crt - timeline quiz #1 Flashcards
Derrick Bell hired as a Harvard Law faculty and develops courses on civil rights law
Bell published casebooks on Race, racism and American law
Bell had introduced his concept of “Interest convergence” in an article
Alan D. Freeman (law professor SUNY Buffalo) publishes “legitimizing Racial Discrimination through Antidiscrimination Law: A Critical
Review of Supreme Court Doctrine” which explores the Supreme Court’s role in legitimizing race in the Minnesota Law Review
Student-led initiative to offer an alternative course on race and law (organized by Kimberlè Crenshaw) based on Bell’s course and textbookwhere
students brought in visiting professors to teach chapter by chapter from Race, racism, and American law.
Law Professor Eric Yamamoto publishes “Korematsu Revisited: Correcting the Injustice of Extraordinary Government Excess and Lax Judicial
Review–Time For A Better Accommodation of National Security Concerns and Civil Liberties” which explores the constiutional cases of
Japanese Internment
Kimberle Crenshaw explores “intersectionality” in her paper “Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex” published by the
University of Chicago Legal Forum
Summer of 1989
Kimberlé Crenshaw, Neil Gotanda, and Stephanie Phillips organized first-ever workshop at the University of Wisconsin-Madison entitled “New
Developments in Critical Race Theory”. The organizers coined the term “Critical Race Theory” to signify an “intersection of critical theory and
race, racism and the law.”
University of Arizona law professor Robert A. Williams, Jr. publishses The American Indian in Western Legal Thought: The Discourses of
Conquest focusing on legal prejudice again indigenious tribes in America
1990 (second)
Duncan Kennedy published his article on affirmative action in legal academia in the Duke Law Journal and Anthony E. Cook published his article
“Beyond Critical Legal Studies” in the Harvard Law Review
Bell developed the concept of racial realism in a series of essays and book, Faces at the bottom of the well: the permanence of racism
Cheryl I. Harris published her Harvard Law Review article “Whiteness as Property:” she described how passing led to benefits akin
to owning property
University of New Mexico professor Antoinette Sedillo Lopez edits a publications of Latinos in the United States History, Law and Perspective: Criminal justice and Latino communities which compiles legal scholarship about legal experience of this group
Gloria Ladson-Billings & William F. Tate began applying the critical race theory framework in the field of education: “Toward a Critical Race
Theory of Education” described the role of the social construction of white norms and interests in education, sought to better understand inequities in schooling
“Critical Race Theory: Past, Present, and Future” published by Delgado and Stefancic: traces the origins of CRT to the early writings of Derrick Albert Bell Jr. (including his 1976 Yale Law Journal article, “Serving Two Masters,” his 1980 Harvard Law Review article entitled “Brown v. Board of Education and the Interest-Convergence Dilemma”)
20+ American law schools & at least 3 non-American law schools offered critical race theory courses or classes