivat a change in behaviour , explain the natural consequences:
- long term benefits that outweigh the sort term effort
- outcomes aligned with people’s values
- future problems connected to their current behavious
- how other people are affected.
Ask their opinion - ask them to share their views - listen to them
anoher way to morivate a change in behaviour ?
create a wokr around for the problem and explaine it to the person. Sharing your coping strategy makes the other person aware of the cause and effect associted to their problem.
barriers, solutions
empower other, hear their idea about their solution, and add your own thoughts only is necessary.
help someone become more accountable by working together to remove barriers
be mindful of ‘climate change’. what do you do about it?
stay flexible: re-establish the safe climate ASAP
they will want to change the topic:
we go back to x later, id just like to talk aobut y now
solve this new isue in the same method i was going to address the original one (steps 1, 2, 3L
- establish safety
explain the natural consequences
explore potential barriers and solutions)
retunr to the original prblem.
what do you do if intense emptions crop up?
uncover what is causing them immediately
this will allow the conv to continue.
ask how thue
ask how they feel and why and read their body language
if you notice inconsistencies, ask them to open up.
how to you manitain safety and make them feel listened to?
paraphrase what they said
ask them to clarify
take a sensitive quess at waht they are thnking
reasssure it is ok to talk about it.
how di you end accoutnability discussion?
agree a detailed plan of action
otherwise the resolutin can be interpreted differently by the parts involved
how do you create an effective plan?
how do you create an effective plan?
who -
when - as specific as possible
who will do what task by when, - clearly defined, with MEASURABLE expectations.
= how and when to follow up?
follwo up sessio soon and ofter if needed
key message
people respond depnding on how to approace them
- wide range of factors could have lead to the broken promisse - do not judge, but address with
-shares purpose
this sets the stage to
-identify the reasons behing the unmet expectations
-find solutios
i-create plans
actionalbe advice
enocurage people to keep me posted
let me know as soon as any circumstances change