Crown, parliament, plots and court life Flashcards
What year was the English Civil War fought? Who fought it?
1642-48. Fought between the Royalists + Parliamentarians
What was the Divine Right of Kings?
The belief that the monarch was chosen by God to to be King, therefore he should make his own decisions.
Who won the civil war?
Parliamentarian forces
In what year was Charles I executed?
What was a rump parliament?
It consisted of the remaining MPs who were governing England when it became a Commonwealth.
In what year was Parliament disbanded?
What title did Oliver Cromwell give himself to rule over the Protectorate?
Lord Protector
What years did Charles II spend in exile?
What year did Oliver Cromwell die? What happened to his body?
Died in 1658. He was buried normally however, when Charles 11 became King his body was dug out of his grave; head was executed from body and displayed.
What year did the restoration of the monarchy take place?
What was the Long Parliament?
Consisted of MPs who had been forced out in 1648. Many of them accepted the idea of a monarchy.
When did Charles II reign from?
It was backdated to 1649; when his father was executed
What was the Declaration of Breda?
Consisted of promises Charles made in order for him to be able to return.
What was the Act of Indemnity and Oblivion?
A law that promised those who fought against Charles 1 would not be prosecuted.
What is a regicide?
A person who played a key part in Charles 1 trial and execution who was then arrested and put to death.
What three problems did Charles II face when he was restored to the throne?
The fact that there were religious +political divisions in the country. Also, Parliament was now more powerful than it had previously been therefore Charles 11 was forced to listen/take its advice. Money/religion/foreign policy.
What was the Convention Parliament? What year was it?
A split between Royalists + Parliamentarians. Ran from 1660-61
What was the Clarendon Ministry? What years?
New gov ran by Lord Clarendon
What was the Triennial Act? What year was it passed?
What is ‘Cabal’?
What was the Danby ministry?
Who were the Whigs?
Who were the Tories?
What were the Exclusion Parliaments?
Who was the Earl of Clarendon?
Who was the Earl of Danby?
Who was James, Duke of York?
What kind of things contributed to economic problems?
Give two examples of unpopular tax.
Give an example of a Conformist.
Give examples of non-conformists.
What was the Declaration of Indulgence? What year?
What was the Clarendon Code?
What was the second Declaration of Indulgence and what happened to it?
In what year were the Dutch victorious in the Battle of Medway?
When and what was the Treaty of Dover?
In what year did James, Duke of York become Catholic? Why was this a worry?
Why was France posing a threat of Catholicism?
What happened in August 1678?
What and when was the Popish Plot?
What and when was the Rye House Plot?
Who was Titus Oates?
Why was there a succession problem?
When and what was the First Exclusion Bill?
When was the Second Exclusion Parliament held?
When did the Third Exclusion Parliament meet? What did it say?
Who was Lord Shaftesbury?
What years did Charles rule without parliament ?
Who might succeed Charles II on the throne?
What was Charles II nickname?
What had life been like during the Interregnum years?
Why was Charles II’s nickname ‘the Merry Monach’
What does patronage mean?
Give examples of the Kings ministers
What is a rake?
Who was Catherine of Braganza
Where was the centre for court affairs?
What does Baroque mean?
How was Charles a leader in fashion?
Why did Charles image matter? What did he do to create a good image of himself?
When was the Great Plague of 1665?
What was the bubonic plague ?
What was a bill of mortality?
What did people believe caused the plague in 1665?
What sort of measures were put in place to combat the plague?
What effects did the plague have on the population?
What effect did the plague have on the economy?
What effect did the plague have on medical ideas?
What effect did the plague have on opinion?
When was the Great Fire of London?
How do we think it began?
Why did the fire spread so quickly?
Who was Samuel Pepys?
How much of the city did the fire destroy?
What were some consequences of the fire?
Why were Wren and Evelyn’s plans to rebuild London not carried out?
Who or what did people blame for the fire?
What was the relationship shared between Charles II and theatres?
List 5 facts about theatres in Restoration England
What was the relationship shared between women and the theatre?
Who was Nell Gwynne?
WHo was Aphra Behn?
What were typical features of Restoration comedies?
Give two theatre companies that were given patents by Charles II
What were the expectations for women?
What role did women play in the home?
How did women become involved in politics?
How did women become involved in business?
How did women become involved in the arts?
How did women become involved in medicine?
What was the Royal Society?
why did coffee houses become meeting places?
What did Charles II think about coffee houses?
Who was Robert Hooke?
Who was Robert Boyle?
5 reasons why you might visit a coffee house?
Who was Christopher Wren?
What influenced Wren?
list 5 facts about the Royal Observatory.
Who was John Flamsteed?
Three instruments found in the Royal Observatory
Why was Tangier in North Africa important?
Why was Bombay in India important?
What happened in 1664 with regard to Englands territory?
why did people settle in Massachusetts Bay?
What did Quakers do in 1681
What did Charles do in 1663 in regard to Carolina?
What was the Hudson Bay Company trading? What year was it set up?
what is a letter of marque
In what year did England capture Jamaica from the Spanish?
Who was Captain Henry Morgan?
How did trade with colonies impact Restoration England?
Name 5 English colonies?
List 6 products that were imported from the colonies
What is mercantilism
What was the triangular trade
What products were in demand?
What were the Navigation Acts?
What years were the Navigation Acts passed?
What was the impact of the Navigation Acts?
How were Privateers different to pirates?
Why did smuggling become common?
Name four European countries that had over-seas colonies
List 6 exotic products that England imported from its colonies
Why did Europeans believe that they were justified in enslaving people?
Why did Europeans want to enslave people?
In what year was the Company of Royal Adventurers Trading In Africa established and what was it?
What products were taken to Africa?
Where were captured African people taken?
What was the Middle Passage?
What did enslaved people do?
Which ports in England were important to the slave trafe?
What was Abraham Crowley?
What was the impact of the slave trade?
Who benefitted from the trade in enslaved people?
why was a navy important?
Who was Lord High Admiral - until what year? Why did he get replaced and who by?
Who was Chief Secretary to the Admiralty?
What does press-ganged mean?
What was the Blue Water Policy?
What was the line of battle or line ahead?
When was the First Anglo-Dutch War?
What happened in 1663?
What happened in 1664?
When did Charles declare war on the Netherlands?
Describe the Battle of Lowestoft.
Why was it difficult to supply the ships?
When did France join the war? For what side?
How did the Second Dutch War end? Start from the Four Day Battle.
When did peace negotiations begin?
What was the Treaty of Breda? what year?
When was the Third Dutch war?
When was the Treaty of Dover signed? What was it?
What happned at the Battle in Schoonveld Channel and the Battle of Texel?
When was the treaty of Westminster signed?
Name four leaders of the English navy during the Dutch wars?
Name two battles won by the English
Name four campaigns the Dutch won
Why did Parliament disagree with Charles on the Dutch?
Why did England suffer defeat during the Dutch wars?
5 facts about Spain during the time
What was the Treaty of Madrid and what year?
What was the relationship like between England and Spain?
What was the relationship like between England and France?
What was the Treaty of Dover and in what year was it signed?
What was the Treaty of Germaine-en-Laye and what year?
What led to Charles proroguing Parliament?
Why were MP’s worries about Charles relationship with France?
Why did worries increase in 1685?
four ways in which Charles was closely connected with France